Saturday, July 28, 2012

Conrad Hilton Violates Probation

Conrad Hilton is on probation because of a previous pot arrest. As part of that probation he has to take drug tests. He failed one when he tested positive for pot. Back in November, Conrad got into a car wreck while high on pot and drunk on wine. You know he must have got the wine from home. What teenager is driving around with bottles of wine? If you manage to convince some place to sell you booze, you are probably not going to get $50 bottles of wine. I think one of his bottles was actually worth like $200, so you know it came from home. This is not big deal. The only reason anyone cares is because it is a Hilton. The good news is he doesn't have his own television show.


  1. Do you realize that out of the four Hilton kids, Nicky is the only one who hasn't been arrested? Great parenting, I say.

  2. I am going to hate myself for saying this...but I love that dress!

  3. And of course the fam is going to pay their way out of trouble, like usual and the spawn will never learn about consequences.

  4. If you (parents of Conrad) raised him to think nothing of smoking some weed, downing some wine and driving, hire him a damn driver. Fucking twats.

  5. Great! Another dumba$$ in the family. Can't they just lock these dumbies in the closet and through away the key?!

  6. Nicky may not have been arrested but she is a very nasty person, very nasty.

  7. This boy has a wonk eye, too! Look at it--the one on the left!

  8. Nolachickee- that's what I ALWAYS wonder about. If I ever become rich, I'd hire a driver to take me everywhere!

  9. BigMama-She has worn quite a few beautiful clothes. Nolachickee- yes, with all their money they could employ drivers. I don’t mind drug or alcohol taking but the line is obviously drawn at driving. Nobody deserves to be run down and injured or even killed by selfish bas.tards like these.

  10. Thank you @Linnea and @billybob. When I go out and get my Goose on, I take public transportation. Yeah, I said it. Rode the bus last night as a matter of fact. And if I had Hilton money, Charles would be waiting on my ass to get out of the club at whatever time and get into the backseat of the Bentley. What the hell is wrong with these people???

  11. These two look they could belong to the Aryan Hitler Youth program. Two selfish self absorbed ignorant white privileged twats I've ever seen.

    I hope he dies while driving drunk in his daddy's bmw (Im assuming) the next time he carelessly goes drunk driving. And he takes that std spreading sister with him.

  12. See this is the twunt that gives herb smokers a bad name. Like, really asshole? Driving while high? And drunk? I have never! But then I'm not a self absorbed over privledged nere do well that lives off of family money. Nimrod can afford a driver too! Just nonsense.

  13. How come famous people never get in trouble for helping the poor? Or staying in the library past closing? Or donating too much money to worthy cause? I actually feel sorry for these kids, they have a life with no purpose
    And i wld like details on nasty nicki!

  14. @AuntJess - I can not even begin to express my gratitude for the addition of the work "Twunt" to my vocabulary. If it's been around, I must have missed it. My friends are going to be soooooooooooo impressed. *giggle*

    Yeah, I started drinking early. But at least I'm not driving. :)

  15. BigMama I would love to but cannot claim credit for twunt. I believe Denis Leary and Rescue Me takes the awards for that one. Heehee. That was one of the best shows on tv for years!

  16. Can this whole family just please go away!?

  17. Hilton's, Kardashian's, Lohan's, inderited money, sex tape money, pimp your kids money.

    Worthless parents, worthless kids, in all that ways that matter.

  18. Nicky is the only one who has not gotten in trouble. I bet she does plenty of drugs, but she is smart enough to do them in private?

  19. Someone could have been hurt with this stunt. This is a big deal. Drunk driving as a teenager with no consequences? Drunk driving period. LOSER!

  20. I only care enough about these people to open up the comments and post this.

  21. Every time I see Hilton perfume on some mass retailer shelf I always wonder who the hell buys that stuff. She is nasty - don't give her your money. Stop paying her and she will fade away.

  22. @misch, please spill any details you know about Nicky's nastiness. ;)

  23. I just want to point out that he is wearing the same scarf Chuck Bass wore the whole first season of Gossip girl. totally appropriate for his situation. Spoiled rich kid with drug and alcohol problem.

  24. Yeah, my friend LeeAnn, who would have been 29 years old today, instead died at 17 because of some rich kid who was hopped up on booze and pills at 2pm on a Sunday and came around a curve and hit her and her friend head on.

    But you know, it was "no big deal."

  25. @amy, so sorry about the loss of your friend LeeAnn.
