You knew it was only a matter of time. A few months ago I told you about how Chris Brown and Rihanna hooked up three times ion one week. After that and the resulting firestorm, they kind of cooled things down and the next thing you know Rihanna was with Drake and Chris Brown which Chris didn't like, even though he is with lots of people. Anyway, Chris flew into France and within 24 hours Rihanna and Chris were having sex and are apparently going to give this thing a real shot and go public and stop hiding their relationship. This way when he beats her up again everyone will know it was him and Rihanna won't have to hide for a few days drinking in her hotel room. I don't understand this relationship, but then again, I don't understand a lot of relationships.
Oh Rihanna, you have to stay away, he won't change no matter how many times he promises he will.
ReplyDeleteAssuming this is true, of course.
they never stopped having sex/ a relationship. but how are they going to 'go public" if his girlfriend is in cannes with him? cuz she is.
ReplyDeleteFivehead gets what she deserves.
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't got a brain in her head.
ReplyDeleteCan I propose a Fivehead Free August???
ReplyDelete@rejectedcarebear - Please!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBefore all the crap starts up about how this time she "deserves" it if something happens to her or that she's "dumb" for getting back into a sure to be abusive relationship lets just simply say that it may be foolhardy of her to embark on this journey with Brown again BUT NO ONE deserves to be abused by another person. Mistaking what they have as love and missing him and wanting to be with him does not garner her any less sympathy from me if something happens again and he hurts her.
ReplyDeleteVictim blaming is just nasty and Im not gonna be apart of that scene.
Saying all that, GIRL, leaving Drake for Chris Brown? What are you, nuts? Dude had me at wheelchair jimmy. Damn he was so cute on Degrassi. but I digress :)
Oh RiRi! Is there something amazing about CB that you know and we don't? Sounds like he has some issues in bed (enty reveal), so what gives?
ReplyDeleteI here Sharon Stone is teaching some classes you may be interested in...
Good point @Jasmine! I think she's addicted to the drama of it all. And sadly, thats all she grew up with so that's her normal. ITA, no one ever deserves to be hit.
ReplyDeleteIf you are a grown woman with the resources to leave and still go back to an abuser, then I won't say you deserve what you get, but I will not feel bad for you when it happens, and I don't want to hear you crying when it does. Tell it to someone else.
ReplyDeleteWell that's just terrible and I am just abo.....zzzzzzzzzz
ReplyDeleteI felt bad for her when it first came out about him beating her. Sad that she obviously hasn't learned her lesson. And why in god's name would she pick Chris Brown over Drake?! Chris is starting to resemble Pookie from New Jack City...
ReplyDeleteCo sign with TV junkie. Don't come crying to me.
ReplyDeleteif you read some of the stuff that her dad says about her/how he treats her, this (sort of) makes sense. She has had terrible male role models. I don't think it's cool to victim blame, but girl has alot of money and should try to seek some counselling.
ReplyDeleteRhianna needs to rent a copy of What's Love Got To Do With It.
ReplyDelete@Jasmine ITA. I don't like this blaming the victim. She needs help, not castigation.
ReplyDeletewhy is she famous? she can't sing, she has a ginourmous forehead, she ain't pretty. i don't get it!
ReplyDeleteThis is her journey, her road, life, etc. I'm a big believer in lessons, that life is all about learning the "lessons" that we need to learn/know. They both have something important to learn from this relationship/thing and that's just what they're doing. They were separated by the law for a while and you know what happens when you take something away from someone that still wants it? They want it all the more. Let her learn, let her make mistakes, lord knows we've all been stupid and made messes as we've gone along through life. I know I have. Life's messy. She's just going through it, as we all are. The only way for her to learn is to go through it. She'll be hit again, and again, until she has a Tina Turner moment and decides that she's strong and isn't going to take it anymore. I feel for her suffering though.
ReplyDelete"Dreams unwind, love is a state of mind"
ReplyDeleteNo wait, that was Rhiannon.
They deserve each other. Two peas in a pod, who love to play with fire.
ReplyDeleteBased on looks alone, I don't find either Chris Brown or Drake attractive. Again, based on looks and not past actions, Chris Brown looks like a douche (esp his boat-neck tattoo) and Drake's hairline freaks me out.
ReplyDeleteRhianna might have alot of money and resources, but last I checked I am pretty sure she is still 23 maybe? How many of us here were making wise romantic choices at 23? I know I sure as hell wasn't. At 23 I had completed 2 degrees while working a full time job while still in school working on the 3rd, I owned a house and rented out spare rooms to fellow students, worked out regularly and played in a soccer league part of the year and still made the stupidest romantic decisions, like all the time. 23 was around the age that I started dating someone like Chris and I stayed with him until I wised up when I was 25. Rhi started with Chris when they were what, 18? All of us need to step back and evaluate ourselves when we were that age before passing judgement. Money doesn't guarantee maturity, nor necessarily should it.
ReplyDeleteFor those people saying she better not "coming crying about it", in what interview that she gave post-Emmy beating did she EVER play the victim? I cant remember it. First she refused to talk about it and then would finally respond minimally to questions about it during interviews. Most of those reponses had to do with moving on and forgiveness.
I agree that she needs help and should utilize what is available to her but lets keep in mind she is still young, was raised in an abusive home and has had Chris manipulating her since she was a teenager. I, for one will keep rooting for her.
i read somewhere chris brown and his GF recently broke up ...so i guess that's why he flew there it make it public with her.
ReplyDeleteWash, rinse, repeat.
ReplyDeleteWell, she can do what she wants. The thing is, if he beats her up again, I'll be on her side again. And it doesn't change the fact that CB is an anger infused a-hole.
ReplyDeleteLeave Ike and Tina Turner alone. If she wants to get her a$$ whipped by the rage monster that is her issue.
ReplyDeleteShe has gotta get tired of getting beat and know she deserves better. Its gotta come from her.
This is what was presented to her as "normal" when she was growing up. She has no idea there is a better relationship out there. And she and CB have their careers in common. You can bet he is throwing up the mirror to her every second. I just can't blame her entirely.
ReplyDeleteShe has low self-esteem.
ReplyDeleteTina is not a fan of Rhianna at all!
I just want to say, in my honest opinion, Rihanna seems to really like violence and sex. They seem to go hand in hand for her. I think she likes to be physically abused. So to me, this isn't about her learning a lesson or deserving what shes gets. This is her enjoying the violence. Rihanna is no innoccent victim. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteSorry, as much as I would love to feel sorry for her, I can't.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm fucked up in the head loving a guy that messed me up emotionally, but I will not go back to him. RiRi needs someone to talk to her and knock some sense in to her. Unfortunately, until she ends up in the hospital or worse, she will keep going back to him.
These fools deserve eachother. They're both dumb ass druggies that think they are hot and edgy. Please, go away with eachother - far, FAR away!
ReplyDeleteIf Karrueche is in France too, then how did this go down? Unless she watched (blind item reference?!). Seriously though, whether they had sex or not, Chris and Karrueche are still together so Rhianna and Chris couldn't go public right now if they wanted to.
ReplyDeleteEither way, I get my gossip on black celebrities by bloggers who actually research them on a daily basis, not Enty. It's obvious that you take a blurb and run with it when it comes to black celebrities, instead of researching the truth.
Thank you, Jasmine. I am not even going to attempt any comments after yours, because the few before yours that said that she deserved it pissed me off enough.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I kept reading...
ReplyDelete"I just want to say, in my honest opinion, Rihanna seems to really like violence and sex. They seem to go hand in hand for her. I think she likes to be physically abused. So to me, this isn't about her learning a lesson or deserving what shes gets. This is her enjoying the violence. Rihanna is no innoccent victim. Just saying."
Mish, you're fucking sick. There's a difference between rough consensual sex and abuse. Educate yourself, dumbass. Just saying.
hey Mish wouldn't she look cool with a fist tattoo next to her gun tattoo?
ReplyDelete@corkdork said...
ReplyDeleteRhianna might have alot of money and resources, but last I checked I am pretty sure she is still 23 maybe? How many of us here were making wise romantic choices at 23? I know I sure as hell wasn't.
Agreed, @corkdork. I think this girl has serious issues of self-loathing and low self-esteem, exacerbated by her alcohol and drug use. You can have thousands of people cheering at you on stage every night and the moment you get off stage, the feelings of self-loathing return, worse than ever. She needs help, not judgement. I hope the brute doesn't kill her this time.
she's 24 b/c she's 9 months older than me and i'll be 24 in november
DeleteIt's obvious they are both abusive to each other just like how HP likes being physically abused so does she and he obviously has "issues" too and obliges....
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm concerned she stopped being victim for me a long time ago, she knows what she is doing. What's sad is the impressionable people she will influence by going public with him stating that abusive relationships are ok...... That's what they will see and THAT is what is SO SAD and tragic.
AKM said..
ReplyDelete"Mish, you're fucking sick. There's a difference between rough consensual sex and abuse. Educate yourself, dumbass. Just saying."
@AKM - calm down, this is just a discussion, if you want to name call and get heated back away from the computer for awhile.
I'm not sure what is sick about thinking she likes sex and violence. Her body is covered in gun tats and thats all she sings about.
At this point I just don't care anymore. This isn't going to end well. Everyone can see it except for them. Too much money, too soon, for the too young. It's sad.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get a chance to finish my comment..
ReplyDelete@AKM - as for an education, please tell me what the difference is between rough consensual sex and violent consensual sex? You seem to highly informed on this matter..
If Rihanna could, she would walk around naked. She is sexually deviant and you can see it in her mannerisms and behavior.
Just. Saying.
Oh my Lord God. She deserves everything she gets then. There is no dick in the world worth constant beatings, unless you're a freaking masochist (which she may be).
ReplyDeleteShe won't deserve what happens, but she knows it is very likely. I will feel sorry for her, but not as much.
ReplyDeleteGetting mad about "blaming the victim" in a case like this isn't going to help, and it isn't realistic. I don't take out a roll of cash in sketchy areas as a precaution, because sure it would be the robber's fault, but I would rather prevent it happening in the first place.
I will still get mad at Chris Brown all over again.
This was reported yesterday by MediaTakeOut and I have a really hard time buying anything theyre selling. I do think Rihanna and Chris Brown still have sex but going public? Probably not. I dont understand it but shes not hurting anyone but herself. Its not like shes much of a role model regardless.
ReplyDeleteAnd really, is it ever necessary to curse at & name call a commentor?? I see a lot of things I disagree with but thats a bit extreme.
Yesterday it was really hot so I went out in a see-through swim coverup and then later had BDSM sex with my boyfriend as per usual. My tattoos showed through my coverup and I think my boyfriend licked the one that's you know where. I'm such a sexual deviant. Someone should really beat the shit out of me so I conform to what others opinions of appropriate fashion and sexual choices are. If only I could just lay there my back, lights off, eyes shut, mumu pulled up over my thighs and get it over with already because the dishes need to be done and Dance Moms will be on any minute now. Ugh, so much judgment to dish out, so little time.
ReplyDeleteToo funny!!! Dance moms on any minute :-)
ReplyDeletepeople saying she'll deserve it and blah blah blah, you make me sick. As a past victim of DV, one who got back together with her abuser multiple times, you people are cold and unfeeling. Do we not all make mistakes? Especially if its one of the first serious relationships you have, Its truly hard and confusing leaving someone like that. You confuse the abuse for love and if thats the only thing you've known, it can be so so hard to let go. I was involved for 3 years, it was so hard because he was the first person I had ever said I love you too or had made love to.
ReplyDeleteIt was horrible and I wouldnt wish it on ANYONE. Not even those of you who says girls like us deserve it.
How about this, am I allowed to say I don't care if he hits her again?
ReplyDeleteI have sympathy for her situation. Her father is a basher, and she was raised in a country where violence against women is an everyday thing.
ReplyDeleteShe's so GANGSTA now.
ReplyDeleteThey deserve each other.
I am just about done with CDaN. What the hell happened here?
ReplyDeleteI feel for her. This is not a healthy relationship and statistics show that many victims of domestic violence go back to their abusers multiple times before leaving. Let's hope this is the last time and someone can get her to see she deserves better.
ReplyDelete@Mooshki I hope you reconsider. I enjoy your posts
ReplyDeleteDon't see what the problem is,no one was calling for Diane Lane to leave Josh Brolin after he was arrested for his domestic?!?!
ReplyDeletehey Mish wouldn't she look cool with a fist tattoo next to her gun tattoo?
ReplyDelete10:19 AM
.... And a "wife beater" tee
Thanks, astrogirl, but it's hard to go on after reading a dozen comments about how a young woman is asking to be abused. There are still good people here, but they seem to be losing out to those with no compassion or empathy.
ReplyDelete@mooshki - please stay! we need to keep the intellegent ones. and I love that funny cow face you got going on...
THE TROLLS. Wtf? I wish we could flag comments on threads like these...
ReplyDeleteMooshki i get a bit outraged and let fly at some comments now and then but on the whole I usually feel sorry for their limited outlooks, as it shows their lack of moral fortitude and I comfort myself knowing they're probably living shitty lives.
ReplyDeleteYawnathon *high five*
Out of sympathy.
ReplyDeleteNo sympathy for this dumb cunt.
ReplyDeleteWhat I find even more disturbing are people DEFENDING Rihanna. People, her fans, other celebs have been telling her OUT OF CONCERN that she shouldn't get back together with Chris. Even if he changed, his attitude and asshole antics, have NOT changed.
ReplyDeleteShe SHOULD know better, and unfortunately she likes to remain ignorant. This isn't a girl who is from some small-town who doesn't know better, she DOES know better, people have TOLD her straight up. She chooses not to listen.
If anything bad happens, it is her fault because she has no concern of her fans, women, and the biggest lack of concern towards herself.
I know it's hard to leave your abuser and there's a lot of psych shit involved in the thinking process, but we're talking about RIHANNA, a public and very famous figure here, she can afford help, and has so many advantages other women in her situation don't have the means or even social support for.
She is a dumb cunt, plain and simple.
Shokran Marisol, you're my hero