Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Charlie Sheen Gives Huge Donation To USO

Charlie Sheen announced yesterday that he is giving at least $1M to the USO which is a troop morale organization that used to sponsor the Bob Hope concerts and if you ever see a celebrity in a war zone, the USO did it. Charlie's donation is among the largest ever that the group has received. Chances are it will be way more than $1M because Charlie is giving 1% of the profits from his new television show Anger Management. I guess this means that every military family will now be huge fans of the show. It is a great deed by Charlie and I am kind of shocked that the organization has never received a really big donation before.


  1. For a split second I thought the headline said UFO.

    Wouldn't be surprised.

  2. So money CAN buy friends.

  3. This has me conflicted. Yay, that a celebrity is donating such a chunk of money. Ew, that it is from Chuck himself.

  4. All the coke dealers and hookers in LA just cried a little

  5. My sister just got home from fighting, and was floored by this contribution. She said the USO is the absolute best organizations for soldiers.

  6. He kept his word and sent a check as well as a few personal appearances in the Tuscaloosa tornadoes last April in Alabama.

    I think he's good at heart, but just has a screw loose when it comes to emotional things.

  7. Wow! There is a human being under that mountain of coke and cum

  8. One good deed does not make up for the abuse he has inflicted on women in the past.

    He is still a vile, disgusting human being.

  9. At least he's trying or is he just quite smart, if his idea?

  10. It doesn't excuse a thing from his past, but good for him. I wish that more celebrities would follow in his footsteps by writing huge checks for worthwhile organizations.

  11. Glad this pr move will benefit the armed forces. Doubt it was his idea and I wouldn't be surprised if his new show isn't paying a little extra so Charlie isn't so out of pocket.

    Great for our men and women but still doesn't change my opinion of him as a man, though.

  12. And it still won't make me watch one episode of his new show.

  13. Just thought I'd cute and paste this from my earlier post on the Demi Moore thread:

    On last night's Monday Night Raw there was absolutely no mention of Charlie Sheen as the Social Media Ambassador for next week's 1,000th episode. Kind of hard to tweet without a twitter account. The only mention of it on wwe.com now is the post from 3 weeks ago, but it's no longer listed on the events and it wasn't even breathed about on the show last night even to say that it wasn't happening anymore. I sense another breakdown coming.

  14. well, at least that money is going towards something good rather than snorting crack off a hookers ass. i still dont like him though.

  15. @vicki: Your post made me actually LOL. I mean, THAT I can see!

  16. Sorry, "Vicki." (Or do you prefer "Ms. Cupper?")

  17. Just think of all the people he could help if every time he wanted to buy an 8ball, he put that money in a jar for charity instead.

    He could likely single-handedly recover Greece's economy.

  18. Lol, Robert! As long as it's not "stupid cunt," I don't care!

  19. Happy for the donation to a very deserving cause, but what a disgusting set of terms. Why not just donate the money, no limitations? No, it has to be, watch my show to keep it on the air so more money can go to the troops. Don't watch my show and the troops suffer! It's despicable.

  20. a lot of people think the USO is funded by the government its not its a private organization like the red cross donations are always needed to keep it going.

    I agree there is a lot of self serving interest in what Charlie is doing and of course a sweet tax write off.

    But at least it shines a light on the charities and encourages people to donate also.

    Sometimes you gotta get in bed with the devil.

  21. I'm glad he picked a worthy organization whatever his reasons.

  22. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I have a freind who worked for Charlie. She said he was always kind and respectful to her. No sexual advances or offers to do drugs, etc. She is very pretty too. She quit in early 2010 because her husband was getting transferred to Boston and she was expecting her first child. Her moving/baby gift from Charlie was very generous.

  23. The USO is also helpful to brand new recruits. Wide eyes kids get off of the plane and find a big USO kiosk at airports serving basic training schools. One could relax a bit, get a snack, and be pointed in the right direction for the bus or meeting place or w/e.

  24. This just proves that you can do good things and yet, still be a bad person.

    I'm appreciative of his contribution though, and hope the money is able to help a lot of military families.

  25. Kelsey, he has set it at 1% of the earnings with a minimum contribution of $1m... and no maximum. Whilst I am no fan of Charlie Sheens and don't think this was necessarily done with purely philanthropic motives, it is generous nonetheless. So whether or not the show is successful Charlie will donate the mil - hardly disgusting terms imho

  26. It is a nice thing that he is doing, but it would have been much more benevolent had he done this anonymously and not reaped the accolades from his good deed.

  27. No snark today from me for Charlie.

    He's doing a good thing and I think he should be commended for that.

  28. I actually like Charlie. He's not stupid and he knows how to keep himself relevant.

    Is he crazy? Sure, but that doesn't make him a bad person.

  29. @rejected - I actually lol'ed when reading your comment!

  30. Very nice Charlie. Thank you.

  31. @KPeony, repeated abuse of women makes him a bad person.

  32. I remember when I was kid they ran PSAs that said the USO is there only if you care.

    Charlie has already given $250,000 earmarked to build a USO center at what was Bethesda Naval Hospital and is now the (new)Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

    You can decide for yourself if Charlie is a good person who does bad things sometimes or a bad person who does good things on occasion. I don't think the USO or the military men and women it serves really give a shit.

  33. I'd rather see Charlie spend his insanely large fortune on the USO than on goddesses or legal fees or drugs. Good choice of where to give some money, Chuck.

  34. Supposedly Charlie Sheen was a sweetie before he got heavily involved with hookers and drugs. I'm not all that surprised at this. Anyone who throws desperately needed funds towards our soldiers has my love - from an ex-soldier (not pro-war, just sympathetic with the humans involved, and understanding the reasons why). I don't watch his shows, but sort of root for him because in a weird way, he helps the downtrodden.

  35. Oh, and I sort of like that he throws his money towards sex workers, who are probably the most denigrated strata in our society today. Drug dealers - not so much.

  36. I bet Charlie is a great guy 99.7% of the time unless he gets in one of his 'moods'.

  37. Great cause- no further comment on Charlie...

  38. Raise your hand if you've given to our troops in a substantial fashion in the last year.

    I'm team Charlie here. He may be a screw up but at least his money is going to serve some good.
    He didn't have to do this, btw. He just did. I think that's pretty cool. If anyone wants to know more about how to help vets, I humbly suggest wounded warriors. You can google it

  39. "...repeated abuse of women makes him a bad person."

    I have to disagree...and I work with DV survivors.

    A little background...in social work, we're just kind of trained to not see people as ALL good or ALL bad. We're ALL human, with good AND bad behaviors. And I pretty much believed this before all the schoolin'. I LIKE to think that MOST of us are decent people who exhibit bad behaviors on occasion. Of course, there is that converse faction of mostly-rotten people who might have still exhibited some good behaviors. From everything I've heard about Charlie Sheen, he's actually the former...a nice guy when he's taking his meds and not self-medicating.

    Oh, and proud Army daughter here who contributes to the USO all the time. And Cup of Joe For a Joe...check out THAT company. VERY cool.

  40. "Miss Cupper if you're nasty."

  41. Why didn't Chris Brown think of this?!?!

  42. All I can say is Thank You, Charlie. You gave your money to a very worthy organization that cares about the troops 100%. My husband is a retired Marine and I have two sons in the Marine Corps. It's really important that the guys over there know they are still remembered over here.

    As the ground war supposedly winds down and the camera crews leave, our men and women are still over there fighting. The USO sends care packages of needed things we take for granted like deodorant, baby wipes, Swisps, soap, body wash, and dental floss. Dental Floss has at least two usages, one obvious the other not so much. The Marines use it as sewing thread for their buttons and other needs because it's stronger than thread.

    Charlie did the right thing and you can too.


    It's only $25.00 and let them know that we know, they are still out there.

    I also sponsor 4 subscriptions to Reader's Digest to our troops. Not what they want to read but some of the best bathroom reading America has to offer!

    It just shows someone cares back home, It's a mitzvah that you hope gets passed on.

  43. @AKM, understood and agree. But perhaps if CS has ever shown remorse or been genuinely apologetic, I would give him a pass. But even if he donated $1 million to a homeless shelter or an animal shelter (my preferred causes), I still wouldn't give him a pass. He's apologetic only when it's self-serving.

  44. good press, promotion of his show, and a huge tax write-off...yeeeeaaaaah, he's a real altruist!
