Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 9, 2012 - Twitter/Facebook

#1 - Barely hanging on B- actress w/ A list bf moved past 4 people at bathroom line at MetBall - When they protested said"Don't you know who I am?"

#2 - Which Real Housewives - New Jersey housewife is about to declare bankruptcy? Not Teresa.

#1 - Jessica Biel
#2 - Melissa Gorga


  1. of all the douche moves in the world, cutting the line in the bathroom irks me the most. Being a bad actor/actress does not mean you get to jump the line. Especially at the Met Ball when everyone is famous attending.

  2. Im glad i wasnt there, jessica would of gotten her feelings hurt!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Claire Danes is preggers...per
    Too lazy to find her post

  5. This is one of those face tweet blinds.

    And I don't know how to find them.

    So, forewith, without further ado, the winner is:


    Plus, you have to admit, "rejectedcarebear" is a great nic.

  6. I’m not a violent person but I would hve kicked the entitled bitch in the kidneys.....would hope that she’d really need the bathroom when she’s pissing blood!

  7. Sometimes nature calls and does not wait. We have all been there and people can be remarkably understanding ask first.

  8. Ok Justin should not be considered A list at this point more life former A or A list name or C+ with A-/B+ name recognition because what has he done in a year or so.

  9. Anonymous4:36 PM

    @Me: here's a link to People/kneepads who claim the exclusive:

  10. Biel's comeuppance is in how her film career is cratering. She's gonna be saying "don't you know who I am?" during her job interview at Arby's in a couple of years, the way things are going.

  11. I buy this. I go to empty bars. Fuck lines!

  12. Anonymous4:37 PM

    No, I don't know who you are...

  13. Bitch please!!!!

  14. Justin is A-list. His concerts sell out, he's getting above-the-title work in films, he's a huge fave on SNL...he's an overall A-list celeb.

  15. its not so much "don't you know who I am" it's more "don't you know who I am engaged to" Without Justin, who himself failed to make A list actor transition. She wouldn't of even been invited to any A list events.

  16. Gross and tacky.

  17. People in that line should have kicked Biel right in the bladder and made her pee herself. I hate that "don't you know who I am?" crap. Unless you're a pregnant woman or you have cured cancer or saved a bus load of kids from plunging off a cliff, you aren't any better than anyone else.

    Especially mediocre actresses like her. B list is being generous.

  18. Long time lurker, but the sheer audacity of Jessica Biel gave me the incentive to create a Blogger profile. It's bad enough when A-listers pull that crap but JB? I hope someone answered her with, "No, who are you beeyotch?"

  19. huh.. I would have labeled Justin a solid B, and only made solid because of his wide name recognition. He doesn't give concerts anymore, or even make music. He acts but hasn't exactly won acclaims for it.

  20. welcome @two time mama as a New Yorker I have people try to cut me in line at the airports and restaurants. I was with a friend who was 8 months pregnant and a family tried to cut us in line because they had tickets to a broadway show. I told them to fuck off and get behind me. Everybody thinks they are so entitled because nobody has the balls to stand up for themselves anymore. Except me it feels sometimes.

    1. Thanks timebob! I am one of those people who will definitely stand up for myself. Sometimes it makes me look a little cray cray...but I don't care :)

  21. I would have responded to her by singing "seventh heaven"

  22. i hate Jessica Biel ...and this one does not surprise me

  23. I dislike Jessica Biel, too. Friends of mine that live in Millington said that when her and Justin are in town visiting his family, she is very snobby. They said Cameron was extremely friendly, but Jessica was lacking in personality.

  24. Two Time Mama, that is funny. Now you have a great "origins" story. :)

  25. Jessica, I'ma have to ask your dumb, nonfactor ass to sit down.

  26. sounds like Biel, what a jumped-up, arrogant bitch.

  27. I hate that twat Biel. I'm so not shocked.

  28. The reply/answer should have been "Yes Jessica, now go to the end of the line".

  29. Thank you Agent**it!!!! Its my 2nd award tonight haha!!

  30. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Too bad someone didn't spray water on Biel at the Met Ball.

  31. i would trip a bitch who tried to cut in front of me when i had to go pee.

  32. Would that someone had said, omg everybody, fuck yeah we know you! You are Justin Timberlakes beard!
    Has anyone seen the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode when Larry goes past the long line to the handicapped stall and all the guys get angry and say stuff like, 'where the hell are you going? That's for the disabled!' and Larry stutters out fffffuuuuccckkk yyyyooouuu, yoouu puhpuhpuh pricks! I havveee a stustustutter! And they get really angry and say fuck you you moron and he just leaves saying yeah yeah okay? makes me cry everytime. I Love LD!

  33. @misspoppypants " fuck yeah we know you! You are Justin Timberlakes beard! " AWESOME XD jajaja

    HA its so funny that she tried to pull this in the f*cking MET GALA

  34. "Don't you know who I am"?

    Anyone who would say that line should be immediately written off, completely. Immediately.

  35. A friend of mine attended Tufts University at the same time as Jessica Biel, this was just after 7th Heaven... he was in a convenience store while she and her friends were being rowdy. The clerk asked them to quiet and she said... "Don't you know who I am?" This was probably 2001/2, so it doesn't surprise me in the least.
