Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 8, 2012

It has been an interesting few weeks for this celebrity couple. The couple, part of a huge franchise and consisting of a B+/A- movie actor andmovie actreess have always managed to give the impression they are a couple, when in reality they are not. It has never been that big of an issue until lately. With the exception of some flings our actor had on set with some of his co-stars, he has managed to keep everything he has done on the side on the down low. The actress has always loved the friendship and relationship the two have had although it has been entirely asexual. She does not really have feelings for anyone, whether it be male or female in a sexual way and has loved being part of a relationship without actually being in a relationship. Make sense? Well, although it works for her, it has not always worked for the actor. He would love to play the field and take advantage of all the women who want to be with him. Not in a Gerard Butler kind of way, but at least have some fun. Most of the time his drinking keeps him from getting too interested as that is by far his first love. Unbeknownst to the actress though, the actor has maintained a steady group of two or three other women who he spends time with which satisfies his needs. If the actress were to find out about them or if the relationships would be made public then she would be forced to answer questions about this long time relationship and move on which is something she is loathe to do. She likes being insulated. The problem is the actor has been seeing someone more frequently who is growing impatient and wants to be seen with our actor in public. She wants a real relationship and not just one consisting of random hotel rooms and hookups at his place when the actress is out of town. It got so bad that in the past two weeks, the woman actually showed up on the set where our actor was filming and he had to pass off the woman as an obssessed fan which our actress did not entirely believe. Also, a former lover of the actor who also happens to be a co-star got drunk with the couple and began revealing details of the relationship she had with the actor and did so loudly. She also saw the "obsessed fan," and said, "That looks exactly like the girl you showed me last year who you said was just your type and you were going to try and meet her." Although our couple headed back home together, apparently neither of them have stayed there together since the fateful time on set.

Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart/Ashley Greene


  1. November can't come soon enough to get this god awful Twilight franchise over.

  2. TwiHards are not going to be happy.

  3. Oh dear. Poor Ted may have to eat his hat? Snicker.

  4. I still wonder how people didn't see through this beard act long time. I saw this a mile away

  5. Oh Lord, here comes the defenders at any moment. Bombs away!

  6. From 10:13 - 10:21 a plethora of the readers ID RP and KS
    ....but forgot Ashley.

    So, after consulting absolutely nobody , I choose to pick this as the winner:

    RenoBlondee said...
    Oh and it's gotta be Ashley Greene as the one that spilled. lol
    10:21 AM

  7. Renoblondee,
    as long as they are not Co$...:)

  8. Spider I think he is bi and she possibly les. Ted usually gets it right. There is a guy Tom Sturidge I think who is always with patz who they say is his lover

  9. I don't watch Twilight so I don't have the movie to influence me. In pictures, they do not look like a couple, they never have. And she does not look like she likes her job.

  10. @ it took forever - I thought Ted kept affirming in his comments that they were indeed a *real* couple. Maybe I misread either Ted or this blind...

  11. Why do they feel they need to live this lie?

  12. I actually feel bad for Kirsten. I think both of them were thrown into this mental franchise with no real idea of how it was going to turn out.

    She seems the type to want to keep her private life private and isn't experienced or confident enough to outright play the game.

    He has my respect because he's made no secret of the absolute disdain he has for the whole shebang.

    He should probably be more careful where he sticks his wick, especially if they have a true friendship (which I believe to be true) and more importantly for his health! Even if he's being safe you can't protect from crazy :p

  13. A few of us have been saying this for years but no one believed us. Oh well.

  14. And Ashley has an interview/magazine cover feature out now where she claimed she hasn't had a drink since she was 18.

  15. Yay, I actually got one! Thanks @Agent
    Also, I think the Twihards are almost as hardcore as COS. ;)

  16. Tom Sturidge is the actor that knocked up Sienna Miller. Robs must be devastated.

    Sadly, after we get rid of Twilight, the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy movie obsession will begin. Which ironically started out as Twihard fan fiction.

  17. @shakey, it dates back to early Hollywood, and has everything to do with generating publicity so people buy tickets.

  18. I assume she's usually too high to be interested in schtupping anyone.

  19. I wonder if we will get a clue to the HIV singer blind or Coke mom because he does normally give a hint on one of the bigger blinds on reveal day.

  20. I call BS on this. Ashley Greene is pretty recognizable. Am I reading this wrong?

  21. I totally get this from Stewart. She seems very asexual or a lesbian.

  22. No big surprise here. But Enty is saying Kristen isn't gay either, just asexual. You really can't blame R Patz for wanting a relationship that does include sexual intimacy. ANd he doesn't seem to be shtupping that many women. I feel bad for the real girlfriend, glad she isn't taking shit anymore. Hopefully when this franchise is over he can get real.

  23. @bumblebee

    The "fan" is another person not Ashley

  24. Im with bs. Ashley being the famewhore she is would have alluded to this or at least staged a photo opp or something. Plus there are so much R/K related stuff outside of what the public sees. Their the real deal. Enty doesnt know shit.

  25. I know that back in the 50's, right up until the 80's, fauxmances were good publicity for the show/movie/play etc. But people can't still believe that can they?

    Anyway, I think they are probably just good friends but the producers and media wanted to keep speculation going. They never actually said they were dating other than one remark Stewart made which could be considered sarcasm.

  26. Ok let me put it like this. The person that wants to be seen in public with Rob is another women he's been seeing NOT ASHLEY

  27. I always assumed their relationship was a concoction of the producers of Twilight. They wanted the TwiHards to be in heaven, knowing that Edward and Bella were together in real life. One of my co-workers and I were were discussing this just the other day. She believes they are really together and was shocked when I told her I didn't.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! i don't want this to be true. i want to believe in real love .. TRUE LOVE .. and this couple was the one who was going to go the distance ... Newman and Woodward ....

    however, why are they photographed kissing all the time now?

  30. Could it be that gorgeous blonde we saw a lot of recently.

    I was always a little suss that Kristen never confirmed the relationship, that makes me like her more for not being comfortable duping people

  31. You should post this on Robsessed and they will laugh out loud. I can't believe some people still think they are fake XD

  32. I don't follow Twilight, but I know the fans are rabid and if this story was true, I'm pretty sure we'd all hear the heads exploding all over the world. Ted C really sells their romance, in fact so much that I can't go to his site anymore, the Twi-hards have taken over the comments... Can you imagine when these two go their separate ways? I worry for the safety of any girl who RS is seen with. Christ Almighty...

  33. Tom Sturridge and Sienna Miller either just had a baby or are about to have a baby. He & RP are likely just running buddies. Anybody remember the miniseries Brideshead Revisited? Sturridge's mother played Cordelia Flyte, the youngest sister.

  34. I think it's neater that they are apparently such good friends than if they were in a relationship. I've never seen any sexual chemistry between them (in real life - I've never seen the movies), but they always look very fond of each other.

  35. I was very disappointed with the last Twilight movie. I didn't laugh as much as I did with the other ones. Rolled my eyes so much my husband thought I was possessed, but not much laughter.

  36. I call BS...if only because they do almost everything possible to NOT be photographed together. Anything lovey-dovey is always photographed grainy from a great distance. If they truly were in a fauxmance, wouldn't they parade it around everywhere, like all others in such a relationship do? Think Tommy/Katie/Oprah...and so many others.

  37. I'm always surprised at the teens who believe these set-ups. Pattinson has been profiled over the years as a British version of a "frat boy," a little rude, and not particularly big in the hygiene department, proud of being a non-conformist and causing trouble. Dan Radcliffe has joked about him in that way. He's like a frat boy with early stardom and money who travels constantly. IRL, do guys like that cultivate long-long-term committed relationships begun at age 20???? Like five or seven years be or whatever it's supposed to be. Think of DiCaprio and McGuire at that age. Not bloody likely.

  38. I've always thought this was a showmance and they look very brother/sister to me in most of their photos. I think RPat is very protective of her, and that's nice, but I don't think they are in love even if they are very secure with each other.

    Ashley Greene is not the 'girlfriend' she is the one who recognized the GF and said something out loud about it.

  39. While this blind goes a long way towards explaining the behavior of this couple, especially Stewart, I find it hard to believe that a 'secret girlfriend' could get anywhere near a Twilight set without Pattinson knowing and allowing for it. At first I thought it might have been reshoots for Cosmopolis where Stewart tagged along, but the reveal says the costar is Greene, so it was definitely a Twilight set. And what happened to the girl after Pattinson tried to pass her off as an obsessed fan? The filming took place in Canada, right?

    Also, I remember running across a gorgeous pic of Emily Watson on the internet and, wanting to find out what magazine spread it was for, I googled and ended up on a site (I think it was Inside Edition) where I found myself clicking through a lot of her thumbnails. Among those thumbnails (and I don't know why it was there) was a black and white pic of Pattinson and Stewart in bed together. Pattinson was scruffy with his naturally thick eyebrows, shirtless, and had his arm raised with the cellphone he was using to take the pic, and he looked very happy. Stewart had her head on his shoulder, long hair spread out, and she looked very content. They had obviously just completed coitus. I saw that picture when Stewart had short hair and was filming The Runaways, so it was obviously taken sometime before. This would mean they were intimate before they were thought of as a couple (I think she was still in a relationship with that other guy?) so I suppose if this blind wants to be technical then that little bit of fooling-around evidence wouldn't count as part of their "asexual" relationship, but that's really shaving it close. However, as I said, it would explain Stewart's behavior perfectly, especially when it comes to dealing with those crazy Twilight 'fans' and not wanting to be humiliated if Pattinson did decide to openly date someone else.

  40. Tom Sturridge knocked up Sienna Miller and I don't see her allowing him and R-Patz to knock boots - I also believe that two guys CAN actually just be friends without having sex.

    Kristen Stewart has, in fact, admitted that Rob is her boyfriend. It was in her.... Elle? interview a few months ago.

    I don't know. A couple of the blind reveals on here don't make sense to me at all. This one doesn't sound right to me, but hey, I'm loving the reveals anyway! Everyone has there opinion, right?

    But I do have to say @pfk .... that B&W photo has been photoshopped, it's a fake. But there are loads of photos of them kissing and stuff at Cannes this year, you should go look for them.

  41. BULLoney! The dude who writes this fiction has been proven to be a fake by the New York Times. He doesn't have any connection to Hollywood and just makes this stuff up! Rob and Kristen are happily together and Ashley Green is not coming between guys are so gullible if you believe this lol

  42. BULLoney...the guy who writes this fiction has been written about in the New York Times and was proven to be a fake. He doesn't have any connections to Hollywood and knows absolutely nothing about the celebrities. He just makes it all up! Rob and Kristen are very much together and Ashley Green isn't coming between guys are so gullible if you believe this crap. lol

  43. If they are platonic, why is he worried about her finding out about other women? Does she expect him to never have sex with anyone?

  44. The main issue with this blind is that Pattinson hasn't filmed anything for over a a "recent" issue at a film set doesn't work.

  45. Highly doubtful. Quote="The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content." End Quote!

  46. Entry is 100% FOS on this one.

  47. That's Enty, but whatever. Makes me wonder about the rest of his big reveals.

  48. Thie story is 100% BS. I'm not a Twi-hard at all, but I've been following this relash for years, and these guys are totally together. Since Twilight came out in 2008, Rob has never been papped with another woman in any kind of romantic way - there's no way after 5 years of being followed very closely that he wouldn't have been caught, no way.

    First hand account from Laineygossip form Cannes 05/12:
    "It seems like things are still pretty flirty between the two of them. Once when they were standing alone, as he bent his knees to be able to make direct eye contact with her, she kind of opened her mouth suggestively, and he grinned back like, I’ll have some of that. (Why aren’t they allowed to be like this in the movies?) This was followed by a long kiss and she put her fingers in his shirt."

    PICS from Cannes:

  49. lmao, "not a Twihard", but you've followed them for 4 years and link to a site called "Robstenation". lol, you guys are priceless.

    I happen to agree that this BI is totally fake. Just logically it doesn't make sense since as someone mentioned, if the relationship is platonic and he's keeping his real hook ups discreet, then why would Stewart have reason to complain? I think they're probably together, but much more casual than their fans would like to believe. Relationship of convenience built on shared experiences, imo.

  50. Yeah, I was about to say the same thing. A site named after the meshing of their names...probably not the most accurate of sources. ;)

    And Enty was profiled by The New York TIMES?? ;)

  51. Not surprised. It helps the movie if they are a couple. Got it. But really, they are not remotely dating or 'in love'. But kudos to him keeping his dalliances quiet.

  52. Not surprised at ALL now that Kristen suddenly had this totally fake affair. It makes complete sense. Initially, I thought it was because they just wanted publicity around Twilight, I never actually thought the two were a couple. But if he's ready to venture out, I guess it's a win-win for everyone!
