Blind Items Revealed
June 10, 2012
Two couples and two babies but so entwined. So, the first couple to get pregnant consists of a female celebrity who used to be a singer and probably wishes she still was and that people would come watch her perform. Meanwhile she will just keep doing things here and there on tv and doing regular work too. She loved having the attention of being pregnant and having the world focused on her and then along comes this other couple. This couple consists of a female celebrity who just tries to keep working and her husband who also used to be a singer and probably wishes he still was and that people would come watch him perform. Meanwhile he will just keep doing things here and there on tv. As soon as celebrity couple #2 became pregnant, celebrity female #1 started talking smack non stop top anyone who would listen about the other couple. I mean we are talking world class trash talking here. Who knew she had it in her. Meanwhile the celebrity female #2 wanted people to stop talking about female celebrity #1's baby all the time. Unlike female celebrity #1 though, she did not talk smack to anyone and just let it all fall off her shoulders and has been amazingly nice. Well, the two worlds collided a few months ago in a big way. It turns out the celebrity females have the same doctor and ended up having an appointment at exactly the same time. The two of them in a waiting room together. Pretending the other didn't exist. No one else there. Just the two of them. Not even a word. Not even an acknowledgment.