Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 29, 2012

What former almost A list tweener and now a C+ movie actress said that unlike her former A list tweener boyfriend and now B list movie actor, her new boyfriend lasts longer than 30 seconds and wants sex more than once a month.

Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron


  1. yeouch!!!

    the truth hurts.

  2. sorry still think sour grapes, Zac may or may not be gay but he steadily has worked since HSMS and Vanessa sets up photo shoots slobbering on her younger boyfriend.

  3. I know I'm in the minority here but I don't think Zac is gay. I get more of an asexual vibe from sex and vagina give him the heeby jeebies - lol.

  4. Ha! Unashamed and loving it, sing it!

    Zac strikes me as the type that "has no deal" a la Sheldon from TBBT.

    Not exactly asexual, but not interested in mussing up his teen idol looks for the sake of a good ole throw down.


    1. I agree! He doesn't want to muss up his hair, or get sweaty (Eww!) Ha ha.

  5. I like Zac. He needs a cougar to give it to him!

  6. @twotimemama I'm not the only one then!

    Here's me thinking I'm talking/typing out my ass there :p

  7. Vanessa is the loser in this one. Sorry, bitch. :)

  8. @timebob that's why he's B-List?

    And yes, I agree that Zac isn't gay just sort of asexual. Or Vanessa could just be really jealous that he dumped her and went on to greener pastures. Nah....I think he just doesn't like sex period.

  9. Still would. Zac is hot.

  10. Tie and Runner Up:

    Dana @ What the Frock? said...
    Vanessa Hudgens/Zac Efron
    7:30 AM

    Sunshine13 said...
    Dana - second that!!!
    7:32 AM

  11. Anonymous7:11 PM

    ...Just because it takes her longer to get there doesn't mean she has to bring the guy down... I'd still do him. Hell, he's probably better than my ex.

  12. She's just mad he took her MAC Plush Lash.

    1. His eyelashes are something to be envious of. One of many things....

  13. So Vanessa Hudgens is finally getting the thorough rogering she deserves. God bless America!

  14. Sounds like waspish bile to me. I mean, okay, maybe the kid (Efron) couldn't last more than 30 seconds the first few times he got into her, but if he's remotely normal he should've been able to do a little better later on.

  15. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I just think it's bad taste to run down former boyfriends, especially their sexual prowess. Or lack of it.

  16. I feel sorry for Zac because that's mean.

  17. Ok, this just made me laugh (hence that first post). Reminds me of the things we said in middle school - minus the sexual content.Zac strikes me as asexual (for now)...seems like one of those pretty boy kids that just wants to hang with his boys and not be bothered with the girl thing. Vanessa...well, she strikes me as one of those that the ovaries started talking to early, you know? Not a classy thing to say about an ex though, just to be clear. /still smirking however...

  18. Didn't perez used to called him Zacquisha? hahahah I kind of miss the old perez, but then I discovered dlisted 3 years ago and never looked back

  19. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Ok, now you all are making me feel guilty for saying that he would last longer in bed than my ex did...

    But the thing is...I think this is the only place I'll say such a thing.

    Not even my bfffff knows.

  20. Maggie, I was the same way about 5 years ago. Don't know anybody that likes both.

  21. I am not saying he is A list as he was groomed to be the next Tom Cruise and failed. I am saying he has booked movie work that has been mildly successful and Vannessa has done Bandslam and Beastly both big flops.

    Honestly, both should be shooting for tv roles movie stars they aren't.

  22. I honestly don't see a problem with saying something like this to friends (one on one or in a close group) when everyone is sharing things about exes. Saying it to the press? Yeah, tasteless. Sharing with a friend, perhaps even in a joke? Eh, whatever. Now, whoever she said this to turning around and saying it to someone else and thus making other people look bad (VH or ZE depending on your take) but remaining nameless? Yeah, that one's tasteless (not talking Enty, but whoever shared this story to begin with).

    I'm in the minority I think in that I actually like VH and feel she got an undeserved rap. Not talking about talent here, but as a person she got a bad rap from those cell phone pics and never recovered. The kid was 16 at the time she took those pics, and people were openly distributing naked pictures of a minor and acting as if she was the bad one. Made me sick. I'm still hoping things turn out well for her, whether she makes it as an actress or not.

  23. woah, maybe her people wanted you think she was 16 to bury the pictures but she was over 18. She was just dumb to do it, and well, not groom very well.

  24. Maybe the boy was just bored with you dear.....

  25. @ Vicki, I used to LOVE perez, then he got all fake and ass kissing, and I dont even go to him anymore. There are so many better gossip sites than his that are so funny and clever, like CDAn of course, dlisted superfical etc

  26. Maybe the boy was just bored with you dear.....

  27. @kalgela, don't feel bad or guilty... we're good friends and confidants here @ CDAN. My ex is monster. Seriously. At some point, when my story reflects a post, I'll be sharing my ex experience as well... Though I'll probably forward the thread to him. Hahaha!

  28. So that's the second person Vanessa Hudgens has thrown under the bus (Selena Gomez being the first). She sounds like a really nice girl.

  29. Don't care, would still totally hit that. And that's AFTER having seen Charlie St. Cloud. It'd be a great 30 seconds once a month.

  30. @vicki and @ maggie - I am a huge d-listed fan too.Have been for years. I think there are quite a few of us here at cdan (even enty). Michael K is hysterical. as for Zac... too young but damn he's hot.

  31. I'm sorry, this is the second reveal I've read about Zefron and Vanessa (I went to bed in between) ..... but isn't he gay? Wasn't she bearding for him? Isn't she lucky she got to tap that at all??

  32. I'm pretty sure Zac just needs an older woman to show him the ropes. I'm convinced of it. *hint hint Zac*

  33. I'd be on board with the Zac is fundamentally asexual idea if it weren't for the condom that fell out of his pants at a recent red carpet event. I think his sexuality is still very much an open question.

  34. if your bf doesn't want to fuck you he's either cheating or GAY.
