Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 25, 2012

So, this actress was A list. She was on top of the world and then got sucked into the lies of an A list movie actor and lost it all. Why? Because he was bored and placed a bet with crew members that he could get her to have sex with him. The bet was that he could get her to have sex in 10 different locations before the end of the movie. He won easily. She was always a bed and lights off person, but she did everything for him and anything he wanted.

She was married at the time and had some on set flirtations but nothing beyond that even though her husband cheated on her frequently. She was going to be the good one in the relationship. She liked her martyr role. She liked being able to throw it into her husband's face whenever they argued which was often. There was no joy, but she was faithful at least until she met the A list actor that would change her life forever. He was bored. He was in the middle of nowhere and the drinking options were limited. He did like the crew though. He always got on with the crew. he also like getting it on with local women and extras and any other woman who was willing. The problem was there just weren't that many. So, one night when he was drinking he made a bet with the crew that he could get his co-star to have sex with him. The crew didn't think it was much of a challenge so the ten locations was added.

The actor started the next day and it took entire days of talking to her and wearing her down. He gave up drinking for three days just so he could talk to her into the night. He turned on that A list actor charm and finally wore her down. They hooked up. All the time and everywhere. She was not just in this for the sex though, she had fallen in love with the actor. When she told him she was going to leave her husband, he was not even paying attention or it didn't register, but she did that and when she did, that was the end. Her A listness was over permanently. His A listness took a huge hit and took years and years to even come close to coming back. When he told her that he just was not interested in her that way and didn't want to be with her forever, it crushed her. It took her a few years to just get over that. She had given up everything and all he wanted was sex.

Meg Ryan & Russell Crowe


  1. The popular and pretty much only guess as I recall. I used to love Meg so much, so sad that a turd like Russell brought her down. Looking at her now is just sad for me

  2. From the HQ of Rugged Men International:

    "We, the true Rugged Men of the world, formally expel and disavow Russell Crowe for this and other acts of douchery. Real Men don't do shit like this."

  3. That was obvious from start to finish.

  4. We guessed this one pretty fast, sad to read it in this way though.

  5. This is kinda sad, even though everyone guessed them. Just makes me love Charlize even more.

  6. @B. Profane: LOL, what? Provide the links.

  7. Maybe she should be more like Charlize.

  8. As somebody who did the same as Meg (10 years ago and still not over it!) I can empathise.

    1. To clarify, I wasn't married/in a relationship. Just fell for an asshole.

  9. We all guessed this, but it is still sad.

  10. Another d'uh one for me, but good to have it confirmed.

    I remember she was persona non grata for the longest time, like Dennis Quaid's shit didn't stink and Russell was just being a lad about it. Not saying she didn't screw up, but damn, her punishment far outweighed the crime.

  11. Althought it was guessed rather quickly it's still very sad to see the choices she makes with men. I have never been a fan of Crowe and I think he is a douche, a 2 fisted, brawling, angry, pathetic douche for this. She has also knifed herself up, must be shit for self esteem. Very sad!

  12. This is just sad all around. Sad she was so miserable she ran to him and sad he is such an asshole. Sad sad sad.

  13. It had to be hard going from America's Sweetheart to America's Whore over Russell Crowe. And back then no one knew what a scum bag Dennis Quaid really was.

    Ironically, Russell Crowe won his Oscar the same year for Gladiator and goes on to marry Danielle Spencer who kept in his back pocket for years until he was ready to settle down.

    I wonder with Russell's recent weight loss if he is trolling for women again on set.

    At least now Meg seems happy and settled with John Mellencamp.

  14. I was channeling one of my old coaches, an Aussie and a true Rugged Man. He would have kicked Crowe's ass sideways for this kind of bull.

  15. If there were more Charlizes there would be less Russells.

    That would be a good thing.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Miz you have it exactly right. Dennis was excused entirely as if he was wronged when he'd cheated on her for years (and still does with the latest wife). And Russell was just being that "rascal". Meg must have been shocked at how it all turned out. If it's any consolation, Russell was really fat and ugly in the US remake of State of Play - not at all believable as a guy a girl would want. I see greasy pig in his future.

  18. Funny you should say that B. Russell is famous for many a pub brawl in Australia, all of which he had the shit kicked out of him.

  19. We know of the likes of Mr. Crowe. All mouth in the pub and no balls in a maul. A Rugged Man does not throw phones.

  20. I remember when this all went down (I bet we all remember) and it was all so sad at the time...and she's never recovered I miss her Sally days...

  21. Everybody tied for this one ..

  22. I wonder if this is the reason she started messing with her face? No self esteem....

  23. @parissucksliterally yeah, didn't the surgery start soon after? I do genuinely feel heart sorry for her. She may have pissed off my beloved Parky but to have should a shit hand dealt and never have your professional life recover... I just hope she's happy in her private life these days.

  24. Such not should... Typing too damn fast in the dark! It's 2.30am here!

  25. I was such a huge fan of Meg's for years - starting with "As the World Turns" when I was really young. I will never like Crowe and Quaid again after that. And this story makes it even worse. I, too, am glad she's found Mellencamp.

  26. No Meg No! Do you think she helped break up JM's marriage?

  27. Russell gets his ass kicked in Oz pubs? Hahahahahahhahahahahah!

  28. I think the plastic surgery had as much to do with the death of her career as the affair did.

  29. This was the common guess, but it's still so sad. I'm glad I've never been a Crowe fan. He is a dirtbag to the tenth degree! Hope John Couger Whatever is nicer to her.

  30. dia papaya I think Mellencamp's marriage just ran its course. Neither side seems upset about it.

  31. i have never cared for Russell Crowe and was really pissed off at Meg Ryan when this first started. i have liked him in one movie only and that's Gladiator. i mostly watch the movie because of Joaquin Phoenix.

    was a f**king asshole he is. when will people stop USING people like this? it's wretched and evil. i mean i know i've had my heart broken ... and it's awful .. but i wasn't on the cover of every magazine either.

    i will never watch another movie he's in. oh, and Dennis Quaid, you suck too!

  32. "...when will people stop USING people like this?"

    Because he really can be a talented actor when he puts his mind to it. Watch Romper Stomper or A Beautiful Mind. Guy might be a douche, but he does have talent.

  33. Meg's mother abandoned her when she was a child to go to Hollywood to become an actress. Meg's mother failed and Meg never forgave her. I am sure it is no coincidence that Meg not only became a working actress but a major hollywood player. What a nice way to say "fuck you mommy".

    Meg's production company produced Proof of Life and she cast Russell who was the flavor of the week coming off of hits LA Confidential and Gladiator.

    I can see why she wouldn't divorce Dennis she didn't want to do to her son what was done to her and break up the family. If she had been smart she should of filed for divorce before Proof and she could of had it all. But by trying to please everybody she sacrificed herself. And Dennis just sat back and enjoyed all the underserved sympathy.

  34. For what it's worth, my husband and I toured one of the Mayan ruins "alongside" Meg Ryan, John Mellencamp, & who I assume were their kids. They seemed to be enjoying themselves; everyone in our tour group (they were on a private tour that was shadowing ours) recognized them but left them alone. There was no diva behavior; just a happy family tour on historical landmarks. I hope that means she found some happiness finally. She was reaaaalllyyyy skinny though. Like knees looked like softballs on toothpicks skinny.

  35. I think the fact she didn't publicly address Quaid's infidelity(s) during their marriage until years after shows a lot of class, especially in light of what it may have done in terms of recovering her reputation. I like to think it was to protect their son from more heartache. By the time it was made public, it wasn't a media shitstorm like it could've been.

  36. Colleen I believe she's really skinny. I remember her in Kate and Leopold and she's in the office and turns to a profile and she was distractingly thin. I thought if the camera adds ten pounds, there's nothing there.

  37. I hate that she got blamed for infidelity and the men got off scott free!

  38. Very sad, but no one ever accused Meg Ryan of being overly bright. As for Crowe, anyone who doesn't know he's a 1st-class a$$hole needs corrective lenses.

  39. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I knew it! Funny this reminded me of Dangerous Liasons.

  40. Ah, someone else who was watching her during her Betsy Stewart days! As the World Turns was the first soap I got into during my summer vacations.

    Russell Crowe is the worst.

  41. Another #fail for CDAN. Sorry, peeps, but by all accounts it was in fact Meg Ryan who ended her relationship with Crowe, not vice versa. He wanted family & marriage, she just wanted peace and quiet for her son and kicked him out. Just ask his family members and friends.

    The real dog in this story however is Dennis Quaid. He still is a major cheater. Maybe CDAN should have done some blind items on him.

  42. Antigossip2 not trying to throw a spanner in the works but when they filmed Proof of Life together Meg was already 39, that's hardly prime childbearing time. He wanted marriage and children all right, just not with her.

  43. Ooft..... she's never been the same after that poor girl (though maybe not after reading that nanny and kid in coach reveal!)

  44. I guess that whole story of him being in love w her and her dumping him was her publicists attempt to salvage her reputation...

  45. this is just sad. sad sad sad. she was so weak, and looks terrible. but now she's w/ mellencamp.

  46. Russell Crowe is a pig. He's gotten so old and fat.

  47. Yeah, the nanny-and-kid-in-coach makes me think she's not so nice. I've also read/heard through the years that she's very cold and bitchy, and that America's Sweetheart she is truly NOT. I love WHMS... but I just don't like her after hearing that she's kind of a snot for twenty years. So, as far as who's the villain in the Meg/Dennis/Russell story? All of 'em, maybe.

  48. I have to say I have sympathy for her in this Blind. Her husband cheating on her must have wrecked her self esteem and made her angry (don't believe that she liked the martyr sh**). RC is an ass! I've heard stories about him. It will all come back on him though. You don't get to treat people like this & live happily ever after. Karma is a ... well you know the rest.

  49. So both are about Meg? Who makes this bullshit up? lololol#

    how wrong and inacurate the Meg Ryan @ Crowe story is. She dumped HIM..
    He also said on record several times he was IN love with her.

    "I just fell in love with her . I didn't mean to, it just happened. I am sorry if I affended anyone"-----Russell Crowe on Meg Ryan

    That bet with crew members is so lame and false its ridiculous. The crap that is made up about this woman is above and beyond. The plane thing? Are you kidding? What a pile of crap.

  50. I'm confused. It was widely reported that Crowe brought an engraved cross Meg Ryan gave him to The Oscars. He kept in his jacket, the year he won for Gladiator. He also took her to Austrailia to meet his family. You really don't do that with someone you "don't care about". Sorry the Blind Gossip sounds like blind Item fiction.

  51. Probably what happened is he thought he could impress the crew with is piggish behaviour but as he got to know Meg he fell in love with her. It happens.
