Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 28, 2012

This former B+ teen actress who has had a really bad year is suffering from some severe substance abuse issues and her friends all blame a boyfriend who got the actress hooked on everything to keep her under his thumb. It worked. Ever since the pair started dating, she gave up even trying to act and the only thing she cared about was doing exactly what he wanted when he wanted it and gave up any kind of regular life. Even though he cheats with several other women he expects her to be available to him whenever he calls and she refuses to be away from her phone at any time and drives herself crazy worrying she has missed a call from him. He leaves her for weeks at a time and it drives her even more crazy and then will rush back into her life setting demands. He has spent a great deal of her money. Her friends try to convince her she needs to dump him and to go to rehab just to escape him if not to get clean.

Amanda Bynes & Kid Cudi


  1. I know hes a rapper but dont know any of his music. Hope she can get clean soon :(

  2. What is a Kid Cudi? Goddamn, Amanda. She's Christina Aguilera 2012.

    1. He's a rapper signed to Kanye West label

  3. yikes! i had to google him too...what a mess...

  4. Daddy Bynes is falling down on the job. Twenty Benjamins in the right hands and Mr. Cudi evaporates from Amanda's live forever.

  5. Ugh. I hope she cleans up.

  6. I heard stories about that kid cudi so i believe this. Amanda needs to get some sense.

  7. Bet Jenni Garth is loving this! karma is a real bitch

  8. You know that bullshit saying "you can't judge a book by its cover?" I googled Kid Cudi and his images are just as douchey as his name. I'm going to go ahead and assume he's all douche.

    I especially love his posed pictures of him smoking. Bad ass!

  9. from a quick google sounds iike they got together in 2010 so if he has been dicking her around for the last few years and she is taking it. I don't have high hopes for her and she will continue to slide down the ladder. Maybe her DUI shocked her into getting her life together and losing the dead weight around her neck. He will be gone when her money is gone, like a lot of bottom feeders.

  10. He must have a Magic Mike.

  11. what is with these girls who suffer from the self-esteem issues to allow this to happen to themselves?

    how horrible for her. she has been a hot mess this year and i feel horrible for her.

    i hope she listens to her friends.

  12. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I think the only song of his that I have actually heard is "Day n Night"

    What a douche.

  13. I just googled this and found a bunch of stage 5 clinger tweets from her about him. They made her sound really desperate.

  14. Sad. Hope she gets it together.

  15. Gold digging douche and a drugged train wreck. This can only end well.

    It's not too late to turn it around Amanda! Run!

  16. She's no prize. He's a Kanye wannabe who will never amount to anything. They're perfect together.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous7:05 PM

    @ Two Time Mama...
    I'm off to twitter to follow both of them!

  19. Winner?

    Autumn said...
    Amanda Bynes & Kid Cudi?

    8:05 PM

  20. another train wreck...sounds like she should be in rehab.

  21. I was believing this up until Kid Cudi spending her money. He does pretty well on the festival/live show circuit, plus hes got that Kanye movie coming out in August.

  22. @Kelgela, nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Following losers on Twitter just enables them. Unless you're just going to read their tweets. But don't follow, please!!!!!!!! I'll give you a baby sea otter!!!!

  23. Renay, I was thinking the same thing. His name sounds like some dumbass morning DJ.

  24. Bynes sounds screwed-up enough that it's hard to feel sorry for her. If not this predator, then she'd seemingly soon find another. Her life will probably end badly, which is a shame. She is a cute little thing, and her acting talents, while nothing to write home about, weren't entirely absent either.

  25. @jgirl, just b/c he makes money of his own doesn't mean he's not douchey enough to blow through hers. Pimp 101 shit right there. This doesn't surprise me, Kid Cudi has always struck me as a loser with a shit ton of drug problems himself. Figures he would make sure to get any girl he dated addicted too.

    Ugh, Amanda, please get your life together and get away from thiz zero.

  26. Aw poor Amanda. I thought she had more sense.

  27. Kid Cudi is actually a very very good rapper. I all but guarantee you you've heard a few of his songs and just not known it.

    (Day N Nite, Pursuit of Happiness, Alive)

    With that being set, he has kind of the pretenious Kanye and Drake crowd thing going on, so I can't say I'm surprised.

    He is definitely the more talented of the two though.

  28. @anita mark, can I get a baby sea otter if I promise not to follow either of these idiots on Twitter? PLEASE!?

  29. Damn, I liked his music and now I have to add him to my Chris Brown and R.Kelly list. :(

  30. damn it MLE... i was just going to say the same thing. I will totally not follow asshats on twitter in exchange for a baby sea otter.

    ::off to build my indoor aquarium/pen thing for them, hopefully my ninja kitten will like sea otters::

  31. Winner?

    Autumn said...
    Amanda Bynes & Kid Cudi?

    8:05 PM

    7:06 PM

    -------- heck yeah! I actually got one of these things!!

  32. aw poor amanda....ditch the monkey and the boyfriend

  33. Her tweets make so much more sense now. How sad.

  34. All I know of Kid Cudi is that Ben Breedlove video. As I recal Kid did something nice after he passed away but I cannot remember what.

    This will make you cry!

  35. They got together the same time she made her preference to men known on twitter. So if all this is true is it really the "chocolate" she prefers or simply the drugs? I'd bet it's the latter. The guy though seems like a complete douche. I've never heard of him but from what Amanda has looked like recently(hair color) I'd wager that this guy is using her to act like women he'd like to bang but can't because he has no real career or at least a career on par with others. Anyone who needs to get someone addicted to drugs to stay with them must have the worst sexual ability of all. If they were good then they wouldn't need to keep their "girlfriends" coming back to them.

  36. She is clearly not too bright. Oh well, a fool and her money are soon parted.

    This train wreck will not end well. Just another broke. drug addicted former child star, yawn.

  37. I'm really surprised to hear people actually think he has talent. I remember when I first heard one of his songs on the radio, but didn't know who he was, my first thought was, " who signed someone to a contract to make this club mtv shit". I can't even call him a rapper unless he's got some underground thing going on with mix tapes galore because his main stream stuff is

  38. WHAT?!? Holy shit I had no idea they were even together!! I'm about to go google up a storm...

  39. Cudi has been clean for quite some time now (even from weed which is what most of his old music was about!) and has a baby daughter--- the reason for him getting clean, so I can't see why Bynes would still be chasing him. As far as I knew this relationship has been long over much like his coke problem. He credits Kanye in interviews for helping him get clean.
