Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

June 8, 2012

Talk about not having a say in the naming of your child. This actress who is C list based on talent and A list based on name recognition has been told by her husband what they are naming the baby and he has already trademarked the baby's name even though she is not even halfway through her pregnancy. Apparently the husband has already even drawn up business plans and wants the actress to focus more on marketing products he thinks will be a fit between her and the baby. Does she have a say in this? Not really.

Brian Austin Green & Megan Fox


  1. Im surprised he's got the brains to come up with something.

  2. The business plans are probably in crayon.

    1. I don't usually laugh out loud at stuff I read, I'm more of a "laugh in my head" type person but I just cracked my hole laughing at this, high 5!!

    2. I don't usually laugh out loud at stuff I read, I'm more of a "laugh in my head" type person but I just cracked my hole laughing at this, high 5!!

  3. Winner !!

    NewYorkMoments said...
    megan fox & bag

    8:03 AM

  4. Figures. Gross.

  5. I've always been curious as to what power he holds over her, exactly... even though she's a plastic surgery victim these days, she's still WAY out of his league.

  6. Why the fuck is she such a doormat?

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    IMO, they fit well together...
    Him the douche and she the dumb one.

    Fits perfectly.

  8. Maybe she was abused coming up through the system and feels she needs a protector.

  9. sad, he was good in the Sarah Connor Chronicles, a shame he's such a terrible person.

  10. He might be a jerk, but I don't know, this sounds too far-fetched to be believable.

  11. LOL! This is what's called a "20/20 Blind!"

  12. @ghost
    Rumor has it, early in their relationship, she had an abortion. She was pregnant by him and trying to break-up with him. She was just getting traction and he threatened to leak it. Actually, I guess someone did. Lainey gossip was the original blind about that.

    1. Thanks, I'd never heard that. How incredibly sad if it's true... That's emotional blackmail and abuse.

  13. Seeing he couldn't sell the pregnancy photos he is trying to come up with some get rich scheme since his 90210 money is running out and Megan imploded her own career taking on Michael Bay and losing hard. Note to Meg you have to back up that big mouth with talent, and your not talented.

    Seeing that BAG is suing his ex & baby mama Vanessa Marcil for a "loan" he gave her years ago. They need the money. Maybe he wants to turn her into a Jessica Alba and start some baby endorsement deals. But Jessica doesn't piss people off the way Megan does.

  14. Something about their relationship - from what is photographed/written about/inferred anyway, has always given me a chill-down-the-spine creepy vibe. Co-dependancy or greed or...just yuck to the max.

  15. Fetus is what... 3-4 months old? And he's already planning how to pimp out baby and mom? Scumbag.

  16. What a creep.

    But that being said, a big thanks to Enty for the reveals! With the husband & I both under the weather, it gave us some fun for the day.

  17. His rap career turned out great...what an ass

  18. I love megan. But she needs to stop with the plastic surgery.

  19. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Any guesses on what he wants the name to be? How about Soylent?

  20. This BAG guy seems like he's not so nice. He looks abusive - hope I'm wrong. I think eventually Americans are going to get tired of pimped out baby photos and such.

  21. It's obvious in every interview she gives that she has abysmal self-esteem. He's been rumored to be a jerk since way back in the 90210 days.

  22. She's the one carrying the baby, and is the only reason anyone gives a tiny little hoot about them as a couple at all. She should name the baby, and he should take a flying leap. I hope this blind isn't true, but even if it isn't, he still has, "Douchebag" written all over him.

  23. who knew David Silver was such a douche bag? oh wait. we DID know that.

  24. Not shocking in the slightest.

  25. well he made her tattoo his name on her...maybe he wanted her look like a plastic barbie doll too?

  26. Soylent! Soylent Green! Good one.

  27. Everyone guessed this one didn't they? You're all very good on this site! (I say you cause I've never posted a guess, I just love reading all yours) This one does make me sad for Megan and I never thought I would ever say that. But they've always been a creepy couple imo, isn't he a bit bit older than her?

  28. I fell asleep last night and missed the final few (sorry).

    Winner was quick on this one:
    NewYorkMoments said...
    megan fox & bag
    8:03 AM

  29. I find it amazing that he thinks anyone beyond their own family cares......

  30. There have always been rumors that Brian Green is a control freak. He needs to work on his own career.

  31. Bullshit. Not in a million years. Whoever's sourcing this has a vendetta.

  32. Why does this tool think MF and the baby are going to make any kind of bank? Wasn't there some celeb recently that didn't make nearly what she expected on baby photos?
