Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 23, 2012

Every May the movie world turns its direction to Cannes. Everyone wants to walk the red carpet and movie stars from all over the world come for their time in the spotlight. There are several other actresses that come also, but for an entirely different purpose. Cannes is the time of the year when actresses who have hit some harder times but have a high level of fame and still some kind of beauty audition to be what they call yacht girls for the summer. Cannes is where they try to find the guy that will make them their yacht girl. This is going to focus on three or so actresses who have turned to this road. Once you come down this road it is tough to get off.

The first actress is easy She used to be a B+ movie actress who made some bad choices. Couldn't get a part and one May was convinced to come over. She is actually one of the few who enjoyed it the first few years. She was young and still getting offers from guys in their 30's and 40's. She was making way more than she made as an actress and having the time of her life. Now though it is getting harder to make the same kind of money and when she does find a man it is usually some guy in his 60's or older. The rest don't want her because she has been around for too many seasons.

Another actress who has made it off the yacht system but will probably be back is this former B+ television actress. She first came to Cannes a few years ago and was caught up in the excitement. She found a young rich guy right away and thought it was going to be great. The drugs were great, the guy provided the kind of sex she loved and she wanted to party all summer. After about a month the guy had found someone younger and the actress found herself strung out and then she got lucky and met a big world famous celebrity and he got her out of the cycle and the next thing you know she is back in Hollywood.

A slew of reality stars have tried to join in the parade but its harder for them because the men like to brag and its much easier to brag about someone who was on a hit television show or was a star in the movies than some reality show no one has heard of. One reality show actress who did make it for awhile was on Real World. She had been very popular on the show and men in Europe knew who she was and she lasted a season or two before getting strung out and then had no takers.

There is the British reality star/actress who is always available but only picks one guy and controls her partying. She loves it and says that three months in the south of France pays for her entire year of living. She tries to have a regular boyfriend the rest of the year, and always manages to break up just after Easter.

Don't think this has been going on just the past few years either. One of the greatest acting legends of all time made her fortune doing the same thing way back in the day of old Hollywood. Everyone talks about her with awe. That is their dream.

Partial Reveal - #1 - Tara Reid #2 - British Actress - Kelly Brook #3 - Legend everyone wants to be? - Grace Kelly


  1. Hayden P for the next actress?

  2. I read recently that Grace Kelly was a ho for sho!

  3. The lack of punctuation in the reveal is confusing.

    Correct me if I'm wrong,
    #1 is Tara Reid
    #2 is a British Actress
    #3 is Kelly Brook
    and the legend is maybe Grace Kelly. Why is there a question mark?

  4. So who is the real world girl, or am i misreading?

  5. A lot of people poked holes in the Grace Kelly guess back when this was posted (although it seems plausible to me).

    Gives credence to the other Cannes BI being Tarantino.

  6. Trishelle for RW?

  7. Ah nevermind, it says partial reveal, real world girl isnt revealed, just like the tv actress in the 2nd paragraph

  8. The only problem I have with the Grace Kelly thing is that 1) I hate the idea of her as a skank; and 2) she came from a very, very wealthy Philadelphia Main Line family. I mean, some SERIOUS famiy money. I just can't see her slumming it as a yacht girl.

    1. She slept around quite a bit. It's in all her biographies and is pretty common knowledge.

  9. So who is the real world girl, or am i misreading?

  10. This is the way I read it:
    #1 Tara
    #2 not revealed
    #3 British actress Kelly Brook
    #4 Legend Grace Kelly

  11. Yeah I got Grace Kelly. Woo hoo

  12. grace kelly never was a Yacht girl

  13. Not a yacht girl, but she slept with every leading man, even Alfred Hitchcock used to make jokes about her.

  14. Enty's not revealing the Real World girl and also the one that rehabilitated herself and is back in Hollywood. I've also heard that Grace Kelly definitely got around at that time. Makes all her sweet innocence in Mogambo and Dial M for Murder sort of laughable. Bet the guys were never invited to Monaco after the wedding!

  15. No way on the grace Kelly. It was a guess many made but also explained why it was not possible.

  16. The message boards for the webiste lipstick alley all pretty much say GK was a total trollop

  17. From what I read about Grace Kelly her father was a task master and basically pimped her out for fame and fortune. Pimping her out to the Prince of Monaco sounds like something he would do. But I like to think she actually fell in love with him over time.

    I think Real World Las Vegas Trishelle Cantenella would fit.

    Poor Tara seeing her drunken pictures in Canne trying to sell her "wares" leveraging her American Reunion fame bump is just sad, sad, sad.

  18. At first I thought the second actress might be Mischa Barton, as she stayed in Europe for quite a while.

    But I think Hayden is a better guess, cause the "big world famous celebrity" could be that boxer she was involved with.

  19. The Combo Platter Won (I think):

    parissucksliterally said...
    Tara Reid
    Kelly Brook
    10:12 AM

    Amartel said...
    Is the old-time yacht girl Grace Kelly?
    10:16 AM

    Note - Lots of complaints for Enty (must be drunk?) because the numbers are incorrect.

  20. The whole inside joke was she slept around then had a doctor examine her prior to wedding to Pince who stated she was a virgin and didn't have a hymen because of her horse riding.

    That's what the blind meant about wanting to emulate her.

    She went from slut to virgin. Her parents paid a nice dowry too.

  21. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I remember reading my moms copy of Hollywood Babylon II (the HB books seem to be despised by many for being over sensationalized) that Alfred Hitchcock had a voyeurism kink and Grace would allegedly do peep show type undressing sessions for him. I doubt for free but this reveal reminded me of that.

  22. Kelly Brook has had several long term boyfriends including Jason Statham I'm not sure how this fits in with that

  23. It says that Kelly Brook has boyfriends most of the time. maybe they like that she makes a ton of money, and don't care that she works a month if they can live in style?

  24. I do love Kelly Brook, I think she's similar to JLH in some respects, stunning, maybe not too book smart but very endearing and sweet. That said I can well believe this. I'm happily engaged but I wouldn't say no to her in her latex dress-wearing days!

  25. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I am dazzled by the people who shout "never!" for Grace Kelly- Her parents paid a "dowery" of 2million us dollars (in 1956!!!) They were engaged after knowing each other for 3 day's- he was 10 years her senior (somehow in the past 15 years his birthdate went from 1919 to 1923?) And he would have to have given up the throne to france if an Heir was not born by 1960. Oh yes- they "Met" while she was on vacation in Cannes- Oh... after the marriage- It was a formal law banning ALL of her movies- And Sir Hitch, who said- "It is the best role of her life" People.... give up the dream- certain facets of the world are drawn in crayon so people go ooooh and ahhhh- And think they to- can rise above..
    Nope- the game is rigged- the deck is stacked-

  26. I also heard Kelly Brook cheated on Statham with Billy Zane (mr.Titanic) while they were shooting a show/movie together. Remember reading this in a Vinnie Jones interview, he stated he hated Kelly for it and would never talk to her again..

    Speaking of which, another gf of Statham was also rumored to be prosituting herself (in the past). She was the girl before Rosie Huntington Whiteley came along.. I find that kinda...odd.. Wasn't Rosie sleeping with a director to get the Transformerspart? Also prostitute? *conspiracytheories*

  27. I forgot about Kelly and Billy Zane! I think their movie was called 3 and after they made it, and got it on, they tried to get her nude scenes removed

  28. I saw a video of Dick Cavett talking about interviewing Alfred Hitchcock. He said that during a commercial break, Hitch blurted out, "Grace Kelly! A huge SLUT!"

  29. Why is everyone so shocked about Grace Kelly? It was/is common knowledge that she fell in love and slept with her leading men. Hitch had a thing for her, but once she got married, no more!

    Actually, Kelly's marriage was rigged from the beginning by the prince. It was a toss up between her and Marilyn Monroe, but Monroe had too many publicity problems and the crazies. The prince went with Kelly.

    I still like Grace Kelly and think she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

  30. Hitchcock was slime. He calls her a slut? I hate hypocrisy. He cast women who slept with him and sabotaged those who wouldn't. When Tippi Hendrun refused him during The Birds, he kept her out of movies for the next three years.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. That's hilarious that Hitch said that. She certainly had the most squeaky clean and iconic image; I never heard anything like this about her until now.

  33. I've heard rumors about Grace Kelly for the past 5 years, and this just confirms some of those rumors. It's no surprise her kids turned out the way they did.

  34. Makes me think of Lindsey Lohan a few years back in Cannes, when she was photographed getting onto a yacht with no undies. She had hooked up with some rich European kid for a few months. Nowadays I don't think there would be many takers.

  35. Grace Kelly met Prince Rainier at an arranged photo shoot for Paris Match when she was a judge at the Cannes Film Festival. She wasn't a yacht girl.

    She was no saint, and definitely got around - but saying she was a yacht girl who struck it lucky is not true. She was only at Cannes the one time before her marriage.

  36. Wasn't "Dial M for Murder" Barbara Stanwyck and Fred McMurray?

  37. @Bubbles: That was "Double Indemnity." Grace Kelly was a star in "Dial M for Murder;" you're probably thinking of "Sorry, Wrong Number," with Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster.

  38. Not surprising about Kelly Brook - she split with both Statham and Billy Zane a long time ago, quite possibly before she started working this circuit and when she thought she might still have a shot at a legit acting career. It also explains how her current boyfriend Thom Evans manages to jet round the world with her without having any sort of visible means of financial support of his own (like a job, for example)

  39. I think #2 is Katie Holmes... the recent divorce being the motivation to get back on the yacht.
