Tired of losing ratings each year and, in an attempt to get someone judging the show who is under the age of 40, the producers of American Idol are talking to all the people that X factor decided they didn't want to judge their show. According to E!, Miley Cyrus could be a judge on American Idol. I like Miley way more than I used to, but she has never had a hit as an adult or any success in the music industry as an adult so I don't think she is qualified and I don't think she is a big ratings draw. One thing about American Idol is that they have always had judges who know what they are talking about. Yes, even Paula. She knows what is supposed to be good and she knows who would have to be autotuned to death. Plus, she is kind of like the aunt you had who could never really hold a job but is really nice so everyone in the family keeps hiring her. Other judges being talked about are Katy Perry who would be great. Nicki Minaj who would be a train wreck every week which would be fun to watch. Fergie. Meh. will.i.am was a judge on The Voice in the UK and he is just so into himself that I'm not sure he even notice there were contestants.
American Idol is terrible. Every once in a while they do find someone that is really super talented (Kelly Clarkson), but otw it's just saccharine crap. I think The Voice has surpassed it in finding people that are actually genuinely talented.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree @ Amber. AI was interesting when it first started because it was different. Now it's just dull and The Voice does a much better job of finding talent and not cookie cutter cuties for teeny boppers to vote for.
ReplyDeleteWow. Look at that parade of....talent. I can't wait to watch. /sarcasm
ReplyDeleteEver since Simon left, it's gone down hill. It's like the judges they have now have no hearing. Everyone is wonderful. They give the worst critism. I remember watching a bunch of the singers, and they were either average or karaoke sounding. JLo, Steve Tyler...and even Randy were praising them. All I could think was .... are you tone deaf? That was horrible. JLo...who can't even sing...is an absolute moron. At least when Simon was critiquing, I was always in agreement with him about 99% of the time. He predicted that Kelly and Carrie would be the biggest money makers out of all the idols...and he was 100% correct.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Nicki Minaj knows anything except her little corner of hip-hop. The best qualified in this bunch would be Fergie but even that wouldn't improve ratings.
ReplyDeleteKP can actually legitimately sing. There are some covers/acapella things floating around out there. The problem is that she's fucking annoying.
ReplyDeleteThe last decent season was way back to David Cook's year.
ReplyDeleteI like this year's winner.
ReplyDeleteI think Jimmy Iovine (or however you spell it) should judge, instead of just advising. Someone needs to fill the "mean judge" chair that Simon vacated. How are any of the contestants supposed to grow and get better if the judges only fawn over them? Constructive criticism is definitely low since Simon left.
Simon didn't even notice Kelly when she was first on Idol, but he rewrote that script later on because she was such a success. He got boring and repetitive towards the end, and is boring and repetitive on X Factor too. There's a reason he was willing to shell out all that cash for Britney. The man's an egomaniac who can't handle the fact that X Factor was failing and Idol was still getting better ratings than it.
ReplyDeleteI don't even watch Idol anymore, but it still pulls in fantastic ratings. Not sure who these judges would be replacing, but Katy Perry was a really good guest judge. Honest and funny. She'd do well.
The best thing about American Idol is the spoof film made of it called American Dreamz. Hugh Grant and Mandy Moore as completely loathsome versions of Simon Cowell & Britney Spears. Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteTrey - I agree! Katy Perry was a great guest judge.
ReplyDeleteYou know who would be great, too? Cyndi Lauper. She was a guest judge on Canadian Idol one year and it was such a fun episode. She doesn't take shit from people and she knows her stuff.
And I know she's from a different genre, but Reba Mcentire would probably be good, too.
And PItbull. Just putting his name in the hat, in case anyone is reading.
katy perry can sing?!?
ReplyDeleteDon't think singing is a requirement for being a judge really. Katy probably sings better than JLO (or should I say MV?). But one thing she's great at is writing hits and knowing what sells. Since people only judge the winners of this show on how well they sell, and not how good the music they make is, that seems important.
ReplyDeleteBonheur, I adore Cyndi Lauper! Would love to see her on this show.
Cyndi Lauper would be AMAZING! I like the Katy Perry idea too, but she is not going to give up touring for that crapfest. She is making banko off her stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnything is better than what they got now. Not one of the present judges can be honest with the contestants. JBlow and Tyler just think everything is "amazing." Yuck.
I'm a purist who will never watch "AI" again unless it's Simon, Paula, and Randy. Period.
ReplyDeleteThe last really fun season for me was the Kris Allen/Adam Lambert season...by the next season Simon Cowell was a big wet blanket because he was leaving and Ellen became a judge and she wasn't funny and she wasn't critical.
ReplyDeleteI've been watching this shit since midway through the first season(Kelly just blew me away;she was so amazing), but I just have to quit it and I don't think I can. I'm it's bitch.
I kinda love Will.i.am.
ReplyDeleteKaty Perry couldn't sing a note without autotune and the help of her sound engineers. I do not consider that screeching in Firework--which gives me a major headache--musical. And that Nick thing that looks like a messy GaGa and Beyonce all mashed together with KK's butt implants for comic relief is annoying...and apparently a little full of herself.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Seacrest is on the show, I can't watch no matter how good the contestants or who the judges may be, or who they get to mentor.
Katy Perry sang live on Idol, and while she wasn't great, she didn't suck. Nicki Minaj lip-synced her performance. Thank god. She has the worst voice.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Miley an adult for The Mountain? Or almost an adult?