Monday, July 30, 2012

Ali Lohan Gets To Hide For 30 More Days

Ali Lohan is being shipped to Korea by her modeling agency for the next 30 days. Not 31, not 28, but 30. This comes on top of the 30 days that Ali has already been missing from the public eye. There was one family photo last week and that is it. It was a private photo taken in New York that was used just for this purpose. Hey, I'm sure she will do great there. While she is in Korea she won't be papped at all. Nope. In fact, the only way anyone will be able to contact her is via Skype. Interesting huh?


  1. That's exactly what that girl needs...thousands of miles between her and that family. Run Ali!!

  2. Well, at least it's AT LEAST 60 days. I hope she gets better, and gets some sense to cut ties with that Whack Pack she's related to.

  3. I am rooting for her. Hope all goes well.

  4. I feel bad for her. Her whole family are human stains (except maybe her brothers), so she didn't stand a chance.

  5. how conveeeeenient...

  6. Where's that blind item?

  7. I hope she's locked in a kitchen with Paula Dean.
    Just kidding I think she's the devil but I hope someone can make Ali fall in love with healthy, nutritious food.

  8. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Yep, the girl's in rehab. Hope it works. But aren't 99% of all models coke heads?

  9. @Agent**It - That's funny.

  10. First thing I thought of when I read this yesterday was Enty's blind.

    Yes, very convenient.

  11. I'll see if I can get my friends in Korea to be on the lookout for her.

    Korea's not exactly the best place for rehab.

  12. Well that answers THAT blind.

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I'm sorry guys, I'm not really into American celebrity news today. Because well.... there's this huge controversy in South Korea about a girl group name T-ara and one of the members named Hwayoung. If you have a chance, google it. It's so juicy.

  14. Boy, those Lohan parents are doing a bang up job. Aren't they?

  15. @kelgela, I guess I found the right link where she quit the group? Where is the juice part?

  16. Hope whatever rehab she's in can crack the cult mentality of her sick family.

  17. Hope whatever rehab she's in can crack the cult mentality of her sick family.

  18. @Vicki - I doubt she really is in Korea. More likely the rehab clinic is near Koreatown in LA.

    If she really wanted to have a separate name for herself, what she should do is finish rehab, and then come out vocally really loudly about how the modeling industry drives women to starvation and drugs to live up to an impossible ideal. She could become the icon of that movement. Yes, it would end her modeling career, but she could carve a celebrity career out of it. Give herself some legitimacy, and break free of the Lohan cesspool. I'd love to see it.

    1. she posted a pic of her plane ticket on her twitter a few days ago but in all of the twitter pictures she's posted recently she's in none of them very fishy....

  19. @kelgala - is there more to this Korean story than that the girl was being bullied by her band mates? I don't see where that is juicier than a pregnant Olsen or addict Lohan. What am I missing?

  20. yall should read the comments on tmz's story about her going there a lot of people are saying "it sounds like she's going to be a prostitute" lmfao funny stuff. have fun rehabbing/modeling/prostituting whatever it is you'll be doing over there!

  21. @BigMama - love seeing pictures of your young'uns. Sooo cute!

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Yes, she was bullied, but everything about the other members are being aired out. One called Hyoming and her sex parties. Ohhh you just have to do a bit more digging. A video of another member on a webcam stripping. Just so much stuff, that here in America is tame, but over there is a career killer.

    It's not just Kpop fans in this, its the whole country, its even headlining. And the statement the CEO of the company made...he's made 3. They all contradict each other. Let me give you a link...

  23. I lived in Korea for almost two years. I can't wait to look at all the news stories about her in Korea -- You can't really hide there. It's in the top ten of industrial nations worldwide and every single person has a smartphone they bought within the past 6 months, so it's hard to really hide there.

    My favorite things about Korea were: kimchi, beautiful people, rocking techno, universal appreciation of heavy metal music (you'll hear the Scorpions as you eat ramen quite often), cheap top-notch medical care, and the total absence of illegal drugs. The gov't will test your blood and hair to see if you've been smoking marijuana or taking ecstasy, then jail you. Overkill, but it works.

    I'm not a fan of Ali. She looks like Oscar Wilde with extensions.

  24. Yay!!Stay far faraway from your crazy family. Get better, get stronger, you can do it!!!

  25. this :
    Blind Item #1

    It has now been a little over 30 days since this sibling of a trainwreck actress entered rehab. She is supposed to have been released by now, but maybe she needed more help for her issues which include an eating disorder which is caused by her addiction to some pills her sister got her hooked on.

  26. Spot on @barton I'll never look at her again without thinking of Wilde!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. There really is a Supermodels magazine? Is that one of those fake covers you can get your picture printed on at the mall?

  29. Thanks for that Canadachick. Excellent!

  30. @Barton

    Agreed, except about the Kimchi. Can't won't do it!

    I was in China, but not as long. Gotta tell you that I miss the food. The most amazingly delicious food. And I lost a ton of weight bc nothing was processed. All real food.

  31. LOL Agent**It! That pic is not doing her any favors.

  32. How can you be a top model and NOT be on some form of drug? Models don't eat. They use cocaine and coffee to keep going. So if she's in rehab, how will she stay that skinny? Maybe cocaine is ok but oxycodone isn't. I dunno.

  33. Don't forget Adderall.

  34. i think she's getting work done on her face, not rehab. this is korea we're talking about, where 99% of the celebrities have had their faces fixed one way or the other.

  35. @Frufra - Thank you! I kinda like them myself. ;)

  36. Not for anything, but whose been looking for her that this type of announcement needs to be made. A few weeks ago, I looked up her "before" and "after" pics, and there's no way she's even close enough to being attractive enough, nevermind a model, that gets a real job.

    It's obvious that something is seriously wrong. I am just amazed at what pieces of sh#t her parents are. They are poster children for anyone entering that "business".

  37. She has that triangular *shovel face* I don't find it attractive, and certainly not model material.

    For her sake I hope rehab works and she gets out and away from her family. Do they encourage making a break from the bad influences in rehab, even if it's mom, dad, and sister?

  38. It breaks my heart what they did to her with plastic surgery. She used to be a cute teenaged girl. Now she looks like a skinny tranny...but the kind of tranny where you say "hmmmm, nnno, he has good legs but just doesn't work as a woman."

  39. Agencies send models to Europe and Japan, not to Korea.

  40. Why the announcement? Is anyone, anyone even looking for her?
    If its rehab i wish her well.

  41. Wasn't there a blind that sounded a lot like this last week or the week before??

  42. Too bad it's not North Korea...

  43. what auntliddy said...was anyone looking for Ali? Seems like if it was rehab this announcement would call attention to the fact that she's not around and get people asking about her.

  44. I feel badly for her. She too young to have made most of her "big" decisions (like the bad plastic surgery) on her own. What chance has she had? She has no discernible skills outside of being "famous" and it seems as though that is all her parents ever prepared or groomed her for...that and supporting them so they can be "famous".

  45. Oh my gosh Barton! Wilde all over.

    Her face isn't interesting enough for editorial.

    How come the eldest boy turned out so normal?

  46. She may not be model material, yet there she is...modeling. Someone explain.

  47. That pix Enty used of her is from August 28, 2008.

  48. How the hell is that donkeyface a model? Is she modeling for the Life or Meth poster campaign? It doesn't help that at 80 lbs her nose is the most prominent thing on her.

  49. Even if she was/is in Korea, I'll bet it's for more plastic surgery, not rehab. But maybe both.

    That poor child.
