Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Aimee Copeland Has Left The Hospital

A couple of months ago everyone thought Aimee Copeland was going to die from the flesh eating bacteria that was taking her one limb at a time. Two months in the hospital and now Aimee has checked out and has checked in to a rehab clinic to being the process of learning to live without her left leg; right foot; and both of her hands.


  1. Flesh eating bacteria, face eating zombies...wtf is next?

  2. Probably something marketed by the Kardashians.

  3. This girl's got more strength than I.

    Godbless her.

  4. Totally. I would have been begging the nurses, doctors and my family to kill me.

  5. i cannot imagine having to learn how to deal. i know folks do it all the time, and more power to them. Granted, prosthetics are pretty cool today, so maybe they are more helpful than a hook and peg-leg as they used to be...mostly...

  6. @chadsexington Comment of the day, for sure

  7. I just heard that she has SOMEhow maintained a positive attitude throughout this.

    I cannot imagine how; she's stronger than I would ever be.

    Maybe because she has a strong support system, thank goodness.

  8. Such a pretty girl, I feel so bad for her. I wish her well.

  9. Oh my God that sucks balls SO BAD.

    I think I would not probably make it through the rehab because I am too vain and especially at that age I would probably kill myself.

    It is a sad reflection of me, I wish her the very best.

  10. @figgy
    I was just coming on to say the same thing. I'm sure she will have tremendously hard days, but her strength and attitude certainly puts some stuff in perspective for me

  11. This girl was trying to do this without painkillers as well, at least in the beginning. Wow. I panic with an IV in my arm. Amazing courage and determination shown by Aimee. The Dr's. only gave her a 1% chance of survival.

  12. Wow

    Soooo anyone else think she maybe deserves a $600,000 vacation fund?

  13. Hoping Aimee has nothing but good things in her future.
    She has the right attitude to do great in her recovery.

  14. She comes from an amazingly strong family. Here is her fathers blog: http://aimeecopeland.com/andy-blog/2012/06/25/night-and-day/

    They are such an incredible source of inspiration

  15. Did anyone else watch the South Park ziplining episode that came out right before this happened? It was the funniest episode ever, even funnier than the Warcraft one to a semi-retired player. But now the ziplining one has more meaning and I'm not sure if I can watch it just yet...

  16. Godspeed to her further recovery. She is one brave dame. I remind myself, when my life feels like it's shite, that someone else has overcome tougher odds.

  17. I hope she sues the goddamn shit out of that hospital for lazily turning her away. This could have been prevented.
