Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7 Year Old Girl Saved From Death By Bus Driver

I have seen it in movies and cartoons, but don't think I have ever seen it in real life or caught in any kind of way on camera. In New York, a 7 year old girl crawled out of her third story window on to a window air conditioner and started dancing on it. She tripped and fell and probably would have died except for a bus driver who had been watching. He managed to catch her. The girl suffered no injuries, but the bus driver did tear a tendon in his bicep. That is a lot of weight dropping on you from 30 feet. Can you imagine how nervous the guy must have been? It is not that easy to catch something from 30 feet that is moving fast and is heavy. Go drop a watermelon from the third floor of a building and see if you can catch it. Then add about 40 pounds to it and see how you do. And that is not even a real life you are trying to catch. if for some reason the video doesn't load, you can click here.


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