A mom who went out to turn a trick as an escort left a bag of heroin out in plain sight. The father of the baby stepped out for a little bit leaving the one year old alone. The one year old ate the heroin. The dad noticed, but did not do anything for over 45 minutes. He then did not call 911, but his parents and then took the baby over there and asked what he should do. Finally 911 was called and the baby rushed to the hospital. Both parents were arrested on child abuse charges. The baby was unresponsive and blue when brought in, but is supposed to recover. I really hate people sometimes.
He doesn't look whacked out of his mind. No, not at all.
ReplyDeleteThey should both be left to rot in prison. I hope an inmate or prison guard beats the dumbfuck off his fug face.
In France,the kids of a pharmacist used cocaïne during more one year .Thé kids were 3 and 5 years old and thé dad was an user
ReplyDeleteUmm. I just can't handle this today.
ReplyDeleteI'll let y'all rip em to shreds.
Off to work now. I get to help more deserving people become parents to balance out this madness...
That poor baby! I'm glad he? Is supposed to live and hopefully he is taken far far away from its parents. That's so tragic. There was a local news story about a lady who left her 10 kids (yup ten) home alone with a a bag of cocaine on the table so she could go drink.
ReplyDeleteJesus H. Can't there be some sort of sterilization law?!
hey mom, dad, yeah how do I protect myself first legally in case the baby dies, well yeah its' blue, but not BLUE BLUE.
ReplyDeleteUgh, scumbags don't just stop being scumbags.
ReplyDeleteThé kids were 2 and 4 years old
I think that a mother who prostitutes herself for heroin money doesn't merit the courtesy title "escort." She's a hooker.
ReplyDeleteThis happened in vegas, hence the escort title.
DeleteDidn't call 911 immediately? They must be CoS too
ReplyDeleteSad thing is crack ho's are among the most fertile organisms on the planet.
ReplyDelete"Recover", yeah, it would take a miracle for the heroin not to permanently damage this kid.
ReplyDeleteThis is why sex ed and birth control needs to be taught and available. Just b/c you can reproduce doesn't mean you should.
What's with the daily post about bad parents? As a new mom, I have a hard time stomaching any of this.
ReplyDeleteWhat the FUCK
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice the sad irony of the baby's outfit?
ReplyDeleteI want a baby and cant get pregnant to save my life and this "woman" is leaving heroin around her baby. Give the baby to me or someone who will love her. UGH
ReplyDeleteWas the baby on heroin when they took the picture?
ReplyDeleteOn a different note, and sorry if this offends anyone, but I already had an idea of what mommy and daddy looked like before I even opened the page.
(chuckle) If Obama had a son, he'd look like this fine citizen.
ReplyDelete*just mentally squeezed my 22 month old* then said a nasty prayer for assholes like this.
ReplyDeleteI love that bad words aren't censored on this website, so my reply to all of this:
ReplyDeleteThis is fucking unbelievable, these are the dumbest motherfuckers I have ever heard of. Dumbass hilbillies shouldn't breed.
Typical parasites. This is what your tax dollars subsidize...congratulations. And by the way, you're not giving nearly enough. (chuckle)
DeleteSorry @hollywood dime. I feel your pain. I help lots of ladies get pregnant with acupuncture. Please try if you haven't already.
ReplyDelete(*sorry for the advertisement*)
I've been doing the acupuncture for about 3 months. I love Chinese medicine, it's cured every ailment I've had for the last 15 years. I'm extremely hopeful and optimistic that it will work :)
Delete@hollywood dime...I am going through the same thing personally and I thought the EXACT same thing! It seems unjust but I am keeping the faith.
ReplyDeleteYou HAVE to keep the faith!!! It WILL happen I'm sure of it.
DeletePlease Enty post the next story I don't want to see that assholes face anymore.
ReplyDelete@ dia papaya...I am embarrassed to admit this but I just learned about that option from Real Housewives of NY. (Oh the same!) Should you go at a specific point in your cycle?
ReplyDelete(sorry for being horribly OT)
Oh the SHAME not same ;-)
ReplyDeleteI hear ya hollywood dime! I have almost 4 years and a miscarriage under my belt and still no one to call me "Mom" but this trick (literally) has a child? I'll be sure to mention her when another person tells me that my infertility is God's way of telling me I don't deserve children.
ReplyDeletePeople say that?!!! OMG! I can't control my rage!
DeleteThat's a bunch of BS. How dare anyone tell someone who is trying to conceive that they don't deserve children. The God I know does not work that way.
DeletePrayer that things work out for both of you.
Jenni, somebody actually said that to you? I hope you punched that cunt in her faith.
ReplyDeleteVicki - you'd be surprised at what people will say to you. Apparently the status of my uterus is quite a popular topic of conversation for my husband's aunt.
ReplyDeleteWhat's worse is they were probably more upset that the heroin was gone. I hope they rot in jail for the rest of their lives. Useless pieces of shit.
ReplyDeletegiving credence to my forced birth control/sterlization theory the other day.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful child. What an awful way for him to start life.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry there are such callous and cruel cunts out there that not only think stuff like that, but also say it. If you can't have children biologically maybe it's really Gods way of telling you that you are to be a mommy to children who don't have the parents they need and deserve. It's a special angel of a person who can be the mommy of an adopted child.
I'll keep you in my thoughts.
Jenni, I'm so sorry. When her kids' precious sneauxflaqhues grow up and become serial killers, I hope you rub it in her face.
ReplyDelete@Jenni - people suck and I am sorry you have to deal with that kinda crap. I would also encourage looking into acupuncture before looking into any other more invasive and cost procedures. I am rooting for you!
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I get a lot of crap from people b/c I don't want kids. That I am selfish and how I will die alone. People can be assholes.
@Jenni - that's just so f'ing wrong, I'm sorry people would say stuff like that to you. Just horrid.
ReplyDelete@Jenni- that is so rude and heartless for someone to say to you! You have more patience and grace than I do because I'd beat the shit outta someone if they said that to my face! Forget those awful people.
ReplyDeleteIs it THAT difficult to get a birth control? Why do these people procreate?
ReplyDeleteTake the baby, give it to someone who can/will CARE for it properly, then STERILIZE BOTH OF THESE DUMB FUCKS for life.
ReplyDelete@ms good intentions - I promise to write more later. On public trans right now.
ReplyDelete@hollywood - that's awesome! Acupuncture works for SO many conditions without meds or side effects!
@jenni - I'm sorry for your family's rudeness. Wanting to have kids and not being able is one of the hardest things to live through. Mean comments just make it worse. Big hug!
Okay. I'm going to say it. It would have been better for this child to have died. With the (likely) damage, and of course it's bright future with these disgusting creatures as 'parents' what fucking hope does it have? The mother was probably high and drunk throughout the pregnancy anyway. I cannpt fucking believe this world.
ReplyDeleteWhere have i heard "sterilize them all" before? not really a place anyone should want to go given what it led to last time. we need to address the problems in our society; harder and less immediately rewarding but the only answer.
ReplyDeleteoh, and these two should go to jail for a long, long time.
ReplyDelete@ dia papaya...Thanks! I will check back later. I am very committed to natural cures and have successfully used natural alternatives such as homeopathy for many things over the years. I have not yet had any experience with acupuncture but I am definitely interested.
ReplyDeleteLuckylass, I got the "oh, you'll change your mind!" all of the time when I was younger and told people I didn't want kids. Now that I'm 43 and still anti-breeding, I don't hear it as much. I knew at an early age that I'm just not mommy material. Frankly, kids bore and annoy me. I am perfectly happy spending time with my friends' kids, but I certainly don't want to take them home with me or anything.
ReplyDeleteWhen people ask who will take care of me when I'm old and frail, I tell them that based on what I've seen, there's no guarantee your kids will take care of you, and I'd rather pay someone to do the job.
It will HollywodDime! I finally got in to the acupuncturist in 3 weeks and I'm so excited!! I'm not trying to get pregnant though. It's not scary is it?
ReplyDeleteHow irresponsible can people be?! Not just irresponsible but downright vile. i'm all for sterilizing people of this caliber. Men and women. No get out of jail free cards, no second chances, snip snip muthafucka. *Mr. Chow voice from hangover*
ReplyDeleteOn the same note of leaving bad things out, I found bullets in my truck. Apparently left behind by my husbands troubled little cousin.
He had the audacity to come back and ask for them back. After a huge rant about bullets and gangs and my son potentially finding them and killing himself, he left.
Don't think I got through to him...
I weep for this world.
I asked my dad once, ”dad, do you think there is a hell?” His response, ”baby, we are in hell.”
Kats, I did acupuncture in Korea once. I didn't feel a thing, but it did nothing for me.
ReplyDeleteNo words. Too angry.
ReplyDeleteITA @ Tex. Couldn't have said it better.
ReplyDeleteso sad, hope the baby finds parents who will actually love him and gets far away from these effed up people.
ReplyDelete@Texshan - thanks. I get that a lot too.. It makes me laugh a little at the insensitivity of it all. Many of my friends don't reproduce for fertility and mental health issues.
ReplyDelete@Jenni, i'm rooting for ya. Acupuncture is amazing. I have one son under my belt, and we have been trying for another, but nothing. Every twinge and ache I have, I hope I am. Then horrible disappointment every month. It gets depressing. hang in there.
ReplyDelete@kats I've been doing accupuncture for years and it's never hurt. At most there have been times that it was really uncomfortable and those were usually areas of my body that were extremely stagnant. good luck!
ReplyDeleteThese fuckers have just made their problem mine(the taxpayer's) Now I have to pay for their jail stay and child's welfare.Too many weak women and men in society are allowed to breed, I demand their sterilization.
ReplyDelete//end of rant.
@Texshan - I'm the same way. I'm 61 and never wanted children. I worked in pediatrics for 20 years and enjoyed it very much, but at the end of my shift, I went home. I also enjoyed my niece and nephews as they were growing up, and made it clear that if anything happened to their parents I'd want to take them in, but I was very relieved when the youngest was toilet trained! Thankfully, I never had to worry about taking them in. I've NEVER regretted not having kids. And I never will.
ReplyDelete@Texshan and @SusanB, you both sound very wise and know what you want in life. If only more young women could have better female role models, the world would be a better place.
ReplyDelete@Jenni: That must have been a "Christian" that told you that, right? (Big on interpreting "God's will" for everybody, aren't they?) Just tell them that maybe your fist is God's way of telling them they don't deserve teeth.
ReplyDeleteThe second thing DCF will do is work hard to reunite this child with his parents. Like that? I see this all the time.
ReplyDeletePoor, poor baby :(
ReplyDeleteJenni, my husband and I couldn't have children. I can't express the rage I feel at the sociopathic, narcissistic fuckwit who decided they needed to get off on your pain. I made the extremely hard decision to undergo a hysterectomy last year due to severe endometriosis. My husband is infertile. We both wanted children. I hope you are able to have children. Big hugs and best wishes from Australia.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I wasn't going to give advice on what to say back to the bitch, but I can't help myself. How about: "That's a really nasty thing to say, why would you say that?" Please forgive me for the unsolicited advice.
ya...let's make abortion illegal and force these addicts to birth more babies in danger.
ReplyDeleteside eye at you, Mississippi.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOne of my friends has had a really hard time getting pregnant (no luck yet) and has resorted to extremely black humor about it, joking that she should become a crack whore and then she'd probably get pregnant immediately. This story seems to bear this out, doesn't it? This woman and her boyfriend don't deserve or even give a damn about this baby, and yet they have it and probably had it without even trying. There really is no justice or fairness in the world.
ReplyDeleteI hate this story with all of my being. I want to take back reading it. Here's a more detailed report for those interested: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2175211/Couple-jailed-baby-daughter-swallows-heroin-left-reach.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
ReplyDeleteThoughts go out to all having baby-making troubles. I so understand. It took us almost four years, and no joke - my husband had FINALLY scheduled his man test for the day after I peed on the positive stick. I didn't even know he finally booked the gig. All I can say is keep the faith, and OF COURSE this is not happening because you are not meant to be parents. That's crazy talk.
@ dia papaya...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate you taking the time to share that information. I have saved it for future reference and will be looking into finding an acupuncturist in the near future.
You ROCK! :-)