Friday, June 08, 2012

The Video That Will Make Your Day

Normally I don't post videos on Twitter and here but I would be remiss if I didn't share this video with you that PBS did. They auto-tuned Mr. Rogers and I know that right now T-Pain has tears in his eyes somewhere. They should hologram Mr. Rogers and let T-Pain join in on a song.


  1. Awh, love this. I miss him.

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I have to tweet that. So awesome. PBS rules. I don't think I watched anything else when I was a kid. 80s kids rock!

  3. If you smoke pot, light up and then watch this.

    The way he snapped his fingers always creeped me out.

    As a kid, I was always waiting for the puppets to rise up and beat him with their little arms.

    Him playing that recorder was a bit homoerotic. Just saying.

  4. Love this! My son used to watch Mr. Rogers when he was little and I really grew to love his show. I wouldn't miss it!

  5. I must've been mesmerized at 0:50. Because at 1:31 I inexplicably got up and started clucking like a chicken upon hearing "garden of the mind," and the same thing happened again at 2:28.

    Damn, Mr. Rogers, you are one persuasive slow jammer, even in the afterlife.

  6. @nolachickee So, Ill take it that you didn't like Mr. Rogers? :)
    When I was younger he lightweight skeezed me out. Ahhh, nostalgia...

  7. @nolachickee So, Ill take it that you didn't like Mr. Rogers? :)
    When I was younger he lightweight skeezed me out. Ahhh, nostalgia...

  8. I love this. :D This made my week. Thanks, Enty!!

  9. @Gtzisshe - it was a love/hate relationship between Mr. Rogers and me. I found him fascinating in both good and bad ways. He shut me up and made me stop moving and stare at the tv. My mom loved when he came on because it meant I would leave her alone for that chunk of time.

  10. Very cool! Brings back my child hood.

  11. omg that was fantastic, thanks.

    I loved Mr Rogers. Still do. He'll never be outdated. Yay PBS.

  12. I love Mr. Rogers as much as if he'd been my own grandfather. He was just everything that people SHOULD be...loving, accepting, supportive, kind, compassionate, smart, responsible. I still strive to be like Mr. Rogers.

    But I think I'm more like Lady Elaine. ;-)

  13. I want to school at Pitt and they said he used to jog around the campus. I never got to see him though =(.

  14. I loved Mr. Rogers and still do. Love this just for bringing him back to me a for a moment. So sweet, innocent and loving.

  15. I was never a big fan of Mr Rogers, but found this pretty catchy!

  16. Awwww!! I grew up watching Mr Rogers too and this brought a tear to my eye.

  17. Awesome! I loved Mr. Roger's Neighborhood when I was little. I NEVER missed it. Kitty Kitty Meow Meow got on my mom's last nerve, but I loved her. I loved all the puppets.

  18. I always think about him when I come home, take off my "outside coat" and put on my "inside sweater".

    He was one of the best parts of my childhood :-).

  19. Love this!! Mr. Rogers was one of my childhood faves (along with the Muppets and the Electric Company).

    Between this and the yomyomf channel I've probably spent too much time on YouTube this afternoon, but it's worth it. Now I'm off to watch some Maru videos ...

  20. I was expecting to hate this, but, I made my husband come watch it. Loved it!!

  21. Anonymous7:22 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Everyone should read this article about Mr. Rogers:

    I read it whenever I need a reminder that there is a possibility for good to grow in this world.

    (and if the article is too long for your taste, at least give this quick summary of the article a try - It's good for a smile - I swear!)

  23. Mr. Rogers needs to reclaim the sweater vest from politicians who wear them but aren't as accepting of people.

    Loved the video.

  24. My daughter was cooled out.

  25. My daughter loved it too! And so did I.
