Friday, June 22, 2012

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes

Let me ask you this. You know a married couple. They both work a lot, but he works more than she does. Her schedule is flexible because she has a harder time getting work. The husband gets a huge award. Something that has only been given out four times ever and is planned months and months in advance and his wife can't make it because she is out of the country for work. Something that happened after he found out about the award and nothing that is career changing. It is not really even in her career field.

The couple is rarely, if ever spotted together. Think about that now. Go back in your mind to a regular married couple you know. They are always together and then suddenly you never see them together. You see plenty of him and plenty of her and they are in the same city but you never see them together. What would you be thinking?

Now, what if you saw them and each time you saw them individually sometimes they had their child and sometimes they didn't? The one thing that was consistent is they were never together at the same time.

What if this same couple had a staff who did all their grocery shopping and cooking. Then one day you are going through your grocery store and there is the wife doing grocery shopping for the first time you can ever remember seeing her in a grocery store since the couple was married.

All of these things apply to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Have they been spotted together? Sure, they have, but not often and usually it seems its only for a brief meal, maybe a quick photo op and a changeover of the child. I think we are headed for a divorce.


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