Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Was Never The Same

This actress used to be on the cusp of A list. It was right there for the taking. Then she lost it and it all happened because of a part. A part that she thought would take her from sexy to Academy Award. Our actress never had a problem working. She always worked. She just wanted to be taken seriously. She felt like after a few years of lead roles that all directors and producers wanted her for was her body. She had been on enough casting couches to start a furniture store and the only thing that kept getting her those roles was her willingness to be on the couch. She knew as she started to get older there would be younger and more attractive actresses that would also be willing to roll on the couch so she wanted more. She finally figured out how to get off the couch. Get a role so good that people would take her seriously. She was going all in on the role and decided to go method. Really method. When she was cast she started doing everything her character would do. She lived that life for months before filming. Sex, drugs and practicing what would be the clincher in the movie. She was ready. She was her character. She nailed it. She did exactly what she set out to do and received lots of praise and awards. Nothing big, but she had been noticed.

The problem is that after the film was finished, she could not escape the role. Not that she was typecast, but she had involved herself so deeply into becoming the person she was playing that she kept living the same life. She goes from guy to guy just like her character. She loved living that party lifestyle which she convinced herself was work before but was now just an excuse to still stay in that one moment where people took her seriously. The character became such a part of her life that when she read for directors she would end up acting just like the character. As a result, with the exception of two or three decent performances, the past decade has been a wasteland of forgettable roles. As she starts to age now, the casting couch is back in play again. Even though she has B list name recognition and is probably still a B- list actress she finds herself in the same position she was before, but just can't seem to ever get out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Characters I think of are Hilary Swank's in the transgender movie (Boys don't cry?) and Charlize in Monster but I don't think it is either of them.

  3. Sharon Stone.

    Drat! Tomorrow beat me to it!

  4. My first thought was Jennifer Connelly, with the movie being, "Requiem for a Dream", but the Sharon Stone/Casino guess fits much better. Stone has that ragged look of a heroin addict in some pics. :(

  5. This is so Betty White.

  6. "practicing what would be the clincher in the movie" I want to know what that is/was.

    1. the scene in Casino where she lost her shit and Sam threw her out of the house. turning point in the movie.

  7. I also thought of Heather Graham, as Roller Girl in "Boogie Nights." She learned to roller skate, maybe. I know at the time, she seemed like she had *arrived,* but she's fizzled now. She does seem to, mostly play the same life-of-the-party type.

  8. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I like the Heather Graham guess.

  9. Jennifer Jason Leigh? Role was in Rush. May be too long ago though.

  10. Jenifer Connelly was my first thought too. I haven't seen Casino, what's the "clincher"? ...unless it's a spoiler.

  11. Would Sharon Stone really be B name recognition. I would think she is permanment A recognition.

  12. Elizabeth Shue in Leaving Las Vegas?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yeah, I want to know what the "clincher" is. Gotta be something iconic. In that case, I might think Jennifer Connelly and the famous icky scene in RFAD, but she and Paul Bettany are happily married with children, yes? And she's done a LOT since RFAD...A BEAUTIFUL MIND, HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG, POLLOCK...just too much good stuff for this to be her.

    I like the Sharon Stone and Heather Graham guesses. Still can't think of anything "clincher" for either of them. Sharon crossing her legs?! I got nothin'.

  15. I don't think it's graham. In the past ten years she's had her own show (2006-2008) and she was in the hangover. I think Hangover is not a forgettable role.

    1. Her role in Hangover was pretty minor. Her TV show totally bombed.

  16. Heather Graham is such a beautiful girl but such a terrible actress. I can see the casting couch being necessary to her career.

    Did she go from guy to guy?

  17. Sharon Stone was the first person who came to mind for me as well.

  18. I'd also thought of Halle Berry, but haven't seen "Monster's Ball", so I don't know what the clincher is.

  19. Charlize Theron/Monster ??

  20. Lindsey Lohan? Clincher being the bj she gave the guy in the boat, the movie being the one where she played a troubled teenager sent to live with her father, she hasn't really outgrown that persona.

    I am thinking after cute disney movies, when she got older.

  21. @Commandeered, I read it to be for the most part, her roles have been forgettable with few exceptions.

    I don't want it to be her though, I don't know why but I like her.

  22. Heather Graham is possible, though Boogie Nights was the role that put her on the map, rather than one that put her over the top. Was she really know for anything, her body or not before that? Certainly she was not cusp of A list at that point, and Rollergirl was a "sexy" role, vs a serious one that would potentially differentiate her from just being a sexy actress. I would agree with Patty above that Sharon Stone still has A list name recognition, and I also would not describe her with the phrase "as she starts to age now." She's already aged. That being said, I have nothing better yet.

  23. The clue is "practicing what would be the clincher in the movie", plus the sex and drugs.

    Jennifer Connelly is doing just fine, imo.

  24. Forgot to say - the clincher can't be sex, Enty listed that separately.

  25. Kim Basinger, for L.A. Confidential.

  26. It says she received awards for that role. Does Heather Graham have awards?

  27. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Sienna Miller. The movie was about Andy Warhol's girlfriend. The name escapes me now.

    1. Factory Girl is the name of her movie

  28. I would think the clincher would have to be some skill/ability that the character had to do, something like learning an accent, playing an instrument, a physical talent (like swimming, handstands, etc.), or a sport (horseback riding, a golf swing); along those lines. Stuff that a stunt double can't do without the scene(s) looking hokey.

  29. the language "going all in" points to casino. she also gives joe pesci a blow job in that movie

    1. She didn't actually give him oral sex. I doubt she'd have to practice that, anyway! :-)

      Also, I don't think thay scene was a clincher for the character ir the movie overall. I don't think the clincher has anything to do with sex.

  30. I originally thought Sienna Miller for Edie, but that movie was a huge flop and didn't bring her any awards/respect.

    Charlize Theron has won the Oscar for the Monster, which I wouldn't call "nothing big." She's also worked pretty steadily since then.

    Heather Graham was nominated for a SAG award for Boogie Nights/Bobby, but both was for the whole cast and not just her.

    Can't wait to see the Random Photos for today....

  31. I so want to say Brittany Murphy.
    with the movie being Girl, interrupted.

  32. Ooh Factory Girl. That's a good guess. Haven't seen it for a few years, so I can't think of what the clincher would be. Does she OD? That could work, despite drugs being listed separately.

  33. Charlize can't be it. Enty says she got a few awards for the part but not big ones. CT got an Oscar for Monster, so doubt its her.

  34. Sharon Stone •°°●•► Casino

  35. Kate Bogsworth for Wonderland?

  36. What about Chloe and Brown Bunny? At work, can't look up, just wanted to throw it in. Apologize in advance if it's a horrible guess.

    1. I thought that to. Very graphic movie. But mostly made her the butt of jokes...

  37. Everyone I think of doesn't fit the blind in some big way, like Heather Graham was definitely not on the cusp of A list with leading roles by the time she did Boogie Nights. I am drawing a blank so far.

  38. My first thought was Sharon Stone. She was only known for sex, and body before the Casino role and really hasn't done a whole lot since. I don't know why she would be A, she had one good role in her entire career, now she only really has name recognition.

  39. How about Gina Gershon? She was in Showgirls and thought it was going to be her big role.

    She apparently talked about how she wanted to pose for Playboy, but they didn't want her.

  40. Okay, now I like the Elizabeth Shu guess...

  41. At first I thought about Rooney but the clues really don't fit. Sharron Stone has more than B-list name recognition. Still trying to think of an actress/film that's all living guy-to-guy party lifestyle. Hoping this will get revealed.

  42. Sharon is A list recognition, right? Her name is always being thrown around for blinds lately.
    Charlize is A list, can't be her.
    It seems like this one should be really easy to nail, there's alot of details. I don't think we've hit on it just yet. *IMDBing*

  43. "She goes from guy to guy just like her character" - well, that doesn't help narrow the field down too much..

  44. Oh, and Elizabeth Shue is married with kids. She left the biz for years to raise them. Not her.

  45. Good guesses with Heather Graham and Gina Gershon, allow me to submit Marisa Tomei to the list of possibilities.

  46. Marisa Tomei won an Oscar and has been nominated at least twice since then...

  47. Elizabeth Shue is on CSI now, and is in her mid 40's....and married.

    I like the Heather Graham guess.

  48. I don't think it's Charlize and Monster, because if you follow that logic, the 'lifestyle' was being a serial killer LOL.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. When I read this blind I'm thinking of someone much more "helpless" and weak than Sharon Stone seems to be. More like Heather Graham although I don't think she was ever near A-list.

    How about Melanie Griffith and Working Girl? In that movie she also goes on about being "taken seriously".

  51. Do Denise Richards or Neve Campbell work (movie was Wild Things)? Neve's character was into drugs (can't remember if Denise's character was into drugs). The "clincher" would be the lesbian scene...

  52. All signs point to Heather Graham. I would think Sharon Stone still has A name recognition.

  53. Although Working Girl was hardly about sex and drugs.. Scratch that.

  54. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Cameron Diaz, for Gangs of New York? She played a prostitute and a thief with a REALLY bad Irish accent. Though I guess a lot of people would say she's A-list ...

    Maribel Verdu was an idea I had (Y Tu Mama Tambien), except she is based in Spain, not Hollywood.

    I'm not good at these.

  55. Can't be Sharon Stone. She won an academy award for her performance in Casino. The BV said that the actress got recognition, but never anything big for her performance.

    As for Heather...I don't think it's her either. Rollergirl was her sexiest character...and that character kicked off her career. She got a lot more work after that. I also don't recall her being stereotyped into a prostitution, sex or drug addicted role. She did Lost in Space, Austin Powers and a bunch of other stuff.

  56. no. the lifestyle of charlize's role for monster was an addict and a prostitute. NOT a serial killer. That just happened as her life of an addict and prositute progressed.

    What has Heather Graham (sp? and I'm too lazy to scroll up) that would be anything even remotely be up for an Academy Award?

  57. all signs point to theron.

    it would also make sense as to why she adopted the kid now too.

  58. 1st thought...Jennifer J. Lee for Rush. She was totally immersed in that role & did receive some accolades for her very raw performance. However, the blind mentions that the character went from person to person in the role. Her only attachment was Jason Patric in the movie though.

    Elizabeth Shue could be considered, but I don't remember her character in Leaving Las Vegas as a drug user, but I may have forgotten that part. But she was a prostitute and heavy drinker.

  59. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Heather Graham was my first thought as well...

  60. Heather Graham was never almost A-list.
    Charlize Theron IS A-list and is steadily working. Her star is on the rise not declining

    I'm firmly in the Sharon Stone camp for this one

  61. What about a stripper? An actress who had to learn how to strip? That goes w/sex and drugs, and it'd take some practice...?

  62. Wasn't there the blind about heather graham being passed around by the guys in the Hangover?

  63. "As she starts to age now"- wonder what Enty's age definition is??

    Sharon Stone is 54.

    Psychologist, Erik Erikson, defines middle adulthood as between 40 and 65.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Definitely NOT Sharon Stone. She won an award for her performance in Casino. Basic Instinct kicked off her career and got her loads of work. The actress stopped getting work after a memorable role.

    Definitely definitely not Charlize. She's an A list actress and also still get loads of work. Was just nominated for an oscar this past year (I believe). Never think of her as a character doing only sex or drugs. Never.

    Heather Graham - Roller girl was not an academy role or even showed any form of brilliance. It also kicked off her career.

    This sounds more like a Tara Reid type person who got lost in drugs. I know it's not her, but that would be closer than the ones everyone is guessing.

  66. Sean Young immediately came to mind.

  67. Just to be different, how about Sarah Michelle Gellar? In cruel intentions she was promiscuous and liked the nose candy. She also won MTV awards for it.

  68. Linda Fiorentino, "The Last Seduction." She won some critics awards and according to Wikipedia was a strong contender for an Oscar nominee but the film was disqualified for airing on HBO before it went to theaters ("cusp of A list"). She was then in that horrible stinker "Jade" and the only good roles she's had are the Men in Black films, maybe Dogma.

  69. What about either Kate Hudson and her "groupie"lifestyle in Almost Famous,

  70. 'Practicing what would be the clincher in the movie' = practicing on roller skates!


  71. Going with Heather Graham:
    - The "roll on the couch" bit could be a clue pointing to Rollergirl in Boogie Nights.
    - The clincher in that movie is roller skating.
    - She got lots of praise AND awards for BG, but nothing major (an MTV Movie Award, for example).
    - If you look at her IMDB page she has always worked steadily.
    - She never dates anyone for longer than a year or two.
    - She definitely has a great body.

    The only problem is I don't think I have heard rumors of her being on drugs. Hmm ...

    1. I'm about to jump back on the Heather Graham train. She fits the closest of any other guesses so far.

  72. "Clincher" makes me think of wrestling. So, I'm going for Tomei in The Wrestler.

  73. Heather Graham is my guess. She was one of my guy friends first time in the sack actually! Agoura High.

  74. i don't think the timing works for sharon stone. this sounds like someone in their 30s or 40s ("as she starts to age now" interpreted per hollywood standards) who was about to hit it big a decade or so ago ("the past decade has been a wasteland of forgettable roles").

    no way is this charlize. how is she currently B-? jennifer connelly doesn't fit the hopping around from guy to guy part bc she's been married to paul bettany since 2003. also she won an oscar for a beautiful mind /after/ requiem.

    i like the sienna or chloe guesses. chloe's character in the brown bunny def fits the description of the role. not sure what the clincher would be - the rape? how do you practice that? ughh. oh wait but i don't think chloe was ever cast just for her looks or had a problem being taken seriously - she's an indie darling. hmm scratch that.

    heather maybe, though i agree that i don't think she was on the cusp of A with a few leading roles before boogie nights.

  75. I agree with Crila.
    I was thinking someone like that or even an Erika Christianson in "Traffic" type of a roll.

  76. Actually my first thought was Michelle Williams as Marilyn, but it's obviously not.

  77. How about Halley Berry?

  78. Like @djphob, I instantly thought of Chloe Sevenighy (not sure about the spelling of that name) and them movie "Brown Bunny". The movie wasn't a hit, but it was ALL the talk among critics and independent film circles, not because it was very good, but because of the very graphic sex. Supposedly, Chloe really did perform oral sex on her male co-star during the filming. I think the movie also had lots of drugging and hardcore partying in it, too. Chloe is starting to get older. Well, older for an actress. For a while she was in everything and you saw her picture in EVERY magazine. She was the darling of the fashionistas. After Brown Bunny that all stopped.

    I also think it could be someone from the movie "Traffic". The blonde girl that played Michael Douglas's druggie daughter and Topher Grace's girlfriend. That had some very hardcore drug scenes. I can't think of her name, but I do remember that when that movie came out she was supposed to be the next big thing. And now I can't even remember her name.

  79. just to throw it out there... christina ricci? the gambling clues reminded me of fear and loathing. and sex and drugs reminds me of prozac nation. i think she was praised for her work in PN but i dont think it ever got its big release in the US. please dont yell at me if im totally off here though! :)

  80. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Crila, I think Sharon Stone won a Golden Globe, not an Oscar.

    I don't think it's JJL, even though she is a Method actress. First, "Rush" is 20 years old. I never got a "sexy" or "casting couch" vibe from her, and as far as I know she was never wanted just for her body. I mean, she has done nude scenes, but she is a serious, well-regarded actress. Also, she was with/married to Noah Baumbach from 2001 to 2010 and has a kid with him. Her dad was an actor and her mom a screenwriter, so I really don't think she had to sleep her way to roles.

  81. I vote for Sharon Stone. She's aging. She's kind of nutty. She hasn't done much of note in years. The only question is in which role did she go "method?" Basic Instinct? Casino? Muse? (JK).

  82. When Enty says an actress sat on the casting couch, does that automatically mean the actress had sex to get a part?

  83. Cameron Diaz - Being John Malkovic

  84. She was also in From Hell. Graham I mean. Odd that she went down hill. Her mother wouldn't let her be in Heathers.

  85. I like Cameron Diaz guess too.

  86. What about Demi Moore in Striptease?

  87. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Im thinking Kate hudson and the groupie movie, she would be cusp of A and still B-, just because shes pregnant now she surely has moved from guy to guy

  88. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Im thinking Kate hudson and the groupie movie, she would be cusp of A and still B-, just because shes pregnant now she surely has moved from guy to guy

  89. Sharon Stone didn't win for Casino, she was only nominated...

    We're looking for someone probably in late thirties, known for being sexy, who played an iconic, messed up drug addicted woman who has sex a lot, and did something unusual in the movie that was critical to the plot...

    This iconic role probably happened about ten years ago.

  90. can't be Demi, she is considered middle aged ...

    1. If it can't be Demi then it certainly can't be Sharon Stone.

  91. I think the "clincher" would be a specific act, like Sharon Stone uncrossing her legs in Basic Instinct. It would not be roller skating throughout the entire movie.

    I think this could be Sharon Stone. She is most remembered for the act of uncrossing her legs. She could not escape that role.

    1. I seriously hope she didn't have to practice crossing her legs. Besides, wasn't that a direction given while doing the scene? It was the camera operator who needed the skill! I doubt that's something Stone worked on for months before filming. (Unless she was handplucking one hair per day.)

  92. I was thinking Gina Gershon, with Bound or Showgirls being the movies but you folks beat me to it. I also like the Linda Fiorentino guess.

  93. Also think Graham. for reason Yara B. has posted above:P

  94. @cdanluva:

    When Enty says an actress sat on the casting couch, does that automatically mean the actress had sex to get a part?

    The casting couch is a long-time euphemism for sleeping with someone (producer, director, what have you) to get a part.

  95. I'm on the Heather Graham train.

  96. Could it be Tara Reid in "The Big Lebowski"?

  97. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Halle Berry - Monster's Ball, clincher being the sex scene with Billy Bob?? I'm sure he was all up for rehearsing.

  98. Brittney Murphy, Spun

  99. @ Denise. I was thinking Erika Christianson too. When I googled, her name came up for the movie Traffic. She got a lot of praise for that role, and no awards.

  100. Sharon Stone is pretty much the epitome of A list for name recognition so I don't think this can be her.

  101. I was liking the Erika Christensen guess, but I remembered that she is a Scientologist. Don't they have something against drug use? Plus she's only 29. If that is aging I'm going to be fairly depressed.

  102. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I know she's on Boardwalk Empire now, but my first thought was Gretchen Mol.

    Back in the late 90's she was supposed to be the next big thing. She's done many forgettable films until BE

    It's not Sharon Stone, it's not Charlize Theron,
    I like the Elizabeth Shue guess. Or the Gina Gershon

  103. I like the Gina Gershon guess.

  104. Penelope Cruz? Movie being "Blow".

  105. I had heard through the gossip sites that Gretchen Mol was used by some honcho. Which does make me said. But I don't think this is her.

  106. @Angie. I don't think it would be Elisabeth Shue. I believe she married a Guggenhiem.

  107. Char,
    I hope it isn't considered aging, but this is Hollywood!
    I forgot she was a Scientologist. I feel like the blind would have hinted if she were at all "religious" so scratch that guess too.

  108. The "clincher" scene for HEather Graham in Boogie Nights would be one of two scenes:

    - the one where she and Julianne Moore's character are doing lines and Graham is all "I'm going to ask you if you're my mom and you're going to say 'Yes', okay? Are you my mom?", and

    - the one where they drive around and pick up a guy from the street for her to have sex with, but then she goes nuts and kicks him out of the car and stomps the shit out of him with her roller skates.

    The only hangup on it being Graham is that the blind says she had worked as a lead beforehand. Graham was getting some heat off of Swingers, but that's a small role, and License to Drive had been a long time before. BUT she also got some heat around that same time for Two Girls and a Guy, a year later starred in Lost in Space (and dated the director for awhile, starred in an Austin Powers sequel, was a big part in Bowfinger, starred with Johnny Depp in From Hell ... she really was on the cusp of A-list in that four-year period.

    If we assume Enty is cheating the "when" she was on that cusp a bit, and when the leads were ... Graham might well make sense. Does she do anything extreme in Committed or something where that could be the role referenced here, not Boogie Nights?

  109. I have no idea why, but Eva Mendes was the first person to pop into my mind.

  110. Heather Graham in pics

  111. It does sound like it could be Chloe Sevigny but she received tons of critical acclaim on Big Love.

    "As a result, with the exception of two or three decent performances, the past decade has been a wasteland of forgettable roles."

    I don't think the role of Nicki Grant could ever be considered forgettable. She won a GG for the part. Plus, she has always been in controversial movies - Kids, Brown Bunny, American Psycho, Party Monster, Boys Don't Cry etc.

    Marisa Tomei already has an Oscar. Cameron Diaz, despite doing many clunkers, is still in some pretty big movies. Heather Graham could fit.

  112. it's gotta be Sharon Stone. couched for B.I., Sliver, and Casino. sex, drugs, and partying for Casino, clincher would be scene where she loses her shit in the house when she's wasted and Sam throws her out. It was the turning point in the movie. after that, she did and kinda still does act like Ginger.

  113. So I reread the blind and this is an actress who had already had leading roles and was considered sexy.

    That rules out Heather Graham - Boogie Nights was the first big role she had. She was sexy, for sure, but what leads did she play before Boogie Nights? And FWIW, she wasn't really a lead in that, either (was she?)

  114. "Sex, drugs, and practicing what would be the clincher in the movie."

    She had to PRACTICE it. So it wasn't dialogue, that's a given, and it wasn't leg-crossing. It wasn't a blowjob either, since sex was mentioned separately.

  115. Another thing on Heather Graham, in 1999 ShoWest awarded her "Female Star of the Future". Not a big award at all, but she was getting noticed, and the A-list was there for the taking.

  116. eva mendes made me think of rosario dawson for some reason. tho not sure if she has a role that fits - kids was her first, so that doesn't fit. 25th hr maybe?

    no way is it halle or cameron, they are def NOT B- list now. diaz is consistently on highest paid lists and opens movies. berry won an oscar for monster's ball and has done a lot of stuff since then.

  117. Erika Christensen is a regular on Parenthood on NBC. I don't think it's her.

    Elisabeth Shue is married to Davis Guggenheim and took time out to raise her kids.

    Charlize is A list. There's no way this is her.

    Gina Gershon never did anything where she was nominated for a big award or was likely to be nominated for a big award.

    Heather Graham or Sharon Stone seem the most reasonable guesses. I favor Heather Graham for this. She did several projects that had a lot of potential: From Hell, Drugstore Cowboy, Two Girls and a Guy (with Himmmm???), and Boogie Nights -- the latter of which would have been the most likely to get her awards. However, her career never really took off. Yes, she's still around. Yes, she still works. She just hasn't had any memorable roles.

  118. Heather Graham was the female lead in a movie with the Cories when she was around 18.


  119. Graham was a lead in stuff like License to Drive, and appears to have been the female lead in Diggstown (starring her boyfriend at the time, James Woods, who got her the role).

    It's also possible that the role in question isn't Boogie Nights, but is From Hell or something. Or even Two Girls and a Guy (though I'm not sure she would have had to have practiced receiving oral sex, the clincher in that movie).

  120. I thought Chloe s too! That scene would be a clincher right up there with Jeniffer in RFAD (shudder). She was praised for big love but it didn't seem to restart her career.

    What about singing? That would be something to work on and really nail!

    And Sharon a stone crossing her legs isn't that big a deal, I think.

  121. I like the Heather Graham guess. To this day when I see her pic I think "RollerGirl"

  122. My guesses:
    Heather Graham
    Gena Gershon
    Gretchen Mol

  123. Ok, I take back my idea with Heather Graham's lead roles before Boogie Nights. You guys have talked me into it. :)

  124. What about Demi Moore in striptease, she had to learn how to strip and she said she went to actual stippers to learn.

  125. Gina Gershon knew pretty early during filming of `Showgirls`that it was not going to make her a big star. She played along with the campiness after that realization.

    How about Famke Jansen.

  126. I think it might be Heather Graham. She was also in Drugstore Cowboy, and her character's death in that movie was pretty pivotal.

    Theron won for Monster, and is in two major films this summer. Aguably the most A-list of actresses right now. Definitely not her.

  127. "As she starts to age now"

    .... this is not 54 yr old Sharon the Screamer Stone ....

  128. There was a scene in Drugstore Cowboy where Heather Graham had to pretend to OD and seize on the floor to distract people during a heist... That would take practice, and maybe it wasn't so much "practice" as numerous bad trips and potential ODs?

  129. Speaking of Drugstore Cowboy, whatever happened to my boyfriend, Matt Dillon?

  130. My first thought was Heather Graham or Penelope Ann Miller.

  131. Juliet Lewis...Natural Born Killers

  132. maybe a stupid guess, but Courtney Love in the people vs Larry Flynt. people did take her seriosly for a little while after that. and it said before that, she always worked. She was in the band Hole

  133. And I remember courtney love looking beautifl at the Oscars that year

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Heather Graham is in the photos today...

  136. I'm inclined to think it's Heather Graham. How different is the hooker with a heart in Boogie Nights from Hangover? Even in Bowfinger, the role is somewhat similar.

  137. Heather Graham does seem to always play the sweet but not so innocent slutty girl

  138. I'm on board with Chloe Sevingny.

  139. A very ambiguous blind this one! I can think of ten actresses with this problem.

  140. There is absolutely no universe in which this could be Chloe Sevigny. She was selected by the producers for most of her film work without even having to audition, let alone have sex with anyone; she turned in five seasons of stellar performances on Big Love; and she just wrapped up her own BBC mini-series, FFS. Anyone who suggests Chloe for this obviously knows nothing about her career.

  141. Kate Bosworth. The movie "Wonderland" with Val Kilmer.

  142. We need to think of movies about druggies.

    I'm not good at blinds yet but all I can think of is Jennifer Connely in Requiem for a Dream. God that last sex scene was brutal. Has she done anything since besides be on best dressed lists and have every magazine tout how she's every mans fantasy?

  143. I can't believe people are guessing Charlize. She had a fantastic turn in Young Adult and is now in a huge movie with SWATH. Her career hasn't suffered at all lately, she is definitely A list, and not just name recognition.

  144. List of movies with clicher endings http://community.flixster.com/movie-list/most-thought-provoking-films

  145. And RFAD is on it. Plus Jennifer Connolly looks like she was some issues...atleast with her weight. Might not be an eating disorder could be drugs

  146. Heather Graham's awards are all over the map, mostly full cast nominations. I don't think it's her. I think this may be Gretchen Moll and the film The Notorious Bettie Page.

  147. Jennifer Connolly followed Requiem For Dream with Pollock and A Beautiful Mind. She also did Little Children, Blood Diamond and Reservation Road. She's had a pretty amazing 12 year run since Requiem For a Dream.

  148. courtney love came to mind too, she was quite good in people vs larry flynt

  149. Gretchen Mol --The Notorius Betty Page.

    1. Has it been 10 years since she made that?

  150. Courtney Love wasn't a lead in movies, on the cusp of A list. Does not fit.

    Charlize doesn't fit either.

  151. My initial reaction was Heather Graham. I've read comments, and waffled a bit, but I'm sticking with her. Plus, she's in the random pix today.

  152. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I don't think this is Kate Bosworth as she is too young and doesn't have much of a body to want. I'm guessing Uma Thurman with Pulp Fiction as the breakout role and the Kill Bill's as the notable since. She hasn't had much success otherwise and I would say she was on the cusp of A list though she was also married twice. I also like the Rosario Dawson guess and Rent being the break away role where she played a heroin addict dying of AIDS.

  153. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I don't think this is Kate Bosworth as she is too young and doesn't have much of a body to want. I'm guessing Uma Thurman with Pulp Fiction as the breakout role and the Kill Bill's as the notable since. She hasn't had much success otherwise and I would say she was on the cusp of A list though she was also married twice. I also like the Rosario Dawson guess and Rent being the break away role where she played a heroin addict dying of AIDS.

  154. After Larry Flynt, Cortney love did have a lead role in a movie with Jim Carey "Man on the Moon" I believe it was. Then, idk what happened. The drugs took over again I guess

  155. Liv Tyler, One Night at McCool's. Young and sexy in the 90s, but not many roles in the 2000s.

    1. She was in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, arguably one of the best roles of her career. I know my spouse has a monster crush on her stemming from those movies. :)

    2. Yeah, that's a good point. It just seemed like LOTS was it until The Strangers. Anyway, I don't think the McCool fits either. I am now in the the Stone or Jennifer Jason Leigh camp.

  156. I just wanted to say that while there are some good guesses to this blind, none of them feel right to me.

    Sharon Stone - unless this blind is referring to a very long time ago, she is much too old.

    Heather Graham - she doesn't really seem B-list, and her body has always seemed the same, as I can recall. Toned, but not too skinny.

    Erica Christanson - who? B-list?

    Gretchen Mol - again, who? The only time I have ever heard of her was through this website. I think Enty has an "in" with her, but other than that... who?

    Kate Bosworth - great guess, since her weight has fluctuated from skeletal to very thin. What critically acclaimed role has she had, and who would the "big" actor be? Also, B-list? That is generous....

    Kate Beckinsale - critically acclaimed role? And also, hasn't she been married or in a very long term relationship?

    Winona Ryder - Seriously, when was she ever considered sexy? Yeah, she had the quirky thing going for her, but quirky does not equal sexy. I just can't see this being her. Also, the weight thing. She has always appeared to me (IIRC) to be at a normal weight.

    All of that said, I am at a loss for a guess. I have thought about this blind and I can't figure it out. Either Enty is fudging ages, B-list status and the like, we haven't guessed who yet, or it could be one of the fictitious blinds that the disclaimer at the bottom of the site says he's allowed to do.

    Just my opinion.

  157. I know many of the details don't fit, but the way Enty described Rooney Mara here


    fits with the way Enty describes the actress in the bottom half of the last paragraph here.

  158. The girl from Showgirls that was in Saved by the Bell...sorry, way too lazy to Google her name :)

    1. Elizabeth Berkley. Maybe there is another e in her last name, not sure. Loves me some Saved By the Bell. :)

    2. Bingo! Thank you for refreshing my memory...I'm losing it in my old age...lol. And I loved it, too!! I miss that show!

  159. Joy, yo are totally right!I think u got it

  160. I thought of Heather Graham immediately - course that could be b/c Boogie Nights seems to be all over tv lately. Sienna Miller is also a good guess, with the"clincher" being that it has long been suggested that the love scene with Edie and Singer/BD was the real deal between her and Hayden.

  161. Just FYI, Gretchen Mol is aka "The Director's Wife" in Enty's BIs, popular guess has it.

  162. What about Demi Moore? She was known to do anything for a part, back in the GH days.

  163. @Eleanor - What guy doesn't have a monster crush on Liv Tyler? With that being said, I don't think she got involved in living the elven life style.

    To me this is Heather Graham - If you look at her IMDB she was in like 20 movies before Boogie Nights, including a bunch of female lead roles. She broke out big after Boogie Nights but never made it to the A list level - Remember when Hangover came out people were talking about how it was a career resurrection for her?

    Plus, she's 42, which is what I'd consider "Starting to age". She's just too old to play the romantic comedy love interest, but she's too much of a party girl to get the 'serious actress' roles.

  164. Let's review, shall we.

    Almost became an A-Lister.

    Had been a casting couch regular but was not taken seriously as an actor.

    Had one part involving a character who rotated male partners, was into drugs, booze and partying which was the major success of her career but the habits stuck with her. May have also picked up a special skill for the role.

    Was highly praised for this role, and received awards for it.

    Has been stuck in this character since, both in her life and as a performer.

    Has had two or three well received performances in the last decade but most roles have been forgettable.

    The actress is and was known mainly for being sexy and for little else.

    Come on folks, you can work this out. Just find someone who matches the outline rather than trying to force the outline onto who you want it to be.

  165. Ok, Sentinel, any suggestions?

  166. I'll throw out a name, tho I'm not sure if it all fits. Jessica Biel after Powder Blue? Lots of good guesses.

  167. .....as she starts to age now.....

  168. I still think it's Demi Moore. She may be middle aged but she's fought it tooth and nail. Started in a soap and had to fight that all the way.

  169. Heather Graham is 42. That is the most shocking comment I've ever read on this site.

    I didn't think it was her until someone mentioned that!

  170. heather graham or elisabeth berkeley at showgirls, others do not fit at all.



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