Monday, June 25, 2012
Today's Blind Items - She Has The Worst Luck Ever
This actress is a solid B+ actress. Yes, you confuse with her with every other actress that is her same age and it seems like she is in a group of actresses that are all interchangeable depending on the schedule of the others to fill in parts. She did have one really memorable role that stood her out slightly from the others. Anyway, her taste in guys is extraordinarily bad. She has yet to meet a guy who has not used her for one thing or the other. Her first serious boyfriend, well she thought he was a boyfriend. It turns out she was his girlfriend when he was in town. otherwise he had another serious girlfriend in another city. She always thought she would find out if he was cheating because of the tabloids. He is a well known actor. The thing is, his other girlfriend didn't care that he was cheating and they stayed in most nights when he was with her. No tabloids, so our actress thought everything was good. Nope. When she found out she was crushed and told herself she would never date again. Then she ran into this A list actor who said all the right things. She promised herself she would not do anything rash and would take things slow. Well, our A list movie actor fed her drinks and the next thing you know she was spending the night with him on a first date. After a walk of shame home she realized he did not give her a phone number and he never called again. So, the next time she told herself she would be even more careful. She found herself an almost A list actor. Well he thought of himself as one. In fact he calls himself one. He thinks very highly of himself. He also talks about himself in the third person. She thought it was quirky and fun. He is a solid B+ actor who would probably be an A if he was not such a pain. She made this actor wait. Many dates. He waited and waited patiently she thought. She thought they were friends. Well, they finally had sex and something changed. They had sex again and then he never called her again. Now she says that she has given up on dating and is never going to go out again.
Just based on the career described I'm guessing Anna Faris? I have no idea about her love life. But she did break out a bit with House Bunny. And she played a comic version of herself on Entourage once as an actress with bad luck in love.
ReplyDeleteAna Faris is happily married to Chris Pratt with their first child on the way.
ReplyDeleteI get why you would guess her though.
ReplyDeleteI feel like Faris stands out. I'm trying to pinpoint one of the dishwater blonde actresses from movies like "John Tucker Must Die." Maybe Kristen Bell?
Mila Kunis for the win.
ReplyDeleteThe last guy is Ashton Kutcher
Not Mila. She was with Macauley for years.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Seyfried?
ReplyDeleteI could see this. She dated Dominic Cooper, who was dating someone else the whole time, there was Ryan Philippe, and Josh Hartnett may be the B list who is a pain.
DeleteI'm not sure who the walk of shame guy would be.
I first thought Kristen Bell, too, but I think she's still engaged to Dax Shepard.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Cary Mulligan and Shia Labeouf.
ReplyDeleteCarey just married Marcus Mumford, who was her childhood penpal. I wouldn't call her unlucky in love.
DeleteWhich actors refer to themselves in the third person?
ReplyDeleteRachel McAdams? Or is she still with Michael?
ReplyDeleteEnty told us That Kristen and Dax were already married months ago, just hadn't announced it.
Who is Mila Kunis interchangeable with?
ReplyDeleteRachel Bilson. Not saying it's Mila though, just that I always think of those two as interchangeable.
DeleteI was thinking Amanda Seyfried too.
ReplyDeleteMy issue is with saying "she has the worst luck ever". First of all, this is kind of typical dating -- nothing that implies it's the worst ever. And this isn't a question of "luck". Sounds like she is choosing the wrong type of guy.
ReplyDeleteOr am I taking this too seriously? Maybe the headline is a commentary on her and how she would describe herself.
Mila Kunis was photographed this weekend with Ashton K. 'Never called again' needs at least a few weeks to sound plausible. Months would be even better. Plus I think Mila Kunis stands out due to her comic timing. She and Emma Stone are the best comic actresses in the current generation of romantic leads. There is something down to earth about both actresses that is unusual for the typical ingenue
ReplyDeleteI consider Minka Kelly, Mila Kunis, Olivia Munn, Amanda Seyfried, and Olivia Wilde all pretty interchangeable, personally.
ReplyDeleteDifferent hair colors sure, but thats about it.
Amanda is a GREAT guess. Co-sign.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Seachica -- this sounds pretty typical to me. Certainly not "worst luck ever."
ReplyDeleteThis one made me think of Amanda Seyfried, too.
ReplyDeleteNot Amanda Seyfried she's dating Josh Hartnett and dated her costar from Mama Mia Dominic Cooper for a few years before.
ReplyDeleteDominic was dating another girl when they met. He cheated on her with Amanda, who thought he left the girl for her, but he continued to date the first girl the whole time he was seeing Amanda.
DeleteI heard she and Josh had broken up already. He's kind of a cad with relationships.
I have no idea whom this actress is, but whoever she is she's undoubtedly setting herself up for failure. Nobody has that much "bad luck."
ReplyDelete@Sarah Ah! I forgot she got married! Thanks for the reminder :)
ReplyDeleteThis isn't bad luck- this is called having questionable taste and dating only actors.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Seyfried?
Shailene Woodley?
What about Brittany Snow. She dated Josh Henderson who has been associated with people like Paris Hilton thus making him an instant douchebag?
ReplyDeleteShe should read Steve Harvey's book Think Like a Man. Her "luck" might change.
ReplyDeleteLeighton Meester?
ReplyDeleteOr any one of the 5 girls I confuse for Leighton Meester?
ReplyDeletemy guess would go to Kirsten Dundst a google of her dating history shows up a few actors who could fit the bill
ReplyDeleteWhat about Anna Kendrick? She was with Jake Gyllenhaal and was rumoured to be with Michael Cera and also Joseph-Gordon Levitt.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this is true, but I found this article from last year claiming James Franco was talking about himself in third person.
ReplyDeleteHe was exactly who I thought of for the pain in the ass guy. He thinks he's such an artist.
DeleteThe only thing about the Amanda Seyfried guess is that Josh Hartnett doesn't fit as the last romantic interest, or any of them for that matter.
ReplyDeleteThe last guy she made wait and wait and when they finally had sex he never called again. Amanda and Josh went out steadily for awhile and have been on and off for awhile now too.
Amanda S.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. What about Emma Stone?
ReplyDeleteJennifer Love Hewitt?
ReplyDeleteJames Franco refers to himself in the third person.
Wait...there are straight A list actors out there?
ReplyDeleteDid anyone say Ahna O'Reilly yet?
ReplyDelete@sparkee Anna Kendrick has been dating Edgar Wright since Scott Pilgrim
ReplyDelete@Sarah Ah! So bad at this one.
ReplyDelete@crila, LOL
ReplyDeleteIt's gotta be Amanda. Emma Stone has been dating Andrew Garfield for some time now.
ReplyDeleteYESSSSSS @Ima Guillotine said...
ReplyDeleteJames Franco
I wasn't trying to think of the actress bc if she's interchangable then my mind wouldn't remember her. But an egotistical actor who refers to himself in the third person and is a douche is easier. I was trying to think of his name and thanks for posting it! I was about to google the guy who skipped all his NYU classes then his teacher got fired for rightfully failing him.
ok so.... who has James Franco been linked to?
No way it's Mila!! She's so freakin hot and speaks Russian and sexy you can't confuse her with anyone else.
ReplyDeleteIt can't be Mila or Emma stone, besides I think they're both at least A list.
ReplyDeleteI'd go with Amanda Seyfried
James Franco is rumored to be Gay.
ReplyDeleteRussel Crowe is said to refer of himself in the 3 rd person.
Blake Lively
Ryan Reynolds
^Blake Lively is still with Ryan Reynolds.
ReplyDeleteFranco had dated Marla Sokoloff and Ahna O'Reilly, according to who's dated who, that extremely reliable source :)
ReplyDeleteMy first thought - and based only on the interchageable clue - was McAdams or Elizabeth Banks. But I know nothing about their dating histories.
ReplyDeleteAnna Kendrick or Ashley Greene? I swear they are the same person...
ReplyDeleteNot sure why, but I thought of Rachel McAdams.
ReplyDeleteI don't think these are high profile relationships since one is a one night stand. She could very easily go on a few dates with someone without the public knowing.
ReplyDeleteTherefore I think it is Amanda Seyfreid because she is filming Lovelace with Franco. They could have hung out a few times, had sex and ignored discreetly without it being a public relationship.
I'm going to guess the actor who refers to himself in the third person as Jeremy Piven, because he's the first actor who comes to mind when I think of "douchey" actors who think highly of themselves. ;) Don't have time right now to see if I can make him fit into this...but if anyone else can, feel free! :) Justin Timberlake is another one who comes to mind....
ReplyDeleteAs silly as it sounds, I almost want to say its someone like Audrina Patridge?? All those Melrose/ The Hills/ OC actresses blur together for me, and Audrina has been pictured so many times with a sprained ankle or some kind of injury:( I wonder if the 'role' that made her stand out was her DWTS season?? I don't think any of them would qualify as B+ by TV standards tho??
ReplyDeleteI have a hard time keeping most of the 20-something and early 30-something actresses straight. They are all just walking lollipops with long wavy hair, stick-like limbs, with blank expressions in the eyes and their mouths always slightly open. Oh yeah, and an "I'm so deep" tattoo on their wrist or shoulder or ankle. (And a cigarette if they don't know a camera's around.) The only difference between any of them is haircolor. Also, this sounds like a story that many young women could tell (minus the celebrity part). It's not bad luck. It's being a young woman in the dating game. We all kissed a lot of frogs before we found our princes.
ReplyDeleteThe first walk of shame person that popped into my head was January Jones (remember the picture?), but this blind doesn't mention a famous chef, so never mind...
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing!
DeleteJust a random guess... Minka Kelly.
ReplyDeleteShe has dated some top shelf douche bags.
And the girl is gorgeous!
I can't pin down the actress but I absolutely think James Franco is the douche who talks about himself in the third person! I immediately thought of him without reading the comments.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Banks seems pretty interchangeable but she's married with a kid.
Tentative vote for Amanda S.
Elizabeth Banks is married and has been with her husband for 15-20 years.
ReplyDeleteSince this actress is interchangeable, the answers to this blind seem to be too!
ReplyDeleteI agree...
ReplyDeleteB+ interchangeable actress: Amanda Seyfried
1st serious well known boyfriend: Dominic Cooper
A list movie actor 1 night stand: ?
B+ pain in the ass actor: James Franco
ReplyDeleteI disagree. In fact, I don't even think it's right to call it "cheating" in that situation. Lots of couples are happy in open relationships. I'm trying to think of some Hollywood examples. Ewan McGregor comes to mind. It's not always a bad thing!
Amanda Seyfried is very distinctive, I don't think it's her. It might be Kate O'Mara who looks very similar to Amy Adams and Isla Fisher. They're interchangeable for looks, lthough not talent, I that's wat Enty means.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFor a time there, I always got a little confused between Elizabeth Banks (now she's totally recognizable), Amy Smart, Brittany Snow, and some other blond. Could this be Amy Smart ?
ReplyDeleteKellan Lutz talks about himself in the third person!
ReplyDeleteAmanda Seyfried, definately:
ReplyDeleteDominic Cooper as the guy who had a secret second girl.
Alexander Skarsgard (one night stand guy?)
Ryan Phillipe/ Josh Hartnet as the pain in the ass
I also remember an interview with Amanda, the one in which she admitted she had dating Askars; she mentioned she is afraid people think she is a slut/promiscuous. I immediately thought of that and therefore her when i read this blind.
Oh, didn't see the movie actor part, so no Askars for the one night stand guy. He is known for tv mostly.
ReplyDeleteI don't think interchangeable means that they really look alike. I think it just means they are part of that group that tend to be the same age group, same rating, similar level parts and that whn you hear their name you struggle to pick out which face it is and when you see their face you struggle to remember their name. For me, that is the whole Blake Lively, Ashley Greene, Minka Kelly, Leighton Meester, Olivia Wilde bunch. I know all of those names but for the life of me I couldn't,t tell you a single defining characteristic about any of them without a picture and a couple of hints attached.
ReplyDeleteAll the 20-somethings are pretty much interchangeable. I'm going with Amanda S., though.
ReplyDeleteDon't know who it is, but that's not "bad luck." That's a bad picker. She picks the wrong guys. If she is this discouraged in her 20s, wait until she gets older!
ReplyDeleteThe ones I can't differentiate from one another are all the ones on the CW shows and the randoms in the Twilight movies, like Ashley Green, etc.
ReplyDeleteUltimate douchebag Gerard Butler refers to himself in third person as The Butler.
ReplyDeleteHe was rumored to be dating Ashley Greene, the memorable role would be the Twilight-sister.
Or any other of his low selfesteem bedbuddies, not that that narrows it down xD
Gotta be RDJ
ReplyDeleteThe daily photos have me convinced that this is Amanda Seyfried.
ReplyDeleteEnty misses seeing her and her "dogs", meaning all of the jerk men she has dated.
I had Anna Kendrick in my mind this whole time. One memorable role would be Up In The Air with Clooney.
ReplyDeleteJanuary Jones, with Ashton Kutcher as boyfriend #1 and half of hollywood for boyfriend #2.
ReplyDeleteI just saw a photo on JustJared of James Franco leaving Amanda S's house. Earlier commentators said he refers to himself in the 3rd person, so I think we have a winner.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like someone pretty young. I'm thinking Amanda S. too.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Mila Kunis and Emma Stone are above the rest in the current generation. They just need to make good movie choices and not screw up.
I'm on the Amanda Seyfried bus.
ReplyDeleteNo guesses. Actually, I was thinking that woman from that George Clooney movie, Up In The Air(?). Anna Kendrick. Only because she had a memorable role, I think was nominated for some awards, not because of any personal history.
ReplyDeleteBut I would be willing to date a young actress and sleep with her. I would not get her drunk first, since my ex was a drinker and I think that's wrong. I would give her my number and definitely call her.
So, hon, give Snake a ring.
As noted before, Russell Crowe talks about himself in the third person. In the sack, according to a CDAN BI, which might seem "quirky and fun" to some women. He seems more likely to think of himself as A-list (which he was, at one point) than Franco.
ReplyDeleteAnna Kendrick has been in the biz since she was a kid. I think she's too savvy to fall for ploys like these.
ReplyDeleteI also think Olivia Munn, Olivia Wilde and Megan Fox are interchangeable.
ReplyDeleteJames franco was spotted leaving Amanda's apt according to Perez..... solved
ReplyDeleteWow. It surprised me how many people consider Amanda Seyfried interchangeable. She's rather unique looking to me.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking one of those girls from Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars. They all look the same to me.
Yeah...I have to agree with all the other posters who think it's a tad bit silly to call it "the worst luck ever" when a beautiful, young, healthy starlet who makes a shitload of money playing dress-up and make-believe has the "misfortune" of hopping into bed too soon with some hot, young stars in Hollywood. That is what I called having fun in my 20s!
ReplyDeleteWhen he said interchangable, I thought more so that he meant they looked so much alike, what about Zooey Deschanel (whatever it is spelled) and Emily Blunt? There are a TON of girls who all look like them and Katy Perry
Mia Wikowski (interchangeable with Carey Mulligan and the like, movie the kids are all right or alice in wonderland). Did she date anyone?
ReplyDeleteI've always thought Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miranda Cosgrove, and Vanessa Hudgens were basically interchangeable. Maybe Vanessa?
ReplyDeleteI also think Lauren Conrad, Lo Bosworth, Ashley Tisdale, and Kristin Cavallari are all the same person, but I doubt any of them is even B- list...
ReplyDeleteI don't think she properly 'dated' the second actor from the sounds of it, so that one may not have been publicised.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts for interchangable girls are the ones on the cover of that Vanity Fair cover with Emma, Mia, Carey etc... Abby Cornish was on it & seems viable - Ryan Phillipe for the first guy??
I'm with ATLBrvMom, actresses of the same I find interchangeable are the like of Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Vanessa Hudgens.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh - I am finally having my own MV moment (I.e. thinking about a blind all day)
ReplyDeleteActress - Vanessa Hudgens
Different kind of role/movie - Suckerpunch (action fantasy)
1st well known actor boyfriend with another girlfriend - Zac Efron. Blind says she was used for one thing or another (meaning not just sex). Maybe her used her for the publicity they would get together because of the HSM franchise
A list actor who was drunken one night stand - ??
Almost A list actor. Would be A list but he is a pain in the arse - Alex Pettyfer. They worked together on Beastly. He sounds like he was a man slut, and it has been reported that he's a tool (slamming Los Angeles, being difficult to work with). I don't know if he talks about himself in the 3rd person, but if anyone would do it, I can see it being this tool
Does you son play for the Braves? Spill it!
Hi Sunny - I love it - your own MV moment! Man, some of these blinds just get in your brain, huh? I can hardly think the letters MV without subsequently staying up all night thinking and surfing the web. Excellent sleuthing, btw.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, ATLBRVMOM - spill! (although my kids have played for the Blue Jays, the Angels, and the Astros over the years, and they're not even in high school yet!)
Oh, and I'm going to work on a way of making email/fb contact outside this blog. Stay tuned :-).
Julia Stiles?
ReplyDeleteThanks! And I will definitely stay tuned. I was trying to get in touch with some other commenters to give travel advice, but I think my dorky scavenger hunt didn't work ("okay, I commented on this facebook page. I was the third person to like this post . My initials are SW". I think they thought I was cuckoo, but it freaks me out to broadcast my full name or email address to so many peeps!!)
My initial thought was Amanda S.
ReplyDeleteBuuuttt, what about Ginnifer Goodwin? I think that she dated Juaquim Phoenix as the lover who had multiple girlfriends and I am pretty sure his breaking up with her broke her heart she also dated Chris Klein who seems like a real asshole and was engaged to Joey Kern but they broke it off last year.
just read on gawker that amanda and james franco may be getting back together.
ReplyDeletei say amanda
could ryan rhillippe be the first serious boyfriend who was cheating on her?? he's known to be a cheater. not sure about the A-lister who used her for a one night stand. and then James Franco for the actor who refers to himself in 3rd person?
Zooey D?
ReplyDeleteHere is Amanda S.'s recent dating history. Aparently she is hooking up with James Franco now. Poor girl.
Not Amy Smart.
ReplyDeleteShe married Carter Oosterhouse of HGTV last fall.
Sorry i know that this is cynical but hasnt this happened to most women?going by b.i. 's in general most people get cheated on or are cheaters in a large part of the population.