Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Didn't Know

She came into the acting mainstream in her mid teens. 14 or 15 to be exact. Her first role made her a star. One of those plucked from nowhere kind of things and it was all just a blur. She is a solid B lister now who does movies and television and is always working. Back then though she was at the top. In her first role she was supposed to get kissed on the cheek by a character who played her dad. She got tongued by him. It was the first kiss she ever had and it was with an old man who stuck his tongue down her throat and said welcome to the business. He then grabbed her ass. This guy is also still in the business and a character actor who everyone would recognize but maybe not know his name. Her parents were around, but they were not usually on the set. They didn't know about the tonguing or the groping. They didn't know that the actress she was sharing a trailer with also did lines of coke in the morning to keep her awake. That actress is still working too and generally has to resort to getting naked to get cast. Our actress tried coke during that film. She tried it for the next film too. By her third she was strung out on coke and stopped on her own. By then she had also realized if she was going to keep doing this she was going to have to things her way. She refused to be in any more movies that wanted to show her naked. She has never got naked for a movie but plenty of producers have offered her lots of money. Once she got naked but the director cut it. She had to sleep with the director to get him to cut it though. The studio was ticked off. But, the director had final cut. Our actress also decided that she needed another career besides acting so started doing other things which would be there as a fallback. She actually is more known for something else other than acting.


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