Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Always Believed Them

This actress was a solid B lister and for a time even considered an A lister. She had her own movie once or twice even though they were small. That is not how she is best known though. At her peak she made her living be the co-star and like many actresses she fell for her co-stars frequently and to her peril. There was never a time when she got involved with her co-stars that she was not used and thrown aside when the men were finished with her. Her most famous co-star is probably, reluctantly an A lister. He used to have sex with her in the morning and then go out and have sex with other people in the afternoon. There was one time she said that she is pretty sure he called while having sex with another woman, but she always took him back until he found someone more famous and he didn't want to come back. Another co-star who is more celebrity than actor she fell for didn't even pretend to have any feelings for our actress. He would put her down in front of her friends and would send her to the bedroom and tell her to wait while he hung out with his friends and he would go in and have sex and then just come right back out. If he was finished with her for the night he would send her home. She always came back though. Another co-star who actually did treat her right gave up because our actress lost interest to another B list actor who would yell at her and make her cry and she just could not get enough.


  1. This reads like she's dead now.

  2. Wow talk about low self esteem, this chick is a mess.

  3. I'm so confused by the sentence:

    "At her peak she made her living be the co-star and like many actresses she fell for her co-stars frequently and to her peril."

  4. Yeah cus I kept thinking this was Brittany Murphy

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think Enty meant to write in "being" as opposed to "be"

  7. Karen, I'm assuming it's supposed to be "At her peak she made her living being the co-star and like many actresses she fell for her co-stars frequently and at her peril."

  8. I think this was Brittany Murphy with the A lister said with reluctance being Ashton Kutcher. No idea for the other dudes.

  9. You've got to work on your writing.

  10. @Vicki and MontanaMarriott, agreed.

    The "to[or at] her peril" is an interesting phrase. I wonder if that's part of a hint.

  11. For a lawyer, Enty sure has poor grammar skills.

  12. Brittany and the reluctantly A lister Ashton douchebag Kutcher. Maybe Eminem as the "celebrity" that would send her to the bedroom to wait?

  13. If its Brittany the more celeb than actor would def be eminem

  14. This sounds like Diane Keaton actually. She used to see Al Pacino off and on a lot and in her autobiography mentioned that he would dump her, call, she'd go back, etc.

  15. Sad, but I like the Winona Ryder guess. Viewed her dating history via google and it's a very real chance.

  16. These stories break my heart. The lack of self esteem.....

  17. You know, this does read like she's dead. Im feeling the Brittany Murphy guess...

  18. If its Brittany the more celeb than actor would def be eminem

  19. I don't see this being Wynona at all. First off, she was a HUGE A list actress in the 80's. She was up there with Molly R. She's also had more than one or 2 of her own movies. She was with Johnny Depp for the longest time and engaged to him, before being with Matt Damon for a while...and then dated a rocker or two, not co-stars.

    This does sound like it could be Britney, with the dating Ashton, and then Ashton was a slut and then left her for someone more famous, which was Demi. I had heard Britney was devastated by it. The only thing is, I don't see where it says that the actress is no longer living. The BV sounds like someone who is still alive.

  20. Im terrible at these things, because I thought Jennifer Aniston, Gerry Butler sex morning thingy . I honestly think she has quite low self esteem, Im willing to believe all actresses do.No matter how brilliant they are as actresses (Nicole Kidman NOT Jen) they live in a business where they are required to ride the casting couch, starve, carve up their faces and pretend to be someone else.Actors are alternately controlling and needy, and probably eternally grateful for all the coke and booze that numbs the pain. So really plug in 90% of actresses for this blind. JustJen has been in the news and she looks so unhappy so I thought of her.... but Im not pretending clues fit...

  21. I agree with britany murphey

  22. I agree with britany murphey

  23. I agree with britany murphey

  24. Seconding/Thirding/etc. the Brittany Murphy guess. Reluctant A-lister being Eminem, Celebrity not actor being Ashton...would Ron Livingston or Matthew Rhys fit in there as well?

  25. Brittany Murphy was once considered an A-Lister? I missed those days, I guess..

  26. Penelope Cruz got with a LOT of her costars....

  27. I re-read this a few times, and am wondering what wording in this entry "reads like she is dead"? Just curious...

  28. Anonymous10:32 AM

    renee zellweger? did she co-star with bradley cooper?

  29. It doesn't say directly, it's more of how it's written especially first sentence saying "this actress was" and yesterdays was "this actress used to be" and there were present tenses used thru out the blind. When I read "reluctant a list" I immediacy thought Ashton because he's used that before. Didn't pick up on the dead thing til I read the comments and re read. Only thing I don't know is who the other two are: who yelled at her all the time/made her cry, and who treated her good.

    Don't think she was a list but the rest fits. Plus Brittany keeps popping up in the guesses lately so maybe he's giving her her own blind.

  30. Poor woman whoever she is.

  31. I think most people are saying the dead thing, because everything is past tense. If the person's alive, wouldn't there be a shift in verb tense? Like talking about the past and the present?

  32. It starts off, "This actress was a solid B lister and for a time even considered an A lister."

    But it never says what she's considered NOW. That's why I think she's dead.

    And I'm co-signing with Brittany Murphy. I've just spent several minutes reading quotes from her on IMDB and there are several that make me think that this could be about her.

    1. Those are exactly the reasons I think this actress is deceased.

  33. Maybe the person is just past their prime? If she's dead, why make it blind at all?

    1. Because it will probably be a reveal.

  34. Could the nice guy be Ron Livingston? They did little black book together

  35. Brittany Murphy

    Costar A: Asstain Kutcher

    Costar B: Fred Durst

    Costar C: Donald Faison

    Costar D: Jared Leto

    Um, maybe.

  36. Nevermind Fred Durst. They just dated; he was never in anything. Costar B: is prolly Eminem.

  37. Penelope Cruz doesn't work. She just got married.
    Renee Z. doesn't work, she's A List and has headlined many a movie.
    Winona maybe, but it doesn't mention any legal troubles, plus she's anchored many a movie.
    Brittney Murphy was married, and doesn't have the CV.
    I'm racking my brain and I can't come up with anything.

  38. I'm on the Brittany Murphy train.

    A: Ashton
    B: Eminem

    However, based on this, I'm not sure that she fits.

  39. People don't realize how truly talented Brittney Murphy was, see the movie Dead Girl, but her personal life was so strange at the end, married to a man who ran cold water on her while she died instead of performing CPR, and her mother's even more hopeless and there was BM supporting them all. She should have had a great career. I'm sad if this is about her.

  40. I think the typing issues are because he's using a handheld on breaks, they look like mine do and most everyone else who has a limited time to get info out during the day.

  41. penelope cruz doesn't work? what are you talking about?

  42. Definitely Brittany Murphy. I think the last B list guy was Benecio Del Toro (Sin City). Timeline works.

  43. Jazzy, if Ron Livingston is Costar C, then that would work.

  44. Brittany Murphy was my first guess. She consistently picked the wrong guys. And it does sound as if this person is no longer with us.

  45. It very well may be BM however, I totally remember watching Jay Leno when they were both on several years go and they were very cute and loving. They were living together at the time and I remember AK saying that BM slept with her purse next to the bed because her former house had burned down and if it happened again she wanted to be able to grab her purse. I just remember thinking that he really seemed to adore her (and I'm not sure he's THAT good of an actor). I also recall when she died, he issued a very heartfelt, thoughtful statement about what a bright light she was, etc.. It really didn't sound like a statement from someone who just used someone else for sex...why would you make a statement if that's all it was?

    1. Because it was expected of him, having publicly dated.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Renee Z, not sure who the guys are but she has co-starred with a ton of big names.

  48. If this is her wouldn't it have mentioned her eventually getting married?

  49. @Jennifer H.- good answer:)

  50. I swear to God I've seen this blind before, the part of him humiliating her and then use her in the bedroom while his friends sit in front of the tv is all too familiar..
    *goes hunting for the old blind and the answer*

  51. I think the line "that is not how she is best known though" refers to the fact that she is known for something other than her work, like her addictions, or how she died.

    That's why I thought Brittany Murphy too.

  52. I don't think Brittany was ever A-list though.. Also all the actors she dated.. I can't find any names, only Jared Leto, Eminem and Ashton..
    For that reason I don't think it's her..

    No idea who else it would be.. Still looking for the old blind:(

  53. what about Giovanni Ribisi as the co-star who treated her well, and James Franco who didn't..from "Dead Girl."

  54. What about Cameron Diaz?
    I think the people named are in non-particular order; so my guess:

    #1; Ashton Kutcher (worked with her on blablabla Vegas, maybe he cheated on Demi with her and broke it off when filming was over, hence the 'he left her for someone more famous' Demi was more famous at the time because of her highprofile relationship with Ashton)

    #2: Timberlake; More celeb than actor (translation: more a singer), known douche seeing the way he treats Jessica Biel and the rumors that he cheated on Cam with Scarjo)
    Became costar after the relationship though, but the blind doesn't say they met on set.

    #3 Matt Dillon, #4 Jared Leto (probably not since she was never in a movie with him that i know of)?

    Funny thing is that there are rumors of Timberlake and Leto cheating on her with Scarjo:o

  55. I concur - Brittany Murphy just about peaked at A-List for about 5 minutes during the time "8 Mile" was out. I know she was extremely popular with kids my daughter's age (High School) at the time.

  56. Getting a law degree doesn't make a person a whiz at spelling and grammar. Engineers aren't much better.

    Britney was big stuff for a hot second and sadly I think it's her.

    I also felt a wave of deja vu when I read this one...I think Enty is reposting so he can reveal this next month.

    1. Hey...I am a mechanical engineer and often have to do a lot of technical writing. My spelling and grammer are at least fair. My handwriting on the other hand.....

  57. If it's Brittany though, wouldn't it reference her marriage?

  58. Enty can write well when he has time, he just tosses these posts off quickly.

  59. I agree with the Murphy guess.

    I think the guy who treated her right was Aaron Eckhart.

  60. My husband is a mechanical engineer and a horrible speller. He spells yogurt "yogert" and I've told him many times it's yogUrt but he continues with yogert. There are many other words he can't spell.

  61. Enty just revealed it.

  62. this is just absolutely heartbreaking. i have always known Ashton Kutcher was a douche .. but Eminem????? and i say that because he has a daughter .... WTF .. wonder what he would do if someone treated his daughter that way.

    i love Brittney Murphy and was so sorry when she passed. how utterly sad that everyone used her. she was beautiful and talented.

  63. @raven keep in mind Eminem used to have issues with substance abuse. That could be a reason for treating BM so badly.

  64. As a medical editor, I have worked for years with physicians and PhDs. Believe me when I tell you that an advanced degree is NO guarantee of coherent or grammatical writing.

  65. ... I don't get this being Britt as the chronology is off... A$$hton "happened" AFTER *"Em"NEMA... aka the more "celeb" than "actor" CRETIN*... dunno the co-star who supposedly "treated Her right" or the B-lister either... I 'NEVER' heard about Her dating any 'OTHER' co-star than DumbA$$h & *"Em"NEMA*... BUT ... *the guy* "sleeping around on" [Her] would add more credibility to my *theory* of *what truly "caused"* Her SENSELESS Death... :(-------------...

  66. ... BTW ... notice the Blind It"Em" 'SAY's *the A-lister* went out & had *sex* w/ 'OTHER' "people"... NOT 'JUST' 'OTHER' "women"... --> ... *A-lister* + "bi"-*sthexual* = ... my *"theory"*...

  67. ... of course... none of *this* "Em"xplains why She hooked up w/ *SKUM-jacka$$* after She broke up w/ *Joe Macaluso"* either. If She "dated" these 'OTHER' *co-stars* then where do *they* "fit" timeline-wise? She must have been "Em"XTREMELY "discreet" because I 'NEVER' heard anything about Her "dating" Aaron Eckhart or Benicio Del Toro or any of Her *co-stars* past A$$hton... Her *first FAKE fiancée` aka J.KWATinetz 'IS'* not an "actor"... nor Her *second FAKE "fiancée" Joe Macaluso... who* 'WAS' only a key grip on the set of 'Little Black Book'...
