Today's Blind Items - He Stalks Her
These two were in a movie together. They were actually even a couple for a bit. He used to be A list and has only ever done movies. He does not do much now. He spends a lot of his time doing nothing except watching his former co-star and flame. She is a movie actress but is not above doing television for the right part at the right time. Not her usual though. She has no idea he ex actually stalks her. She knows that he seems to show up at odd places and events halfway across the world but he always says he is working. He lives for the moments when they run into each other away from LA because that is the one time she will sometimes let her guard down and let him close to her again. back in the day he scared her. Scared her very badly. Too intense. Too controlling. Not anything like he appears in reality or even in his roles. Confrontational and would not back down. It was too much. She thinks he has change, but he hasn't. He makes sure to always be acting his best when she is around. The last few people he has dated have almost been her twin. One of them had the wrong hair color and he made her color it to match. Everyone who knows him assumes he managed to chase away her last boyfriend who almost married her. He lived to break them up and worked and work and worked at it. Our actor thinks that he can get her back despite what happened in the past. Despite the fact that when he touches her now she still looks like she is freaked out. She has told her friends and our actor that she would never take him back. He keeps trying though. Watching and following.