Friday, June 15, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Is Out Of Money

It was only a matter of time before Taylor Armstrong was out of money. The Daily Beast has a great article about how Taylor settled the lawsuit that was filed against her by Taylor settled it for $1M but it turns out Taylor does not have $1M so she had to start selling everything. No stocks or bonds. Nope. She had to start right off by selling jewelry. That yellow diamond ring she always wore? Gone. $250K. But that still leaves 750K so Taylor had to start selling bags and clothes and anything else she had. She tried to sell two Hermes Birkin bags but it turns out they were fake. Shocker. Yep. There was no paperwork but she tried to pass them off as real. They have since been returned to her where you will see them on her arm in the upcoming season of RHBH.

What she should have done to make a little extra coin is to bring all her stuff to Pawn Stars. She could have got a little appearance fee, sold all her stuff and hooked up with Chumlee. If you have never seen the show, just go Google Chumlee and you will see why it's the perfect hookup for her.


  1. I wonder if she knew the Birkins were fake. Or is she just that stupid that she thought no one would notice?

  2. She is such a pile of human garbage. An old-fashioned grifter who has made her way through life cheating people of their money through lies and scams. Her late husband was, too, and a mentally ill one at that. Can you imagine what the world looks like to their child?

  3. Please. Chumlee's too good for her.

  4. Well, she would have an extra 60K in the bank if she didn't blow it on her daughter's (4th??) birthday party in season one.

  5. Maybe Playboy will have a seahag issue?

  6. I wish being out of money for me meant I could sell a ring for $250k.

  7. "Chumlee's too good for her."

    Thanks for making my morning, FSP. Can't stop laughing.

    He's dating, I think, the girl who they hired for the night shift. Why the hell would he trade her in for this plastic hag?

  8. Karma always has its day.

  9. Are those new cheek implants?

    Wow, it's been at least six weeks since I heard her name. It was nice.

  10. @seaward, me too!
    my appartment = her ring :P

  11. time for her to "go oklahoma" to herself. as in, back whence this okie came.

  12. @seaward no kidding! She needs to get a job..

  13. Taylors spinoffs:

    Real House Bums of Beverly Hills
    Real House Wives of Skid Row
    Down and Out in Beverly Hills (with apologies to the funny 80s movie)

  14. Even Chumlee wouldn't stoop that low!

  15. Hahahahahaha. I never comment (let alone read) on her articles because I don't care but I love her getting caught with fakes. She knew.

    I was in Vegas a couple of months ago and we saw a bunch of low riders driving down the Strip and Chumlee was in one. People started screaming, "I love you, Chumlee." He wasn't looking at anyone so I hope he's not a dick because I like him. I had also never seen a low rider before (outside of GTA: San Andreas).

  16. OMG! I just got the biggest laugh imagining her and Chumlee together. Could you imagine the conversations those two would have? And let's not even think about them "getting together." ROTFLMAO!

  17. OMG that FACE! Gag.

  18. Chumlee would snap her like a twig just by breathing on her!

    (@uofawildkitty: bear down!)

  19. When will these people go away?? It's like with all the Bachelor/ette shows. They have been on for what, 10 years, and only one or two couples have actually been a couple. Now we have a slew of Real Housewives (whose definition of housewife I'm not sure is being used) all of who play at being rich but yet even with money from making the show, are filing for bankruptcies. Why not call the shows what they are "Fake Housewives, who don't actually have money"

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  21. Is Chumlee dating Olivia?? I think they're both adorable.

  22. Eww! Imagine her with dark hair. Who does she look like after whatever recent plastic surgery? Octomom! When did alien become what people think is attractive?

  23. At Anita_Mark: Are you in San Andreas, CA?
    You know she knew those bags were fake. I'm surprised she hasn't started hooking yet. You know she's trolling for some other wealthy man to maintain her lifestyle.

  24. Hi Sherry, no, I'm up in Canada. I meant Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Yes, I've played them all.

  25. So she's broke, but still has enough money for all that plastic surgery...riiiiiight. *Shudder*
    She looks like an alien.

  26. Her kid would have been content with a party at Chuck E Cheese but she had to spend over 50k for parties to impress her friends. What an ass. I'll bet she's wishing she had her hands on that cash right now.

  27. Somebody introduce her to Diana Jenkins.

    Or maybe they did and Diana said no.

    anita_mark - I wasn't sure by what you meant because all I know GTA to mean is "Greater Toronto Area". lol.

  28. Bet she wishes she had that $60k she spent on a 4yr old's birthday party.

    Payback's a bitch. I see a Taylor masturbation film in her future. She needs to give Nadia a call.

  29. Looks like someone took a lot more than a pound of flesh and left the skin and bones

  30. @astrogirl - nice one...

  31. Thanks Sis. When I look at her I hear the Hole song Celebrity Skin in my head every time.

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  33. @nunaurbiz: bear down, arizona!

  34. If Stoopid Housewives is right, she's also getting phased out of next season halfway through, so bye bye to that income, and bye bye to any paid appearances soon after. It really sucks for her daughter, but otherwise, it's perfect karma.
