Friday, June 22, 2012

Stacy Francis Had Affair With Church Leader Who Has Also Hooked Up with NeNe

Stacy Francis was on X Factor. She was a finalist. I know you didn't watch the show and don't remember her and you are trying to place who she was from the one time you watched the show, but you are really going to watch this year to see the Britney crazy but realize you won't get to see the Britney crazy until the live shows. Stacy also was married and having an affair with Noel Jones who runs a mega church in Gardena, California. The 62 year old Bishop might seem familiar to you. he is the brother of Grace Jones. Oh, and he also has hooked up with NeNe from RH-Atlanta and some other actresses too. According to Radar, the father of Stacy's second baby is Noel Jones and Stacy got pregnant while she was married to her husband. Ooops. I think at some point in history I would have been shocked that a leader of a church would have an affair with someone and get her pregnant, but at this point I think I would be more shocked if some church leader actually took the moral high ground. I think that reflection is kind of sad.


  1. Who the flip is this and who cares?

  2. I only know her from X factor and then she made the news when she had a little fight with Whitney and then WH died. I think she got more press for her fight than she did for x factor.

    She cried a lot on X factor and it bugged me.

  3. Just here to say I love Grace Jones, lol ;D


  5. I know who Noel Jones is; he's preached at my parents' church quite a few times.

  6. Grace is one of my music heroines.

  7. A crooked leader of a mega church? Excuse me while I take a moment to collect myself from the shock.

    Wonder when he and Nene dated. As we all know, Nene never "did [Greg] wrong" as a wife. And I actually hope that is true.

  8. Didn't I just read something about Stacie taking her two year old with her to a bar?

    She annoyed the crap out of me on X-Factor and I was relieved when she got booted--she cried all the time.

  9. I guess if you really want that V mega-church pastor is the way to go!

  10. I was born in Gardena! This has nothing to do with this story, but the one person who reads this should know this factoid. It's gonna be on the final exam.

  11. She and Whitney fought because both of them were involved with good ole Ray J.

  12. I heard her singing & I don't get what people saw in her. Now Rachel Crow could sing.

    Oh & count me on the people who love Grace Jones.
