Squid Use Woman's Body As Host For Baby Squid
The National Institutes Of Health has a blurb on their site about a report of a woman in Korea who ate some parboiled squid. When she bit into the squid it ejaculated and the sperm attached itself to the inside of her cheek. She felt a shapr stinging pain and spit out the squid. She went to the doctor who said that, "Twelve small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like organisms stuck in the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheek, and gingiva were completely removed, along with the affected mucosa. On the basis of their morphology and the presence of the sperm bag, the foreign bodies were identified as squid spermatophores."
Yeah, so I think that means the woman was going to grow 12 squid inside her cheek if they had not been removed. This is not even the first time this has happened. Nope. About once every few months a story comes out like this. Makes me really rethink the whole calamari thing. It is also something Tom Cruise should look into if he ever decides to have another baby.