Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Snooki Isn't Going To Breastfeed

Snooki was on Good Morning America. I'm still debating whether that is a new low for them or if it is the reason they are finally starting to beat Today on a regular basis. Anyway, she said she was going to name the baby Lorenzo. I think the big fun with the name will be the middle name. She also made it perfectly clear that she will not be breastfeeding her son Enzo when he is born. She did say she would be willing to use a breast pump, but has no interest in breastfeeding and says that kids should drink regular milk instead of breastfeeding until they are two.


  1. I feel for that unborn.

  2. Can't we call CPS on her fetus?

  3. Why do we waste space on this person?

  4. Please, let's not get into this conversation again...

  5. Of course she's not going to breastfeed. Because she's immature, uneducated and bascially an idiot.

    Was there any doubt?

  6. and I have to add, it's really funny that she called it "regular milk" instead of "cow's milk". So she thinks it's more acceptable to feed her baby milk from another species, but not human milk? Idiot.

    1. This.

      Cows milk is meant for cows, it's very high in fat because baby cows need to put on weight quickly, humans do not need to double their birth weight in a short period of time, I hope she's ok with extra smelly diapers and a fat baby.


  7. Good luck with that. I pumped w/ my first because she wouldn't latch on and proceeded to get a ginormous breast infection.

  8. Wow. Just last week, I thought the general consensus was that breastfeeding is the mother's choice and she should not be judged for whatever she decides. Yet, because it's Snooki, she's a dumbass and an idiot?

  9. Well, he will be a strong kid if he lives....

  10. @Cathy, yep, pretty much. And don't include me in "general consensus". I speak for myself.

  11. I think most of the idiot comments are because of her idea that cows milk is the same as breast milk. Not because she is choosing not to breast feed. At least I hope that's why.

    It's totally her right to choose to breast feed or not. I have no interest in the future of her breasts.

  12. I wanted desperately to breastfeed, but I didn't produce enough milk and my son had a hard time latching on. He was miserable and cried nonstop, and my SO finally told me to stop before I lost my mind. I can't even begin to tell you how shitty the lactation specialists at the hospital made me feel, like I was somehow failing my child.

    My son adapted to formula fine, developed at a normal pace, and at age two and a half, has only been sick twice in his life.

    If Snooks doesn't want to breastfeed, it's her prerogative. I'm sure her son will be healthy regardless. She may be ignorant of a lot but I don't think she's such a moron she won't provide her child with proper care and nutrition.

    1. NernersHuman
      Your experience sounds exactly like mine, except no one make me feel like was failing my child, except me of course.
      He is 5, above average height, and has been extremely healthy. Formula isn't the devil, and it is totally up to the mother.
      Though it does make me shake my head. I would've given anything to be able to nurse my babies.

  13. That is her business. However, I pumped and fed for 14 months and it was tough. The baby slept through the night and I didn't.

  14. I can't believe I'm saying this, but leave the poor girl alone. It's a personal choice and nobody's business. Glad she's going to use a pump.

  15. ::cue the holier than thou mommy brigade::

  16. Anonymous10:03 AM

    It's not her decision to breastfeed or not that makes her an idiot, it's that apparently she thinks infants drink cow's milk.

    I don't think the hospital should let her leave with the baby.

  17. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if she fills the babies bottle with vodka! She is a filthy excuse for a human being regardless of what she chooses to do with her breasts!

  18. btw, she admitted that mother's milk has more nutrients and is better for the baby, which is why she plans to pump. her comment about regular milk was with regards to attachment parenting and the Time cover with the 3 year old kid breastfeeding.

  19. I really dont give two shts i she breastfeeds or not. But "Regular Milk" or cows milk is a big no-no for babies under 1 because they cant digest the protein enzymes in it and it can damage their kidneys.

    hopefully her Ped will nip that idea in the butt quick!

  20. No, you're right Enty, it's a new low for GMA. They have been getting smuttier and smuttier. I quit tuning in for this exact reason several months ago. Can't stand Lauer on Today either though. Morning news shows = garbage. Happy to listen to music in the morning and read the news online before work instead!

  21. She definitely needs to be educated. Lord knows I didn't know everything when I had my monster.
    When I woke from c section surgery, I asked the nurse if my son was going to latch on like a puppy, lol. Needless to say, she was rude and asked if I read any books on breastfeeding. I hadnt.
    I learn as I go. He's healthy and alive. I'm rooting for her, she'll get it.

  22. It's not enough, the world having been forced to witness this Herpepalooza, the media now feels the need to perpetuate this farce by giving her air time to feed us a deluge of idiocy regarding procreation? Why is Snooki, a midget wookie, having a baby any more interesting than any other white trash princess? Enough already.

  23. What a strange thing to say... Many women breastfeed easily. When it's difficult or painful, mothers have other alternatives. I didn't even feel anything when BF the first 3 months, and when his teeth came in, my son quickly learned not to use them. Placing the newborn to the breast as soon as delivered is crucial. I'm glad I knew this, it may have key to easy BF for me and my son.

  24. This woman is a waste of natural resources.

  25. Everything I read about her pregnancy really irritates me. What kind of mom tries to keep from gaining more that 15lbs regardless of what the doc says b/c she doesn't want to be 'fat'?

    Fuckin idiot.

  26. well, OF COURSE she isn't gonna breastfeed! she can't be a boozehound if she's got a baby attached at the nip, duh!

    And she's an idiot because she thinks cow's milk is the same thing as formula.

  27. But I so expected her to be such a wealth of knowledge when it comes to parenting and what's best for babies.

    ::rolls eyes::

  28. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yeah this and Lindsay Lohan lied. shock and awe.

  29. Texshan said: It's not her decision to breastfeed or not that makes her an idiot, it's that apparently she thinks infants drink cow's milk.

    Has lightening struck twice? For the second time in as many months I am once again 100% in agreement with you Tex ;-)

    But then again, I'm a vegetarian and steer away from a lot of things that are considered "natural" for humans to digest. I have had SO many convos with people who swear up and down that cow's milk is the best thing ever for one's source of calcium. Uhhh, it's best suited for baby cows, not humans. And yeah, Snooki considering this a better alternative for her newborn than human milk IS fucking stupid! It's her personal choice how she takes care of her infant, but publically saying ignorant ass shit like this makes her fodder for our opinions.

  30. Sure it's personal choice but I will never understand a mom who doesn't even try to breastfeed before deciding she wont.

  31. I think the fear for her child is not ingesting cows milk but rather being born with fetal alcohol syndrome. I could be wrong but isn't Snookie usually drunk on her show?

    And can someone explain the joke about the baby's middle name?

  32. she could be great friends with Gisele Bundchen

  33. If I had this one as a mother, I would be so pissed.

  34. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Mark this day on your calendar, Jasmine! :-)

  35. Someone earlier in the comments said that she was talking about kids drinking cows milk instead of breastfeeding until age two, in response to the recent Time Magazine cover on attachment parenting. So I think Enty took what she said out of context a bit. As I said, she's dim on a lot, but I don't think she would feed a new baby cow's milk.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. She does know she's going to give birth to a baby human and not a baby cow, right?

    Maybe that's why she's afraid breast feeding will hurt.

  38. It's probably for the best that she doesn't breastfeed. That poor boy is going to have it rough enough without having to ingest 100 proof breastmilk.

  39. Oh its killing me to say this. I am quietly holding back the nausea and the moaning but...
    Im glad she said that. GAH THERE IT IS!
    I am so sick of the BFing Nazis making women feel bad for not BFing its refreshing to see someone say, oh hell no. Unfortunately, the people who look up to her are the ones who should most be trying BFing because well, looking up to Snooki alone puts their kids at a disadvantage.

  40. I think Snooki should just move over to the Real Housewives of New Jersey and become friends with Theresa Guidice.

  41. I had my son latching within 20 minutes after birth, but that doesn't mean my breasts or his latch technique agreed. Two weeks after birth, he had lost a pound off his 7lb body. All the lactation counselors in the world couldn't make it work for my body and his mouth.

    That being said, he is happy and healthy after being raised (forcibly, I say) on formula.

    If anything in her head clicks maternal, she should be fine. Good luck pumping... I tried for hours and never got more than an ounce.

  42. Just as an aside...my comment is aimed squarely at the regular milk comment.

    Personally, I think women should breastfeed; but I also think that as long as you are otherwise raising a child properly (i.e. not abusing, providing care, shelter etc.) it's none of my business what you chose to do.

    I'm only a Nazi in regards to allowing women who do breastfeed to do so anytime, anywhere without social stigma or harassment and with laws in place to protect them from those who can't get past the idea that the breast can never be anything outside of sexual.

    That said, I still think she's confused about the baby human/baby cow thing.

  43. @Brooke: I say, bring back Captain Kangaroo, even in reruns. Those of us old enough to remember him will agree he was preferable to any of the morning "news" programs on these days. I'd watch him even as an adult!

  44. I can't believe I'm going to semi-defend this girl, but to clarify, she is going to pump and just not BF b/c she thinks BF looks painful. She was referring to the Time mom and said if the kid is four he/she can drink regular milk.

    She's still an idiot, but in this case, I think the words were misconstrued.

    That being said, I still fear for her child.
