Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rihanna Gets Closer To Rehab - Doesn't Bother To Get Dressed

I have been telling you for months that Rihanna needs rehab and is out of control. Apparently it has reached the point now where Jay-Z told her that she needs to get help now. What she really needs is to take the time to get dressed before she gets out. I guess she was so excited to go out for her first drink of the day that she could not even be bothered getting past her bra. I guess we should be grateful at least that she managed to at least put that on. All Rihanna does all day and night is party and has been cutting back on work to the point where it is non-existent. She goes days without bathing and has become extremely moody. One day she is on top of the world and happy to see you and the next, she wants nothing to do with you.


  1. Fame's a bitch. You can't take the heat, get the fuck out.

  2. Return of the Living Forehead.

  3. Ten bucks says she's a bipolar - right age for it to be rearing it's head, and substance abuse is a major trigger. Britney 2.0?

    1. That sounds like bipolar behavior to me too, but I think Britney is schizophrenic.

    2. Britney is bi-polar. Part if her problem (in my opinion) is she's heavily medicated. When meds aren't properly prescribed, some work better at nite, some in the a.m., you get that zombie effect.

  4. Rehab will only work she wants to get clean. Here's to hoping that she chooses sobriety. =/

  5. Hate to see people waste their good fortune. It's obvious the woman is very messed up. Don't like her music and don't care for her, but I do hope she gets help.

  6. I was so distracted by that epic five-head I didn't notice her outfit.

  7. To take this outfit from day to night, she just needs to change up the shoes (red converse maybe?) and a sparkly clutch. Her nails are fabu.

    Well done Rihanna, you are consistently a "do."

  8. I hate when people's nipples poke through their bra's. It's like they are staring at me everywhere I go and I can't look away.

  9. It's too bad. That skirt is actually cute - put it with the right top and some flats and she'd actually look nice, instead of a five-headed $1.25 crack ho.

  10. @rejectedcarebear - fivehead...classic!

  11. Oh boy. A Lindsay AND Rihanna post today. What's left to even say about these two? Same ol' BS, different day.

  12. From the looks of her instagram & twitter I dont think she feels like she needs rehab (she does). And maybe Jay Z shouldnt of helped create this monster. Not everyone can put on a fake smile as well as Beyonce.

  13. She just exudes skank. Now I need to bleach my eyes.

  14. It's called a breakdown, she's not equipped for this life style, kinda like Britney.

  15. Poor Rihanna...as others have said, Britney 2.0.

  16. @GSDlover - ooooh, that is a very interesting theory about Britney!! And it makes A LOT of sense.

  17. That sad pic of her disheveled on the street reminded me of Amy Winehouse doing that in London with her ballet slippers. I hope she gets help.

  18. I was just wondering if it was addiction, mental illness, or a combination of the two...I think C is the right answer here. Also, it's possible that's one of those "evening" bras that's meant to go under a sheer top or a jacket, except that she forgot the accompanying item of clothing, rather than just wearing a regular bra...but when your headlights are on high beam in the middle of the day, it doesn't really matter what you're wearing; what you need is to put the damn things away and put on another layer of clothing.

    Too bad Jay or someone can't have her involuntarily committed to at least get her off the drugs and get her bathing, eating, etc., eh?

  19. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I don't think Rihanna is mentally ill. I think she's just a slutty attention-seeking addict who wants to party 24/7. She kept her shit together during the Battleship publicity jaunt, but since it tanked she can now go back to her regularly scheduled programming of wearing inappropriate clothing, smoking pot, and drinking.

  20. Anonymous9:41 AM

    So it's a walk of shame photo, she's never been shy about showing her body before, she's probably just trying to play it off.
    Did you read the article about her Dad? He was a crack head while she was growing up and all he could say about her is that it was good that she'd lost weight because she had been starting to get fat, and no one's going to look at a fat pop star. No mention of her talent, beauty or life. Just she was fat, good thing she's not now. Then the Chris Brown thing? If that's not a sign for loving abuse, literally, being self destructive and needy, don't know what is. She drinks and smokes pot, who doesn't? I've never seen her look drunk, or stumble, or get in a fight or car wreck. No one is cut out for the limelight lifestyle, except ego maniacs that thing it's their due, like P. Diddy and Madonna.

  21. You'll recall Amy Winehouse was photographed walking down the street in her bra, and look what happened to her.

  22. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Carmelite, uh, PLENTY of people don't drink and smoke pot. What kind of people are you hanging out with?

    And I've seen plenty of photos of Rihanna looking drunk and/or high as a kite. She doesn't even try to hide it.

  23. Maybe it's time you listened to those who care about you, RiRi.

  24. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Fame's a bitch. You can't take the heat, get the fuck out

    Life in general is hard. Using that theory, if someone can't handle it, they should blow their brains out and call it a day.

  25. i think gaga is the current best example of a coke-head whose handlers are pulling double duty as dealer/pharmacists...they seem to know what to give her, how much of it, and when to give it to her to keep her functional. i don't know how long that'll last, but by all appearances rihanna has beat her to the front of the cracked-out-in-public line.

  26. Who's sniffing at her to know she's not bathing every day?

  27. We're seeing a typical downward spiral here. We've seen it before, with Janis and Amy, and even Brittany. This girl isn't getting the love and guidance she so desperately needs, and is acting out. She really needs help!

  28. @Layna Day - thank you. Compassion is getting to be so rare, especially when people can comment incognito where they don't have to take responsibility or consequences for the ugly shit they post.

  29. She's officially made it to the Top 3 of my "People I Never Want to Hear Anything Else About" list. Rounding out that list: Lohan, Kardashian. Elite company.

  30. Has anyone else noticed she slowly went down hill when she never sought mental treatment after the chris "beat you down" brown incident. She denied the severity of it and thought it was exciting to sneak around with him. Now all she does is sleep around, get high, and party to hide her pain.

  31. I have compassion for a hard life as a child but at some point it is time to take responsibility for your life and how you live it. You can choose to be a victim of your past...making as much of a mess of your adult life as others did of your childhood or you can choose to move on (and sometimes moving on means seeking outside help). At some point, your life is your own fault...the good and the bad.

    And I speak from hard learned experience.

  32. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Rihanna sucks.

  33. I wish Rhi luck in this! The odds r against her.

  34. I told Enty this on Facebook...those tops are really popular this summer


    but she has been looking pretty rough lately...

  35. I just saw a video of her on the date with Chris on Extra and it looks like she started out with a tank top over the bra top and somewhere along the way took it off. It looked like a normal outfit before that.

    Maybe it was hot at the club they were partying at, lol.

  36. I'm just going to put this out there: it seems as though a lot of commentors here think dealing with mental illness and addiction is easy and simple, and to those people I say this: please, please, please take a long look at yourself and what you're saying. Think about all of the messed up stuff that happens just because of some sort of mental illness. I'm appalled when I see people who don't suffer themselves thinking it's as easy as snapping out of your head and getting yourself help. People like you are part of the problem - part of the reason it's so scary to admit there's a problem and that help is needed. When healthy people don't take mental illness seriously, sick people don't either. Shame on those of you who lack compassion.

  37. At least she covered her crotch this time. Normally it is on display for all to see. She looks like a walking STD.

  38. SKT, if you can clearly see her nipples through it, it isn't "clothing" either.

  39. She's trying to fill a void with sex, drugs, & music. She has "it all", yet is empty. She's unfortunately a modern cautionary tale that every thing this world has to offer is not even enough to fill the void. I hope she starts to nourish her spiritual self before her "lifestyle" kills her. It's so sad that our modern society discourages us from seeking God, because so often He is the crucial missing piece to people finding inner peace.

  40. @jaariel - meh. I think it's up to an individual to discover what the missing piece to finding inner peace is. I held onto God for dear life for many years, and truthfully gained a lot more peace once I stopped questioning his existence and started asking myself questions instead of something that may or may not exist. 'God', the way you've capitalized the name and the fact that you use the word 'God', is the focal point of the Christian religion. I could never, ever put blind faith in the hands of something created by people who believe that the only people destined for peace in the afterlife are the ones who agree with them. Hope I'm not insulting you with this, truly, its just that..... well, hypocrisy is a bitch, no?
