Thursday, June 07, 2012

Rihanna Could Be Headed To Rehab

Rihanna was supposed to be in the UK all summer working on a television show. Instead though she bailed and said she was sick. The problem is that she has been boozing and smoking a ton of pot and is pretty much a wreck everyday. I don't know if she could do anything right now that would require any more than a two or three hour day and that day would have to start about 8pm because it's not like she is waking up at the crack of dawn. It seems like she is everywhere right now but much of that was done a few months ago in anticipation of Battleship being a huge hit and not the bomb it was. Right now she is not doing much of anything and with 10 weeks of her schedule now cleared, I think rehab would be a fabulous idea.


  1. Return of the Forehead!

  2. Thank god we're going to get a break from her!

  3. ohhhh she has to be the recent blind about an A-list singer who would shock the recording industry bc she really can't sing and she wasted a million dollars bc she was too messed up on drugs and missed the session. HAS to be Rhianna!!!

  4. I don't know about the booze and the pot, but she needs to rehab that Chris Brown fuckhead out of her life.

  5. Wouldn't mind a break from Rihanna. She's everywhere. Every radio station, every tabloid. I used to be somewhat of a fan but she's... everywhere! It's too much.

  6. "rehab would be a 'fabulous' idea"

    No Enty, just sterilize her now.

  7. She used to be very responsible and a hard worker. It's the drugs that have made her spiral out of control, so I think rehab is what she needs!

  8. Sad I know this, but I JUST read she pulled out b/c MIA got signed to her label and is moving back to NYC, thus rihanna whom I guess was spending all that time in London to hang with mia, now doesn't need to be there.

  9. Is it too jaded of me to say it won't work? If she goes into your typical 21-day rehab, there's absolutely no way she'll get an intensive enough therapy to work through her very deep seeded issues i.e. having her face rearranged like a Picasso by her boyfriend. Add her to the Reed/Lohan/Bynes club...

  10. I remember a few years ago around the "Umbrella" days when the talk was that she was bankrupt and flat-broke. Flat-assed broke, actually, if I'm remembering it. She was getting 50 or 70 thousand dollar payments for doing shows and spending it within days on her entourage and nonsense.

    I don't lose sleep over her. If she goes away, the world will go on. She doesn't have a stable personality or any kind of internal resources to deal with a powerful career, and while I like her voice, I increasingly turn off the radio when I hear her.

  11. I see her doing more of a Keith Richard-type rehab - you know, get the blood changed in some European hideaway...

  12. I am so bored with her and her flat voice. Though she is beautiful.

  13. Barton Fink -
    She learned how to spend her money from the MC Hammer book "Way To Blow Through Your Pop Star Cashish In Days!"

  14. I won't miss her if she goes away for awhile or forever.

  15. With a clear head and the right songs, Rihanna could be back at the top of the charts. She should stay in rehab for 10 weeks or more. I hope she gets better.

  16. I was one of the unfortunate ones to watch Battleship. It was bad. Bad acting, and a rip-off Transformer type. Her lines were short but still she did a horrible job.

  17. shame on all you people saying she should just die. she is a person with family.
    her grandmother is sick and i believe the reason why she pushed back the trip was to spend time with her family.

  18. Pickle nose
    Pickle nose
    Pickle nose

  19. "...they genuinely believe they're having a blast in the moment while actually they're spiralling out of control."

    That reminds me of the recent interview with Tara Reid where she said she's just having fun like anyone else, no big deal. And LiLo believes the same. I think they have to get to Natasha Lyonne lying-in-the-gutter level before they begin to realize they might have a problem.

  20. if Rhi needs the rehab then she should go. She has a little prob now with drinks and pot, hopefully she wont graduate to harder drugs. I like her and wish her well.

  21. @slgkrc123 I went back and re-read the comments after seeing your comment. I think the few people that said she should go away just mean that she should stay out of the spotlight for a bit. When someone's antics and shenanigans start overshadowing their immense talents, then some real changes need to be made before it's too late

  22. Some how, this wouldn’t surprise me! Lately her actions are literally screaming for help! Hopefully, she gets it and soon and before its too late.
