Reese Witherspoon's Dad Bigamy Case Is Getting Interesting
When we first heard about Reese Witherspoon's dad getting married despite still being married to Reese's mother, the reports all portrayed him as a victim. I think he still is and does apparently suffer some dementia. That would explain why he thought he could get married and why he was convinced to take out $400K in loans with his new "wife." There is another side to the story though. The media in Nashville has been filing motion after motion to get court documents unsealed and to allow television cameras in the courtroom for future hearings. One of the documents they obtained was a declaration from Reese's mom and it said the couple split because of his alcoholism, infidelity, overspending and hoarding." You know, all the people I have ever seen on Hoarders are generally not very wealthy. Can you imagine if you had a ton of money to spend and are a hoarder. You could get even more stuff in your house and maybe it would be higher quality. Plus, you hopefully would not find any dead cats. Reese sure has been nice to her dad over the years despite all the things he has done.