Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Random Photos Part Two - Ascot

Do they have a best in show? If they do, I think this woman has set the bar impossibly high.

I kind of feel like this one should be on the top of a cake.
When Minnie Mouse decided to become a dual citizen.
I'm frightened she will kill someone with her nails.
And I was wondering what to do with all my old vinyl records.
At least Mary would never starve on a deserted island as her head makes apples.


  1. If your head is in a cage and your vajayjay is in a CAGE - how do you go to the toilet?

  2. Those are black cherries. Not apples.

  3. too much free time + too much $$$ = this

  4. @Feed Watcher - I don't think Enty is big into fruit. And...those black cherries are apple-sized. But, yeah, you're right.

  5. Bleck to everyone above the last photo and YES to the big black cherry hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want one. Jasmine with cherries on top- adorbs.

    (yes, I just called myself adorable, it's a narcissistic kinda day.)

  6. Oh Lord is it funny hat time again?

  7. Those Brits really go off the deep end for sure. Black cherry hat is awesome sauce though.

  8. Those Brits really go off the deep end for sure. Black cherry hat is awesome sauce though.

  9. Who the hell are these women? Do I live in a cave? LOL

  10. The woman in the 5th picture down is one of Simon Cowell's exes (or hangers on), Jackie St Clair. Always following him on holiday

  11. Those are cherries...not apples.

  12. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Black cherry head lady really, really needs to reconsider the tattoos. They do not suit her. At all.

    Also, I thought that Ascot was supposed to be more fashion-policed this year? Aren't they supposed to be turning away people wearing inappropriate duds (like Little Ho Peep)? That was my understanding.

    I see that dragon nail woman on the Ascot fashion pages every year. She is unfortunate looking, but she nonetheless really enjoys calling attention to herself by wearing really stupid stuff.

  13. I thought that was a cake at first lol

  14. I love Mary cherry's tats!

  15. I want that cherry hat!

  16. Think Lady Gaga was here too, picking new hats to wear for her next red carpet moment.

  17. maybe I'm culturally deprived, but what the hell is Ascot?

  18. Ascot is a major horse race held in Ascot, England each June. It's also known for its formal dress and the outlandish hats the ladies wear.
