Beyonce is still in Paris. Not sure how she ended up on top though.

David Beckham takes the family to Disney and Harper got some Minnie Mouse ears.

Hello Elizabeth Banks.

When a couple goes from matching clothes to matching haircuts, you know they are going the distance.

Justin Bieber is wearing a mask and going all Michael Jackson on us. Next thing you know he will be sharing a bed with Corey Feldman.

I guess Kendra Wilkinson thinks this is sexy.

Leo and Erin Heatherton ride bikes.

This is a promo pic for Liz & Dick. Looks nothing like what is going on during filming.
Is that a Crimson Ghost face mask? Ugh, Bieber...
ReplyDeleteYeah, Kendra's really workin' the trifecta of Klassiness: orange skin, check; platinum hair, check; enormous bolt-ons, check.
ReplyDeleteHon? You're at 14 min 57 seconds.
Don't forget the trout pout!
DeleteLeo D's new girlfriend doesn't look to know how to ride the bicycle
ReplyDeletecute mickey mouse ears!
He certainly has a "type".
DeleteOk I know and hope that all the furs and jewelry used in Liz and Dick are fake cus no one in their right mind would have the real stuff around Blohan
ReplyDeleteI don't want to hate on Lindsay, she appears to be at least trying. She makes it very hard not to though
ReplyDelete@Montana, lol
ReplyDeleteWow! Lindsay Lohan looks EXACTLY like Lindsay Lohan in a wig.
ReplyDeleteThat's the best LL has looked in a long time. I say that knowing she has been photoshopped to nobody's business.
ReplyDeleteI find Kendra (and Holly) so disgusting.
Is Justin wearing a sequined ghost face mask? My hatred for him grows stronger as each day passes.
That is a terrible wig on LL's head or I'd say she looked pretty good there. And, yep with the photshopped to hell anyway.
ReplyDeleteI hate when celebs bike with no helmets. Sends the wrong signal. I used to commute in NYC by bike back in the late 80s, didn't want helmet hair, and someone opened their blacked out side door on me, I flipped over onto rush hour 6th Ave. I was very VERY lucky, but since that I've been very passionate about helmets.
ReplyDelete@msgirl, that has always been my biggest biking fear. I don't bike in the city anyway though, I'm too big of a weenie/lazycakes
DeleteI beg to differ on haircuts. Remember Brad and Gweneth? That was a weird look all around.
ReplyDeletemsgirl--The same kind of bike accident happened to a friend in Chicago, with someone opening a door in front of him. He flipped in the air, came down & broke a femur, had to have at least two surgeries (that I remember), pins, the works. Weeks relying on others just to go to the bathroom, and then he had to learn to walk again when the bone healed.
ReplyDeletei know--NOT a helmet issue---but his accident made me wear a helmet from that day forward. To see what can happen to 'just' your leg, imagine that happening to your skull. And it's not death I'm afraid of, it's being in a nursing home the rest of my life.
In other news, they can't photoshop Lilo into Liz. She's the wrong shape, wrong skin tone, busted drug face. Stunt Casting at its saddest, because Lilo thinks they chose her for her glamour and talent. ahem.
Stunt casting indeed, Libby!
ReplyDeleteLove the Beckham family! And, Justin- I hope you're saving your money. ::cough:: Aaron Carter::cough::
What Montana and Beth said. I bet Lindsay thought she would be wearing Liz's actual jewels. And Lindsay, you STILL look like Joan Crawford's daughter in that get-up.
ReplyDeleteAt home, I imagine Beyonce is a bottom, too.
ReplyDeleteThe beat me to it with the trout pout/duck lips thing.
That guy behind the Biebs seems mesmerized!
Lohan looks like Lohan dressing up as Liz Taylor, not like Liz Taylor.
ReplyDeleteHey guys - just wanted to say that bath salts thread has really blown up! Lots of interesting stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnd hey Reader Pic People - nice pics!!! :)
Ha ha, Beth, yes, precisely. I'm not one to expect an overwhelming resemblance when casting a movie like this; I think you're almost always better off just going with the best actor for the part and letting them embody the person portrayed rather than relying on just looks, but, man, she is just NOT Elizabeth Taylor in the photo. And I remain doubtful she genuinely was the best person for the role, talent-wise.
ReplyDeletePart of me still kind of hopes that there's enough drive and professionalism in her (it would have to be buried somewhere deep, DEEP inside) to make her do an amazing job, just to show all her critics and doubters. What a pipe dream that is, self.
(I have a thing about underdogs. I can't not root for them, apparently. It's been a lifelong problem of mine, and it's led to a lot of pain.)
Anything that keeps Justin from singing is fine with me.
ReplyDeleteA former co-worker ran into a tree on her bike. She permanently lost her sense of smell. And that was with a helmet on. Odds are, without it, she'd have died or been brain dead.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce is ALWAYS wearing some other races hair.
ReplyDeleteThe Beckhams are down to earth and have never smothered Harper once.
Lohan looks nothing like Liz. This is such an insult and a slap in the face to Elizabeth Taylor and her entire family. I cannot believe they couldn't get someone with better talent and looks more like Liz to portray her. She's probably rolling over in her grave.
ReplyDeleteI feel kinda sorry for beckhan famiky when they try to do normal things and the paps stalk them. Must be pain in the ass.
ReplyDeleteomg, i just saw a pic of Harper as Mini Minnie and i thought...hope Enty sees this one--how cute is she? I just want to pinch those little cheeks.
Beyonce looks like she is a new mom. Smiling but tired. The only thing i will give Lindsay is that she is trying to make a come back, whether it is failed or not. Maybe this will inspire her to get clean.:)
ReplyDelete@Karma alot of weaves come from lots of different countries so anyone with weave can be wearing another races hair! lol
Interesting to see a set up pap photo from Portia and Ellen. This Buzzfoto blind item made me think of them:
ReplyDeleteThis Hollywood couple that everyone adores, have been together for a while now. They are starting to struggle in their relationship. One of the partners admitted to a source that they feel like the relationship is only "maintenance stuff." Her solution is to pay for a one night stand when she goes to Vegas in a couple of weeks.
David Beckham, Leo AND Ryan Gosling in Random Photos today. Swoon. I guess I was full of it when I said I don't have many celebrity crushes :/
ReplyDeleteAwwww BeYonCe with her fake hair, fake body and fake pregnancy
ReplyDeletePortia looked sexy with her long hair.
Can't stand The Beaver...
Leo's GF needs to practice how to ride a bike LOL.
Fucking Bieber shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as Michael Jackson. And why do people STILL think ducklips are cute?
ReplyDeleteNot just Brad and Gwyneth, Brad and all his exes...
ReplyDeleteI thought they would put Lindsay in purple contacts and a black wig at least. This doesn't look like they are really trying. You can even see the freckles all over her legs which is perfectly fine for a redhead but not Liz Taylor.
ReplyDeleteCar54... LOVE that pic! She's got the chubbiest cheeks! I bet they get pinched All The Time!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a David B fan or a Victoria B fan... But I am a HUGE David & Victoria fan... they seem so great together... real. not annoying. Although, I am starting to like Victoria more and more, the more pics I see of her or the more stories I hear about her.
Omg, Harper is too freakin' cute!
ReplyDeleteGo away Bieber, please.
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ReplyDeleteI really don't care that Becks just started going to Kings games a couple of months ago. It's really cool that he's rocking the hat. GO KINGS GO!!!
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ReplyDeleteMy dad's best friend from high school days was in that kind of bicycle-car door accident too. He DID land on his head. After months of hospitalization, he survived the accident, and became well enough to power a wheelchair by sucking and blowing through a straw. He lived about a decade like that; he tried to enjoy life, as different as it had become. Every couple years he would get bad pneumonia because he never could breathe all the way to the bottom of his lungs, and was not strong enough to cough out phlegm. He succumbed to pnuemonia two years ago. HELMETS HELMETS HELMETS.
ReplyDeletebieber creeps me out more and more everyday
ReplyDeleteForgetting that Lindsey LOOKS nothing like Elizabeth Taylor, I am wondering about how she is supposed to SOUND like her. Elizabeth had such a distinctive voice while Lindsey always sounds like she just smoked a carton of cigarettes.
ReplyDeleteIt's joining the ranks of laughable drama such as Mother May I Sleep With Danger. Now ENOUGH with your, "she doesn't look a thing like Liz" "Liz would be rolling in her grave"
It's a #$%&$% low budget fluff piece on a network that made a deal with the devil to get Project Runway.
It's like on SNL in the early days when the impressions didn't include changing the appearance to look like the character. Except Lindsay will neither look, act, or have Elizabeth Taylors mannerisms. Someone in power deciced it was a long shot but wanted to give her a chance for whatever reason. Can we just get over that she doesn't look like Liz Taylor? Please? It's like, I write a comic strip and I'm not a good drawer but I want to scribble out the story of Liz and Rich.
And screw you all I love Justin Beiber lol! I've been singing Baby all day but never loud enough so anyone can hear me. Just loud enough so I look like the crazy lady mumbling to myself.