Sunday, June 10, 2012

Now Lindsay Lohan's Brakes Failed

I love how Lindsay Lohan excuses are put together. Has she ever been honest about anything in her life? When the accident fist occurred on Friday, Lindsay swore up and down that the semi-truck cut her off. When no one bought that, she had to think of a new one so decided to blame the engineers at Porsche. Apparently Lindsay's brakes failed. I know, I know. It's amazing the things that happen only to Lindsay. It's tough when you are trying to take a pill or two at the same time you are smoking a cigarette and having your assistant hold the phone up close to you so you can voice text all while you are driving and then you drop a pill between the seats and as you reach down and look down because it's your last one and the doctor will give you crap about getting a new prescription and there it is and then wham, you ram into the semi in front of you. Good news? You are a little sore so you go the emergency room doctor to get you a prescription for some more fun things to take.


  1. Liar, liar, fire crotch on fire!

  2. She's looking really 70s-era lately.

  3. she wasn't even supposed to be driving she was supposed to be driven to and from the set and that day she wanted to drive herself. The escalade following her was her driver for the day.

    Does she actually think the police and insurance investigators aren't going to figure out. She was flying down the PCH wasn't paying attention and just slammed into the back of the truck based on the damages. Oh and they can tell if the brakes fail or not you moron.

    I guess when you are raised on lies this is all you know how to do.

  4. I really, really want to launch her into space.

  5. Now, regular everyday folk would have already had officers knocking on the front door for leaving the accident site prior to officers arriving on the scene. She should have left in an ambulance to cover her ass. Worse yet, the intake form in the ER when the doctor asks "what happened and can you describe your njuries" is going to have record of her saying something along the lines of "a semi truck cut me off. I wasnt doing anything wrong".

    Lilo, you can't come back and change the story of record in hopes that it'll get you out of trouble. It's time for the Sherriff's department to release a statement, isn't it?

  6. It's being reported that the Porsche had just had new brakes installed two days prior to the accident, as well... how convenient for this little conniving bitch.

    She probably figures she can't get away with jewelry heists anymore, so has now moved on to insurance fraud.

  7. I'm starting to think she is getting in accidents just for the trips to the ER. Her co-pays must be cheaper than whatever it costs to get rxs illegally.

  8. The funny thing is this bitch doesn't understand a mechanic will be able to tell if the brakes did fail, which they didn't. I don't know how anyone could possibly her friend.

  9. I'll never tire of her shenanigans. The studio may be on the hook for that car. They'll love that. Hope she was worth it. I can't wait for the next excuse.

  10. HAHA Enty expressed my sentiments exactly!

    But I'm also pissed off. Get her in jail, this is a farce.

  11. She will never face the truth even if it's killing her.

    I still don't get why people still hire her. She is just one big Headache.

  12. No, IRS being reported that she claims that the rental company called to tell her the brakes were replaced two days prior......keep in mind she's had this car for awhile now, so if the brakes were replaced she would have known about it without the rental company calling her up yesterday to tell her as such.

  13. Why they don't take her license away is beyond me.

  14. I am tired of seeing her and her family on my beloved interwebs and tv box. She is a terrible person from a terrible family. I wish they would all go away.

  15. Shawn Shithead Holley and Judge Stephanie Sautner should be held accountable when Lindsay kills someone. They keep putting this asshole back out on the road!

  16. I've been suspecting that rogue car mechanics sneaked onto my property & replaced my car brakes too. I'll need to leave a lot of distance between me & the cars in front for a while until I'm comfortable that the new brakes work correctly.

    That's her story?

  17. If only Kim K and Paris H had been with her and they took a long drive off a short pier. *sigh*

  18. You voters in CA. should be able to see that these judges that let her off every time don't get re-elected to the bench. Or is it different than here in NV?

  19. Her life at this point is like a Final Destination movie.Death won't be cheated, everything has to balance out and Lindsay is one step ahead...for now.

  20. You know how shitty those engineers are at Porsche, their stuff obviously is just cheap crap anyway.

  21. Is California that corrupt that they keep letting this cheap trick get away with her nonsense? Are they waiting for someone to die?

  22. "Move that semi! I'm Lindsay Lohan!"

  23. The driver of that truck is saying the first thing Lindsey did was offer to pay him off, presumably to take the fall and say he changed lanes.

  24. dlisted has some other info on this. the driver of the truck says there was a little bag that lohan's folks (including an suv right behind the 911). also, that they tried to get him to go to a bank to end the whole thing, and that they didn't say it was lindsey, just that it was a big time celeb.

  25. I am waiting to see what Dina and Michael have to say. You know it is going to be she was channeling her inner Liz or Marilyn--or W C Fields prepping for her long day on the's not her fault and stop picking on her..she's a major Hollywood actress leave her know the usual delusional crap that spews from mommy's mouth whenever anyone says anything remotely truthful about her meal ticket.

  26. Judging from the way she swerved, and the damage done to the car, her assistant should up her life insurance, and ask for a RAISE.

  27. I'm seeing her fans test new lies to see if any stick -- and it's enough to make your head explode. That she was being chased by the paps and it's their fault (though there were no on-site photos), etc. I'm also seeing that she wasn't insured by the production to drive because she wasn't supposed to be the driver. Which means they're on the line not only for the Porsche -- the trucking company is going to go after the production too for its damages.

  28. I think the worst part of this for her is that the truck driver didn't recognize her and know who she is HAHAHA

  29. This chick will never get in trouble for anything. She's paying people off left and right.

  30. You would think one day the money would run out, but they'll always be weak-ass companies and pimps giving her money.

  31. Her brakes failed, or she failed to apply her brakes?

  32. You know, people, you just may get your wishes. Whoever was carrying her completion bond for the Lifetime flick will probably pull their coverage first thing Monday morning. So no "comeback" project and she'll be utterly un-insurable as a performer. Well, except for porn...

  33. She is out of money.

  34. every car has a "black box." The speed, the brakes, the movements, etc is in the hands of the investigators.

  35. Apparently she can't afford a decent flack anymore either, because Kneepads is quoting Lohan's mouthpiece as trashing the truck driver for trying to sell his story to the tabs. An incredibly stupid thing to say.

  36. I am in no way trying to imply that this wasn't Linds' fault or that she isn't horrible BUT I don't trust this truck driver guy, either.

    He didn't know who she was but knew he should talk to TMZ? He doesn't like attention and yet he keeps giving interviews?

    I think he sees some big fat dollar signs.

  37. It's amazing to me that someone who lacks elemental decent substance in any manner doesn't just float off the face of the earth. Ego must was a ton.

  38. dhphob, he called 911, before he knew who it was, because she was trying to flee the scene.
    Then her people told him it was someone famous, and they'd lie to keep it quiet.
    TMZ spoke to him after.

  39. oops- LIKE to keep it quiet...though lie works too.

  40. Best spelling error ever.

  41. The point being that trying to spin Lohan's millionth stupid gaffe by smearing the truck driver is just incredibly stupid and arrogant.

  42. Wait, I thought she wasn't driving. She does amuse me. I like reading her ever-changing crack lies.

  43. Ahh, gotcha. Thanks!

  44. brakes failed when? half a second before she hit the truck? Because I've seen damage done to cars that hit semi's or dump trucks full speed with no braking. it's not a half a front end smash, most ended up decapitated or smashed legs.

    But I've never driven in CA, however I've read the comments that you all are just as crazy and in a hurry as we east coasters

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I'm glad Lindsay is okay!

  47. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I'll bet she finished the 20 opiates they gave her in the ER yesterday. At noon.

    So transparent. So pathetic.

  48. I trust the guy whose story didn't change and didn't try to flee the scene. It's not like she hasn't done this before.

    She doesn't even have any money to be sued for.

  49. i love how the Lifetime people are like "woah, why was she driving? she's not allowed to be driving under our contract! wtf?"

    So, um... that will make any further jobs just *that* much harder to get Linds. Loser.

    And a big HA-HA to the truck driver not knowing who she was!

    Hey, I hear some Dutch company is proposing a Mars colony where it's a one-way trip - each ticket is like $5 million. I say we start a collection for this trick and get her off our planet. I'm good for 5 bucks!

  50. Let's reward her bad behavior by slapping her on the wrist and offering her a movie role.
