Wasn't Nick Loeb running for US Senate at some point? Sofia Vergara's boyfriend announced he would not be running, but I think he started to at one point. If he had become a Senator he would have fit right in. The Enquirer is reporting that not only is Nick a sex addict, but he also participates in orgies and goes to strip clubs all the time. The hookers who were interviewed for the story say that Sofia is clueless about what Nick does. It sounds like Nick and Charlie Sheen would be best friends. Heck, they probably have shared some of the same hookers. Apparently Nick likes to hire anywhere from two to five women at a time and then provides sex toys and drugs and takes Viagra for himself. He has interrupted sex to talk to Sofia on the phone.
I cannot begin to fathom why a person would cheat on Sofia Vergara, much less a hooker hotter than she is.
ReplyDeleteA shoo in for the senate!!
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't love orgies, strippers and coke?
ReplyDeleteSo now you're taking Radar's word for this? Even though Radar is owned by the National Enquirer, I would take what they say with a grain of salt. They've been proven wrong more than they've been right.
ReplyDeleteThe amazing thing is that, when it comes to sex/drug scandals about politicians, the Enquirer is as reliable a source as the NY Times.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how beautiful the person a cheater will always cheat.
ReplyDeleteDon't knock The National Enquirer. They broke the John Edwards story.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds vaguely like the actress from Star Trek who was married to that senator who took her to sex clubs.
Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls. Because they can.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure if men could bend over that far, there would be a lot less cheating.
Right on!
DeleteSex and the city!
Deleteha ha ha ha ha !!
ReplyDeleteAwww, he stops to talk to her on the phone. Talk about pussy-whipped!
ReplyDeleteSo true Vicki!
ReplyDeleteWomen have been known to cheat as well.
ReplyDeleteSex, drugs, power - the classic trio. Some things about us humans never change. Change the names and the substances used, and this could be describing Ancient Rome or JFK.
ReplyDeleteWell, who doesn't, really?
ReplyDelete(oh--I see I'm not the first to voice this sentiment!) Ha ha haaaa.
Also, this dude is butt-ugly anyway.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'
Of course he does!
ReplyDeleteOrgies and strippers and coke! Oh my!
ReplyDeleteJust another reminder that it really doesn't matter how gorgeous you are or how great your body is. Cheaters gonna cheat. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying don't cheat, I'm just saying if you must, cheat up. Have some pride with your infidelity. You're gonna get caught, and you're gonna catch hell for it, so if you're going to do it, at least make it worth the trouble you're going to get into.
ReplyDeleteBut there aren't many women that are up from Sofia. This is like getting up halfway through a meal at Peter Lugar's and going down the street to McDonald's. It just makes no sense.
Sometimes the Embittered Ovary Brigade bullshit here gets very old. "Cheaters will always cheat" is the narrow-minded sentiment of women with a paranoid, Victorian sense of male sexuality. Y'all sound like a bunch of Povich-watchin' fat housewives in polyester stretch pants when you give voice to such sentiments.
ReplyDeleteAnd you sound like an emotionally stunted narcissist. But hey, gifts differing!
DeleteBut I will say this--coke use eventually erodes the frontal lobe (no pun intended) and blurs one's sense of right and wrong, AND makes one want higher highs, more flagrant sex and riskier risks. From what I've seen, anyway.
ReplyDeleteMy ovaries FEEL embittered but I said I also like coke and orgies, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'm ovulating and those bitches are cramping up like a mutha today.
Ok, B., hold on a minute. I'll have you know I no longer watch daytime tv, now that they've cancelled all my stories, and furthermore, my stretchy pants are 100% cotton, thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteAnd I believe it was the esteemed Dr. Phil who said something along the lines of "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior". Geez, get your facts straight, B.
How in the world did this doofus land Sofia Vergara?
ReplyDeleteSex addicts don't cheat because they're unhappy or not attracted to their partner. It a compulsive act out of a need to feel desired and appreciated. Just like people with OCD feel a need for order and control. Sex addiction is a compulsive disorder.
ReplyDeleteAnd while, I don't share the FULL extent of B. Profane's sentiment. I do agree in part. You know, sometimes the other woman is a better woman. Men can be abused, too. Men can be degraded and made to feel worthless and beaten down. Sometimes it takes the other woman to give them the strength to leave the situation.
I mean, this obviously isn't the case here, but if he is indeed a sex addict, he will require cognitive behavioral therapy to learn impulse control. And poor Sophia. :( This makes me sad for her because no matter the reason, when someone does something like this to you, it hurts immensely.
he must be awesome in bed, no wonder Sofia took him back.
ReplyDeleteBut wait...if Nick loves orgies and strippers...he's perfect for a U.S. Senate position...or any government position for that matter.
ReplyDeleteI'm betting a lot of people commenting used the Reply function on the mobile site, correct? Because on the desktop version, all the comments appear in a straight line so I don't know who's agreeing with who.
ReplyDeleteBut I will say I also love orgies, strippers and coke. And Unknown, agreed, when you're coked-up and orgy-ing with strippers, you don't stop for a phone call (unless it's your mom since we all agreed in the thread above that mom's are awesome).
Wow..Sounds like BProfane is cramping too. Feel bad for Sofia..IF this is true. I second Discoflux. Known a few sex addicts in my life and they're getting laid but they ain't happy.
ReplyDeleteOk, anita, you know I love you, but I must disagree about the phone call part. IIRC, Bubba Clinton was taking phone calls while Monica Lewinsky was under the desk bj'ing away. Being on the phone during the act probably just makes these dudes get off harder.
ReplyDeleteOf course, you have the good fortune of being Canadian, so you didn't have to endure that particular embarrassment like we did.
But he was presidenting. I'm guessing he was getting standby pay so he had to answer the phone. That's how it goes, right?
ReplyDeleteThis past month, being Canadian has not been that awesome. Cannibals, mall shootings and 15-year old female pimps.
consenting adults. who cares?
ReplyDeleteBUT what's good for the goose......these bozo's need to legalize the handful of drugs which they all use, but will lock us all up for in a heartbeat. Considering we're THE most prescribed nation on the planet (thus the war on drugs is a farce). And that's my only beef with this.
Republican family values. Smh
ReplyDeleteRepublican family values? Yeah, because Democrats NEVER cheat or do drugs.
ReplyDeleteYes. But democrats don't use that lie to hide behind their demons.
DeleteSounds like a politician.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure who actually first coined this quote, but it seems appropriate, "Show Me the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, and Somewhere There's a Guy Who's Tired of Fucking Her"
I concur that cheaters generally cheat - male or female. I am not even PMSing.
This guy is living my dream!
ReplyDeleteI thought they were breaking up anyway. I guess this may hasten it.
ReplyDeleteSofia Vergara has a shady, shady past. She dated, and publicly supported Chris Paciello a man who murdered a housewife during a home invasion robbery, blowing kisses to him in court. He was all sorts of mobbed up, the movie gone in 60 seconds was based on his thievery. She's into low life, violent, dishonest men and she's very into a very alternative lifestyle. Normal law abiding men do not interest this woman in the least. Don't believe she doesn't know exactly what is happening, she loves scumbags.
ReplyDeleteSofia need to pick them better. When she first came here from Venezuela her first bf was a Miami gangster.
ReplyDeleteHow can I eat my cOSTCO jug of LOEBS ONION CRUNCH now, after reading this!!! I am supporting a drug fueled orgy and I am not even a participant!
ReplyDeleteWho says Republicans don't know how to have fun?
ReplyDeletesince when is "cheaters will always cheat" limited to men? please...
ReplyDeleteA script is in development about Sofia's former boyfriend Chris Paciello and Sofia is not happy about it.
ReplyDelete@Texshan- LOL .
@Christine and Texshan: Good ones!
ReplyDeletePast behavior is a good indication of future behavior.
@NYer--it's not. They may not get quite as much attention, but there are plenty of female cheaters out there, too. Some cheaters cheat because they're miserable at home (sometimes for reasons of their own doing, sometimes because of their partner's bad behavior, and sometimes it's both of them or how they both handle certain areas in their lives such as money, kids, etc.). Others do it out of a sense of entitlement ("hey, I can do whatever I want to!"), and still others because they're sexually compulsive (these are the folks who are doing it more and enjoying it less).
ReplyDeleteCan we at least agree that cheating on someone when you're in a (supposedly) monogamous relationship isn't a good idea? It's one thing if the two of you have an agreement, or if your partner truly is a psychohosebeast (and if the latter is the case, you have my sympathy, and I hope you can actually get out of the relationship that's making you miserable). If you're sexually compulsive due to deep-seated issues and you hate yourself for it but can't stop, please try to find a good shrink and get some help. If you just don't give a rat's ass about your partner and think you're entitled to bang whoever you want whenever you want, and who cares who gets hurt as long as you get yours, then you're just an asshole, and deserve all the score you get.
^^that's SCORN, not SCORE...crimony, I'm too tired to be posting...
ReplyDeleteBlah. I'm convinced that monogamy is only for the minority. Cheating isn't even shocking these days because that seems to be the norm and has been since the beginning of time.
ReplyDeleteWhat's surprising is that so many who are supposedly committed to each other and claim to love one another can't be honest about their needs and wants, and then be adult about it. I think it's time our views on sexuality evolved a bit. But I don't know that this will happen, because it seems to scare the "vagina" out of some people. (not you guys, LOL)
I have a friend who was a staffer for a very senior (R) senator who said that was why he didn't run for office...too many sex secrets.
ReplyDeleteWhy must Sofia date a Frankenstein look-alike?
ReplyDelete@Henriette - the Star Trek actress is Teri Ryan. She is now on Body of Proof.