Thursday, June 21, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS newly married Hollywood couple never settled their religious differences before walking down the aisle – and now it’s become a HUGE issue! The laid-back newlyweds didn’t give it too much thought, but his family is insisting that their future grandchildren must be raised Jewish! Who are they?


  1. Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman.

  2. You ain't never lied, Noetje!

  3. Is Drew known for talking about how important her faith is? I bet it's not really actually a big issue.

  4. Drew and her new hubs

    I imagine Drew would want the child raised without religion. She seems as if she would be agnostic or atheist.

  5. I thought Drew was converting?? I swear that was posted on some site?

    My bets are on Reese and her hubby.

  6. I suspect whoever this is, 'his family' have already been told to go stick their heads in a pig, and it isn't really a 'huge issue' at all.

  7. Is Reese still a newlywed? I take this one with a grain of salt because it's NE. They either make shit up or post non-blind/pointless blinds.

  8. Reese's husband goes to church with her, so I can't imagine it would be an issue.

  9. Quick point. Judaism is traditionally matrilinear. Meaning that if the wife isn't Jewish, the kids wouldn't be considered Jewish.
    Yeah, it's archaic, but it's tradition.

  10. @Merlin D. Bear, that doesn't mean the kids wouldn't be raised Jewish. Most reform temples don't care about the bloodline, and more conservative forms of Judaism simply require a conversion mikva.

    This isn't Reese. I don't think her husband is Jewish, and neither Matthew nor Camilla is.

  11. Merlin's correct. However, you can choose to have your children raised in the faith regardless if I understand correctly. But I need to consult a Jewish friend for that.

  12. Anonymous9:35 AM

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Wills and Kate.

    Seriously, sounds like DBarry and WillKop.

    I don't think Natalie Portman and her French dancer baby daddy are married.

  15. Syko- I doubt that. They were referred to as a laid back couple, Natalie does not strike me that way. she seems very uptight.

  16. Syko - Natalie's Jewish (born in Israel, in fact), not them.

    I'm on the Drew Barrymore train.

  17. Drew was married in a Jewish ceremony officiated by the Kopelman's family Rabbi.

    Not sure that has meaning:)

  18. The children are supposed to be raised by what the mother's religion is.

    Can't be Natalie. Natalie's jewish. I'm sure she'll want her child to be jewish.

    I'm with the Drew B. guess.

  19. And they said future grandchildren, Natalie already has a child.
    I think this is Drew.

  20. Wow.... should in-laws be "insisting" ANYTHING?

  21. This is obviously supposed to be Drew & Will, but I call shenanigans at any sort of trouble. They were married under a chuppah by Will's family Rabbi, so it's not like she can claim she didn't know religion was important or that it's an issue all of a sudden. What's important is that Drew and Will are on the same page, not Drew and Will and Will's parents.

  22. My Ex husband is Jewish, and the in-laws want him to be raised Jewish. I am not religious, but I think at first it is a big deal, then it dies down. I let them have a Jewish baby naming ceremony and if he has to take a crash course in Tora reading it might be financially worth it for a barmitzfa for his college fund! He is 7 now and they have not said a peep.

  23. So Drew Barrymore jumped into a marriage without thinking everything through first. That is so out of character!

  24. Beth is right...

  25. Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden and Howard Krein. "The ceremony combined the bride's Catholic traditions and the groom's Jewish ones."

  26. I converted for my husband and it is a long process. There is no way that this was not discussed prior to the wedding. Ahhhh I loved my chuppah

  27. Yeah, can't be Drew. Jewish wedding and she converted.

  28. i believe they talk about Drew B but she's converted to the Judaism before the marriage

  29. Just because she converted doesn't mean that they will raise the children in the faith...

    my parents raised me catholic, got confirmed and everything... I have ZERO intentions of bringing my future offspring into the lamby-fold.

    I will give them the chance to choose what suits them when they come of age.

  30. Reese and Jim go to church every single Sunday without fail.

    My better half is Jewish, but atheist (don't ask) and I was raised episcopalian and now identify as atheist. When we told his mother I was pregnant AND we weren't getting married AND didn't have plans to raise our daughter Jewish (but I do teach and expose her to her Jewish heritage) she not only didn't speak to us for months but wouldn't tell the family about the pregnancy. Mind you, our daughter is the only grandchild on both sides.

  31. Joe Biden's daughter and son-in-law are not a Hollywood couple. I still think this is Drew. I remember her wearing crosses and rosary beads around her neck for many years, although I don't know if she was a practicing Catholic. The Barrymores were Catholic and so is Drew's mother (who wasn't at the wedding). I read Drew is in the process of converting. Maybe she changed her mind after the wedding.

  32. pk8 what your parents raised you as has nothing to do with how you raise your own kids. But why would Drew convert to Judaism knowing she was carrying his child if she didn't intend to raise the child in the Jewish faith and tradition? Then why convert?

  33. There are Jews and there are liberal Jews. Liberal Jews have more relaxed criteria concerning the religion of the mother. To make it short about Liberal Jews, as long as Jon Stewart finds it alright, they'll agree.

    (For full disclosure purposes, I am myself a traditionalist male Jew from Europe, my father was born a cohen, but I lost the title because my mother was a catholic and cohanim can't marry a non-Jew, even converted)

  34. Don't know if this has been posted, but you can take it from me, a Jewish-born but atheist who married a lapsed Catholic who had two Franciscan uncles: in the Jewish faith, the children are raised with the religion of the mother. So, this father's parents are completely out of bounds insisting that the children be raised Jewish.

    Btw, our son went to Catholic school for 13 years, our daughter for 10 years (now into her third year of Quaker school). They are both atheists and have been for years.

  35. @youdontsay: I live a mile from the regular, old, church where they got married, and I happened to drive by that day. There wasn't a sign of anything going on, and I didn't even know there was a wedding there until I read about it in the paper the next day.

  36. How about Chelsea Clinton and her husband? They had a dual faith ceremony, but this could be them

  37. Oh missed the "Hollywood" part. Drew converted though.

  38. @ Mikah - you poor naive person - clearly not married.

    In-laws who don't meddle - ha! That's a good one!!

  39. As if Drew's going to be married long enough to conceive.

  40. AlexT: she's already quite pregnant.

  41. Sorry...did anyone else start hearing the Fiddler on the Roof song "Tradition.....Tradition!" after Merlin's comment about Jewish Tradition?

  42. I will never understand some children/people.

    Ive never in my life ever bullied another person let alone an elderly person so seeing these kids do this is pretty terrible.

  43. Its Drew and Kopelman. Jim Toth isn't Jewish. And as far as Jews are concerned, if your faith is that important, it doesn't really matter whether you're the mother or father. You'll push to raise your kids Jewish. I know it was a dealbreaker for me.

  44. More conservative or orthodx Jews MAY require mikvah for kids born to Jewish father/non-Jew mother to be considered formally Jewish, but even that only becomes an issue wen being Bar/Bat Mitzvah'd or marrying in a synagogue. I know when I was married, the first congregation I spoke to wanted proof of my conversion in order to marry me, despite my bat-mitzvah, because I was adopted at birth. Obviously, I didn't get married there. I was insulted.
