Thursday, June 28, 2012

Monthly Fails

It's that time of the month.


  1. Why oh why do I always watch these?!?

  2. I always skip them. Sorry, Enty, but your taste in "comedy" is just not up to par.

  3. I am killing time and I watched. All I see are broken necks waiting to happen. I don't laugh; I cringe.

  4. Enty: "that time of the month".

    So, are you like, discriminating against me because I no longer have "that time of month"? Huh ? ?

    I mean,come on, Vicki got called "old gal" by a Co$ stalker, Disco is having a rough time, Sunny is not here to do your read photo recaps, and now you want to alienate me?

    Well, just for that I will not watch what I already know will be really, really stupid clips. There.

  5. Had to stop it... too much pain for one sitting!

  6. @Agent, I'm trying in vain to find a link to something that would be funnier for you, drawing a blank.

    Maybe this? Not funny, but fun:

  7. @ EmEyeKay ,OMG, you succeeded , hilarious ! thanks.

    "I am like a pendulum that does not swing"

  8. You know, I'd feel a whole lot better if I knew that everyone managed to walk away from these, or at least wasn't too badly hurt, because some of those looked pretty rough...and a few made me think that there might be some non-fatal Darwin Award winners in there. (IIRC, you either have to die or to remove yourself from the breeding pool permanently, and some of those crotch hits...need I say more?)

  9. @Agent**It: There, there...nothing wrong w/getting older; it just means you're getting smarter. Honestly, I'm almost looking forward to no longer having to deal w/"that time of the month" anymore, considering all the trouble it's given me for so many years (plus I didn't even get any cool babies out of it, like my mom did).

    BTW, you're another Boston-area person, right? We really do need to organize that damn meetup, and sooner rather than later.

  10. I'm in SoFl now, but I am from Boston. You need to get with Ms. Vicki Cupper !! Go to The Black Rose@Quincy Market.

    I am probably one of the few women out there who is enjoying almost every moment of the aging process. Note, the 'almost" part...

  11. ... and I think Car54 one stated Bay area..

  12. My favorites are the car hitting the trolley and the race car that tipped over, then skidded the driver's helmet on the pavement.

  13. I LOL'd like a loon at the guy who wiped out on the bike when the dog cut him off. I also laughed at the older woman who slipped on the path. She just went down funny. Hope she wasn't hurt.

    I'm sorry....

  14. Some made me laugh, but I had to pause the skateboarder at 5:24 to make sure he didn't die (but he must have had some wicked injuries).

    I really cringed at the wheelie poppers near the beginning. Stupid, stupid stunt. My husband's friend did that on his motorcycle at 140km/hr. Wiped out while crossing a bridge. He's damn lucky he didn't get hit by a car, or that his bike hit a car, or his friends on their bikes. He skidded on his ass and had the nerve to be indignant about the cop giving him a ticket at the hospital while doctors were picking gravel out of his skin.

    Any video I see of someone hurting their neck or face makes me feel like I feel their pain. Trampolines are bad. Saw someone flip off one and land on their neck. He was drunk at the time, so he just took off to his house. He needed quite a few trips to the chiropractor to stand straight again.

    Bah. It's midnight and now I'm grossed and freaked out. Off to bed, so I'll think about the Your Turn instead. That was much more pleasant.
