Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Model Live Tweets Married Actor Hitting On Her

In this age of being able to Tweet from everywhere, I still have yet to see something as fun/divorce causing as what happened to a model named Melissa Stetten on a Virgin America flight. She live Tweeted an actor, Brian Presley hitting on her. No problem right? Well he is married with a son so it might be a problem for his wife. Above are two of her Tweets, but Buzzfeed has the rest. It will make your day. Melissa is a very funny Tweeter? Twitterer? They are good. (Thanks Arizona)


  1. Wow. Douche got busted.

  2. ROFL
    OMG Read her tweets lol LOVE EM, she needs to guest write on her Enty. Love the last one about leaving the shade up on a red eye, OMG I cannot stand when folks do that, arrrghhh

  3. Ha! Busted!!!! Excellent!!! We ladies have to stick together!!!!!

  4. Aren't you supposed to turn your phone off while on a plane? Or is there another way to get internet access when on a plane?

  5. Ok this is HILARIOUS. The last one about "fucking brian" and the window had me howling.

  6. And who is surprised Brian Presley is supposed to be all virtuous Christian.

  7. This is AMAZING!! Talk about calling him out. Good for her he deserves it

  8. @Abaddon, I saw a commercial the other for an American airline (I think it was American) that had internet access. So thank God people can still tweet and blather on and on on Facebook.

    How did he hit on her? I don't feel like jumping on her side yet, but mainly because I friggin' hate Twitter and don't care about anyone's train of thought but my own.

  9. LMAO. Thanks Melissa

  10. Was he on Port Charles? He sounds like a real charmer. Not even smart enough to take his ring off before starting to hit on this woman? Genius.

  11. My favorite part is his talking about divine interception. Some brain trust he is.

  12. I had to google this guy to have any idea who he was, and now still do not recognize him . . .

  13. Virgin airlines has wifi, you can tweet or do whatever you want. It's finally spreading to other airlines now, after that whole nonsense about "it will interfere with the plane controls!" was proven wrong.
    This was a Virgin flight.

  14. "Brian Joshua Presley born August 18, 1977" --- fucking Leo's. Leo men kill me with that player shit.

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  16. Heh this is the same model who tweeted a pic of her with the winning ticket to that huge lottery jackpot back in April. She sure knows how to get attention!

  17. Princess & Anita Mark: Thanks. I don't live in the U.S. so don't know about those options.

  18. THIS is one of the greatest tweets EVER! Her commentary was hilarious and while we don't know for certain that this was in fact 100% real - you KNOW that there are jerk-o--s like this everywhere! Not funny for his family - but definitely funny.

  19. I just read this on twitter! What a douche-bag! He even went to the bathroom at one point and took his wedding ring off.

    The worst people use religion as some kind of 'invisibility cloak' for who they really are, OMG. Just like those rabid anti-gay people who are ALWAYS gay themselves.

    I don't have the energy to keep up lies like that.

  20. Can she sit next to me during my flight to Montreal next week? She'd be awesome to talk with.

  21. Melissa Stetton is a genius. Talk about instant karma. Love this so hard!

  22. That is model girlfriend of Anthony Cumia. Remember her?

  23. Sadly, this will only get this idiot some press, maybe some interviews and more attention. He'll pull a Josh Hamilton, ask God for forgiveness and get a part in a new movie.

  24. I think she's also the model who was the answer to a blind item about dating a "shock jock" (I think it was supposed to be from the Anthony and Opie show).

  25. Love it when the ladies bust these Christian douchebags!

  26. So many people assume that models are dumb, it's nice to see one showing such wit and spark. "Who opens the windows on a red-eye flight? Fucking Brian" Classic!!

    For those who didn't see that one, it was glaringly bright outside the window. Really should click the link & read 'em all.

  27. When I lived in Miami Beach and worked on Ocean Drive, I had a lot of models in my life. Mostly girls and boys coming into town to do catalog shoots (people shoot in Miami over December-January for the Spring collections cuz there's sun). They were some of the sweetest, kindest, most fun people I ever spent time with. I really love the no-name models who do $1000/day shoots for catalogs. It's just a phase they pass through, most of them, but many are quite smart and fun people.

  28. The makeup people were, without an exception, the most monstrous fucked-up freaks in my entire lifetime, too.

  29. I love that instant media are making it impossible for people to hide their bad behavior anymore, be they military abusing the citizens in Egypt or would-be philanderers. Ha.

  30. Hi Barton - two exceptions to your monstrous freak observation are makeup artist pals of mine but they are sober now so maybe that's why. Otherwise I believe it hands down.

  31. :( i feel sick to my stomach for his wife. its no fun to be on the other end of this, no way to know what is going on or reach your spouse. don't have problem with her doing it, because it's what happened andthe wife deserves to know, but wow. lots of memories of that particular kick in the gut.

    1. Better to know and save your time. Time is the one thing you can never get back.

  32. I feel bad for his wife, but other than that he kind of fits the stereotype for douchebag actors I have known and dated. Well in my past, but some things never change, apparently. Douchebaggery by actors being one of them! lol

  33. Moonmaid, have you, uh, dated anybody we know? :)

  34. Has the boy's name Jackson broken the top ten yet?? Because it seems everywhere I turn there are little boys named Jackson.

  35. That is hilarious! What a dick. I love how he says that this is "divine interception". Oh my God.

  36. Well my hubby is a Leo and is the polar opposite of this guy as to "player" tendencies (I.e., he has none...just take my word for it...I know without a doubt). :) So did I just disprove all astrology? ;)

  37. @Vicki C - nobody major, just working supporting actor types. A couple you'd know if you looked them up, since they have been in big movies, but I would never, ever give names! And I did NOT marry an actor, lol.

  38. "Leo men kill me with that player shit"

    Hah, TG! So true. I'm a Leo myself and refused to date them. Fuck that I'm the King shit. I'm the Queen and you don't pull that on ME. ROFLMAO

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  41. Everyone is laughing and while her commentary is funny, my heart breaks for his wife and little boy. It's not a funny situation when a child is involved. Not to mention his poor wife, who apparently stood by him during his serious battles with addiction. This is not a lighthearted situation by any means.

  42. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I have never liked Leo men. Probably because I'm a Leo woman.

  43. I just read through the tweets...he sounds dumb as a box of rocks, but finding out he was drunk changes the story a bit. I know it still doesn't excuse him, and it sounds like he's probably used those lines so much that they just flow out of him without much mental energy on his part... But I have to wonder what prompted her to start chronicling this on twitter. He must've already said a lot of douchey things before she started typing (or maybe she was recalling them since she could see how it would tell a compelling twitter tale).Ok I'm over thinking this... But one more thing...I think it's super bitchy of her to do this because of his wife and kid. It hurts two innocent parties.

  44. I agree it definitely sucks for the wife and kid. But I don't think she found out about the wife and kid until after her first few tweets. Plus, I don't think she's obligated to cover his attempted cheating to protect the wife. If it was me, I'd rather know that my husband was being a douche and trying to cheat (not that twitter is the best way to find out...). I don't think there ever is a good way to find that out :(

  45. Aw, Syko, there's literally nobody who doesn't like my hubby...pretty sure you would like him. He's a sweetheart. :) He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's the youngest of three boys, and honestly, I think birth order has a lot more to do w personality than astrology. ;)

  46. Leo ladies unite!!! Me too but I've never dated a Leo man (though Prada, your husband sounds lovely). My bad experiences are mostly w Scorpio men. :P

  47. Guys like this have no shame drunk or not. The only people that truly suffer are those caught in the crosshairs (wife & kid) that will have to carry his taint everyday whereas the prick will shrug it off and move on to another.

  48. @Prada Assuming this is all true, her tweeting is what hurts two innocent parties, not his choice to dishonor his marriage? Also daddy giving mommy an STD from rando sex with strangers would be a much better way to find out? Does. Not. Compute.

  49. I thought her name sounded familiar. She's the one from the shock jock blind, right?

  50. I am all for model outing him to wife. Now she has to make some decisions about staying with this phony.

  51. My husband and I are both Leo's (born on the same day even) and he is the total opposite of a player.

  52. @hunter, there are exceptions. One of my friends in Vancouver BC has slowly gotten into high-fashion makeup and cinematic makeup/prosthesis work, and he's sober. Those Miami Beach guys, though, whew boy!

  53. The wife needs to know and it's not like this model knows how to contact her. It's also a warning to anyone else this creep hits on.

  54. All her tweets are hilarious. I'm in love.

  55. Looks like he has his own Twitter account:!/brian_presley

  56. @Abaddon, it's called GOGO in-flight wireless.

    Lots of articles about his new movie and being Christian in Hollywood. Seems hard to be (a good) Christian at 20,000 feet, too.

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  58. @Moonmaid...Ooh, I super respect your not giving up names, but the other more nosy part of me would love you to issue some blind items of your own!

  59. You guys have got to see all the people blasting him on his Facebook. AWESOME!!!

  60. She's my hero! I would have been totally snowed by this guy at her age. Maybe the whole thing with the shock jock opened her eyes to the douchiness of a lot of men!

  61. Anonymous3:52 PM

    @Saffron: "Love it when the ladies bust these Christian douchebags!"

    Yeah, because all Christians are douchebags. Nice.

  62. Well, not all Christians are douchebags, but "Christian" douchebags are douchebags!

  63. I don't like when women are cruel when "shooting" down a single guy just trying to meet a gal. That can be such an awkward thing for men and women to approach someone and try and set up a date. However, I have no problem with a hypocritical self-proclaimed "Christian" married male being exposed for the cheating douche bag he is for the entire world to see. Slimy!

  64. I guess I am the only one who thinks she's a rather obvious attention whore and just as bad as the married pig she busted. How is it cool to publicly humiliate this prick's wife and son? There was absolutely no need for this; she could've done this the classy way and contacted the man's wife first. Oh, wait a sec, that would require class, which she clearly lacks. Skank.

  65. I think she's an attention seeking chick who really went overboard tweeting, seriously, who cares? I have worked with married men who have hit on me, and I don't go blasting them everywhere and publicly humiliating them. She also knew his name and enough about him to know he was married with a child. Show some class. Maybe just let him know that you are aware of who he is, that he is married, that you are flattered you were worth all the lies but you aren't interested in being a mistress. I guess I was raised differently. I would never blast anyone publicly unless they did something worth it. Flirting while married, does not warrant public humiliation to this degree. Trashy.

  66. Seriously? Contact his wife? I don't think she would have been taken seriously for a second if she did that. Ole Brian would have said she was his stalker. Naw, she did the right thing, hey, he should have kept his trap shut regardless of the beer he was guzzling down.

  67. I would have hit on her too:

    and even more so after reading her tweets!

  68. She was looking for publicity and she got it. Just like when she tweeted that she won the Mega Millions.

    You do know it was Pat Healy that fed her all those "clever" lines ?

    You missed the one where Pat encourages her to bring up the fact that he (the actor)has a passion for "retards".

    Such cleverness.

  69. My bet: very soon he will announce that he was "method acting" and researching a role about someone who is morally base and without "true direction" (maybe even despite the outward proclamations of faith). Which of course is NOTHING like him. And the fact that Melissa believed he was hitting on her just shows that he's a good actor.

    And no one will believe it but his wife.

  70. The tweet about him taking his ring off is not on her twitter feed?

  71. He posted this last month: "Until your walking in someone else's shoes do not judge their situation! Instead emabrace their situation and offer the gift of HOPE!
    The very thing the enemy uses to try to destroy you. God can turn around and use to bless you!

    Hope everyone is having a blessed Day!!"

    Heh hehe, how prescient. If you're married (and the relationship's not open) and hitting on someone, you ARE a douche and if you get busted, you damn well deserve it.

  72. Ignoring the hitting on her, I guess we're at a point in society where it's ok to openly mock someone on Twitter while sitting beside them in any setting. Can't wait for my next funeral.

  73. There's flirting, then there's dismissing your relationship with your wife entirely. He deserved to be called out. Now, I wonder what prompted him to write what he did on his fb wall *a month ago* and one of his fans to write "I'm trying." Sounds like he did something similar back then.

  74. If he's drinking again, he's got way bigger problems than infidelity.

    How could she have known that the tweets would go viral? And she didn't know he had a kid until someone told her on twitter. I don't get blaming her for any of this - in my opinion, this is 100% on him. If you're going to do the crime, you've got to be prepared to do the time.

  75. LMAO!!! From his facebook page:

    "Brian P-I think I was on the same flight as you. I found a wedding ring in the crapper. Send me a message with its description and I will try to get it back to you."

  76. Too funny!

    @Shakey...I love your photo!

  77. @Erin, lots of funny dirt, but the players are not well known enough, I'm afraid, lol.

  78. Prada, are you telling me that Astrology isn't perfect science and fact? but, but, but...

  79. I'm a Leo married to a Leo and he is not a "player" by any stretch of the imagination. He was a Buddhist monk for over a decade. He is an attention whore though. Always loved Leo men, but those Scorps---watch out!

  80. It's my opinion that if a certain type of man thinks he can get away with it, he will. I guess the same can be said about women too but we usually tend to think about consequences before engaging in that kind of thing.
    He may blame the booze but hopefully his poor wife will see this as a "sign" and run.

  81. Melissa is high-larious and gorgeous--looks like Paulina Porizkova (old reference, I know). I remember seeing this douche on some daytime show and thought he seemed like a disingenuous douche. I am usually a poor judge of character but I guess in this case I was right.

  82. Hilarious. "Fucking Brian."

    I saw where he denied this. I wonder what his wife thought?
