Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Get Engaged

At the ripe old age of 19, Miley Cyrus is ready to settle down for life, or at least until her mid 20's. According to Kneepads, Liam Hemsworth who is 22 proposed to Miley and she said yes. Well, everyone thinks she says yes, she was chewing her gum so fast in between bong hits that no one is quite sure, but she is wearing the ring, so she probably said yes. Either that or she just thinks it's very sparkly. Have they really been dating for three years? I know there was that period where they had a break and they each found someone so maybe they were testing the waters? Liam actually found more than one someone during that break. Well, that doesn't matter anymore. They are together forever. Billy Ray is already planning on playing for free at the ceremony and reception whether he is asked or not.


  1. She is way to young for marriage and so is Chris, they need to wait a few years.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Not only too young, but apparently too stupid.

  3. They have NO idea how much they're going to change as people until they're at LEAST 26. And we all know how rock-solid H'wood marriages are. Good luck, I guess, and get a prenup.

  4. Congrats just the same, they'd have cute babies.

  5. This is an absolute and complete joke. Here she was sleeping with his brother...and then there was the BV a few weeks ago about Liam being sick of Miley being an attention whore. This has to be either a publicity stunt, or Miley has something on him and she's blackmailing him. Either way...this will never last.

  6. I wonder who his someones were?

  7. I think one of the someones was speculated to be Jennifer Lawrence based on that Hunger Games blind, right?

  8. Beautiful couple, but way too young!

  9. Aw how sweet! Everyone needs a starter marriage. I give Miley a good solid four for marriages. She would also be the type to have a kid by each husband too, so when they get divorced, the kids can be bounced around.

    1. Everyone needs a starter marriage...hahahaha

  10. I don't have a problem with their ages and marriage. Waiting longer doesn't necessarily assure a better outcome in this day of easy come, easy go marriage 'vows', and three years of relatively successful practice is nothing to sneeze at. I think Liam is hotter than Chris. He's more my type anyways. My only question is how open or closed they intend for their union to be.

    1. Well i got engaged at 19 and married at 20, and its 42 yrs later and we're still together and happy. So it happens! Good luck to them.

    2. Well i got engaged at 19 and married at 20, and its 42 yrs later and we're still together and happy. So it happens! Good luck to them.

  11. LOL @ Henriette "starter marriage" - I had one of those!! I'm 30 now and working on #2 ;)

  12. Ok, I'm going to be that person and say it - I've been with my husband since we were 19, and we're 40 now and still very happy. We were people who needed the stabilizing influence of a relationship, and while it hasn't always been easy, it totally works for us.

    Who knows, maybe these crazy kids have a shot! You know, the two of them against Hollywood - we'll see!

  13. Frufra - congrats!! That's really wonderful and refreshing to see. My BF's parents have been together since his mom was 18 or 19, and she's now 54ish. They get after each other, but how would you not after 35 years??

  14. SUCH a dumb idea.

  15. Thanks, Amber. We really have grown together and are each other's best friend. I know that's cliche and a little braggy, but I wanted to pipe up because we are proof that it can be done.

  16. I don't really care about these two, but her mouth always grosses me out.

    There's just something weird about her mouth

  17. Hannah, me too! It looks like she has weird dentures and she SOUNDS like she does and isn't used to speaking with them.

    I saw a clip of her on The Conversation talking about sex and how magical it is - so hysterical.

  18. I wish them luck but I won't be surprised if either they don't go through with it or they get divorced. They're both so young & some would say stupid.

  19. Congrats, Frufra!

    I have grown inexplicably fond of Miley and he seems to be a good influence on her. I also get the feeling he is absolutely in love with her. It's just a feeling. Who knows? I wish them the best.

  20. I'm down with love. I also agree with the age 26 recommendation that someone mentioned above.

  21. Can it work that young? Yes! Totally! In real life with real people.

    Does it work in Hollywood? No.

  22. @Frufra said...
    I'm really happy that your marriage worked out, but seriously the odds of two 19 years making it is pretty slim. I think your situation is more of an exception to the rule.

    I teach 19 year olds and am married. I meet VERY few who have the capacity for marriage, even people in my age bracket. They just don't have the emotional maturity or are realistic about marriage. Marriage is a HUGE committment that too many take very lightly.

    Kudos to you though.

    1. Truthfully , kids today are much less well equiped to fo anything, much less get married. They have this false adolecence that lasts well into their 20's. Its. Its not doing them any favor, thats for sure.

  23. somewhere in the bahamas nick jonas is taking several sips of beer...i dont see this lasting, sorry liam can love her all he wants but he is young, SEXY, and on the rise in hwood..that is a coctail that soon will turn into cock tales

  24. this is the smartest move she could make her career is on the way down and his is on the way up.

    This will keep her relevant for a few more years or until the Hunger Games movies are over.

  25. Liam's so cute and has some talent - I don't understand what he sees in her. Bitch must suck like a fucking hoover.

  26. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Here's the thing:

    Let's disregard the whole age thing for a second. Just for a second.

    Weren't there pictures of her just like last week with what looked like cut marks on her wrist? Didn't she drastically lose weight this past year? There's something else going on behind closed doors. And I'm not sure if it's just me but, whenever I see pictures of them, she always looks more into him than he does into her. Almost like she can't believe she's with him. That's not bad...but there's something WEIRD about this whole thing...

    I expect a BI coming soon about this whole thing

  27. @Henriette - I totally agree with you. I know the odds are slim at a young age, and hell, really at any age it's 50/50, correct?

    I just love to root for the underdog and give people the benefit of the doubt when at all possible. I'm usually proven wrong, but a girl can dream, right?

    Plus, I have a soft spot for her as Hannah Montana. My boys and I loved that show - we even snuck into the theater under cover of darkness to see the Hannah Montana movie :-).

  28. I kind of like them together. They seem to work well. I do agree that is way too young for most to marry though. 26 *is* a good age to wait. I was married at 22 and ended up divorced. Re married at 32 and going strong.

  29. Oh, and wanted to add that you better believe it's a huge commitment. You can't even begin to fathom what that even means before you walk down the aisle. And then throw in a kid or two? Then you're getting really real. That shit will blow anybody's mind.

  30. Congrats Reno! I love hearing about happy, healthy relationships. :)

  31. @timebob, that thought occurred to me too. Hollywood marriages are always open to interpretation.

  32. @Henriette. You are so right about most young people lacking emotional maturity and being realistic about marriage. I also got married VERY young, after 4 years of dating my high school boyfriend. Only one person had the guts to try to try to dissuade me, but I nodded politely while thinking "Oh, she just doesn't know US". We stuck it out another 4 years before we both just realized we wanted to be crazy, explore the world and just be young and single. We are still great friends to this day, but neither of us was willing to put in the hard work at the time and just thought it was easier to split up. I am re-married now with 2 kids, so we fight for our marriage when things get tough. (My Mom likes to quote Billy Graham's wife who when asked if she had ever considered divorce. She said, "Divorce? No. Murder? Yes")
    @Frufa. Yea!!! So happy you defied the odds, and your story is very inspirational. It really makes me happy to see couples that have been together for so long and still be in love :) P.S I always enjoy your posts!!

  33. oops. *not being realistic about marriage :)

  34. This starter marriage will probably protect Miley from worse things. What if Lilo was married at that age?

  35. I realize it's People so someone's publicist gave the mag this scoop, but I call BS on an actual engagement. I think this week we have heard she spends 125 hrs a month at the gym, which considering the pap photos, red carpets, etc that seems impossible. Looks like an overzealous rep going a little Kardashian with Miss Miley. I go so hot and cold with her, but mostly she has grown on me recently. Plus, I'll say it, I secretly like 'Party in the USA' (shh). While there is still time for the child star meltdown, I fully expected a Blohan spiral for Miley by now, especially with parents who enjoy her limelight more than she does. Since she seems to have avoided that outcome thus far and throwing her extra energy into being a responsible pet owner and working out, I have to say I'm rooting for her. I'll forgive a few attention grabs here and there. I imagine an exceptionally difficult part of the post-child star career decline is suddenly having time on your hands when you were programmed to work like an adult day in and day out. What's a girl to do when most her normal peer group is off at school, her phone isn't ringing, Soap Operas keep getting canceled... Long story short, if her the most trouble her boredom is stirring up are a few ridiculious pr stories, fine. I also don't think Liam's career has been the least bit hurt by photos with a pop star either. Who plays Peeta again?...

  36. I love how so many of you think this marriage will fail based on blind items. Not only could your guesses be wrong, but the blinds themselves could be complete bulls#^*.

  37. Weird timing....I wonder if it's a shotgun wedding

  38. I understand why she would hitch her wagon to him, he is going to be a huge movie star. I DO NOT understand what he sees in that little fame wh0re. I think she has him under some kind of spell.

  39. @ Sunny - thank you! You made my day!

    Your story sounds a lot like a dear friend of mine. I'm not trying to be flippant about divorce at all, but I do think it's a different situation when couples without children split up.

    But I also think that, children or not, people caught in a hopeless toxic situation shouldn't stay together. We used to beg our mom to leave our dad to end the craziness we had to endure. They are still married, by the way, but hardly inspirational.

    Anywhoo, my two cents on the whole deal. Now, I've got to quit playing Internet and face all the work I need to do today!!

  40. I married my husband at 20, he was 21. We're going on four years happily married. Sometimes age doesn't matter. That being said, we were high school sweethearts and also, not in the fame spotlight. We'll see how it goes, best of luck.

  41. @ gossip - amen to "soap operas keep getting canceled"! What the hell, man? I was lost without my CBS soaps for a while - literally grew up watching them. I had to switch to full time Internet gossip sites just to keep going :-).

    Now I've gotta work for reals.

  42. Babe babe oh my gawd babe yes! Babe babe I do babe! Oh my gawd BABE!

  43. Are we taking bets on how long before they break up and whether they will make it to the altar?

  44. Her Punk'd episode made me want to scratch my eyeballs out.
    I wonder what she is saying to keep him with her. He seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and he is definitely more talented than her. Eh, I guess this way Miley will always be at premiers and parties and relevant, we still have two more Hunger Games flicks to go.
    And sorry but any significant other who bones my sister will suffer the wrath, not put a ring on it.

  45. This worries me. So many pre-teen teenage girls worship Miley...I promise you, there will be a big rash of 18 & 19 year old engagements among the "normal" folk, and to follow, 20 year old pregnancies ('cause you KNOW that will be's a PR MUST!) among her fans.

    Lots more candidates for the TEEN MOM series. Just what America needs.

  46. @JSierra

    Oh my gawd!! That's probably EXACTLY how it went. I'm gonna go throw up now..

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Just because they got engaged does not mean they will marry right away. Probably by the time they decide on the date they have broken-up LOL.

  49. Might she be preggers ?

  50. I'm fairly sure that picture was taken at the Vanity Fair Oscar party, and she's wearing the ring on her middle finger, so I don't think that's the engagement ring (assuming there is one).

    I know they're both terribly young, and even without the showbiz factor the odds wouldn't be good for them, but I wish them well. Here's hoping they have a nice long engagement (at least a couple of years), so they get a better sense of where they're both headed, and if they're still happy together, then mazel tov, you crazy kids! (Yes, I know, Miley is something of an attention hog, but I strongly suspect she was raised to be one by her parents, and overall she seems like a decent enough person. If she has problems--and the cutting does give me pause--I hope she gets help for them before doing something like getting married or having kids. Oh, and my parents were married at 19 and 23, and just celebrated their 57th anniversary yesterday, so you never know... ;-)

  51. Anonymous10:05 AM

    lets start a website/betting pool how many times miley will be married in her lifetime

  52. SMart girl, its always good to get the first marriage out of the way at a young age.

  53. I don't judge Miley by normal 19 year old standards. She was working by her early teens, and her boyfriend was living with her and her family when she was 15? 16? Miley has far more adult experiences under her belt than most 19 year olds do.

    That said, in Hollywood, few marriages even between 30 something's and up last, so it isn't a question of age her. Two stars with two star sized egos just shouldn't marry. I guess it creates job growth for divorce attorneys, so there's that upside.

  54. Let the train wreck begin.

  55. 19 is so much fun...and you truly feel things so intensely you truly believe that OMG HE'S THE ONE, THE ONE I TELL YOU!'s going to be such a shame to be divorced before you're even 25. *sigh*


  56. guess she didn't read that blind about the Hunger Games set.

    //good for them. I hope they break the norm and make it last.

  57. My husband & I were high school sweethearts, got married at 20 & 21 and we're still going strong almost 9 years (& 1 baby) later. However, I realize that for us, our personalities fit being married so young (we both knew what we wanted fairly early and have always been mature for our ages).

    So it definitely can work like Frufra said, but I realize we're the exception to the norm. Add in Hollywood, lots of money, egos and 1 person's career on the rise while the other's is stagnant, they've got the decks stacked against them already. If they can make it work, good for them, otherwise, they're getting a starter marriage done early.

    Part of me wonders if after working so hard for so long, if Miley's thinking she can just be housewife to his rising star (hey if it works for them, I'm not going to judge). Does she have any projects in the works right now?

  58. beth; i'll take a piece of that.
    IF they make it to the wedding i say 18 months.

  59. @Hannah and Amber..I too wondered about her teefs. What is up? Never heard this girl talk so now I need to find that clip on the interwebs.

  60. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Oh, this will end well.

  61. Best of luck to these two crazy kids!

  62. Wonder how long it will last. Maybe she can get marriage advise from Kim k.

  63. May the odds be ever in their favor. If not, hope they have a pre-nup.

  64. look forward to a low class hillbilly celeb wedding in E!

  65. Way too young, especially in Hollywood. I know some work out in the real world, but look at statistics, people. It's not good for any of us let alone Miley. Let's just hope they don't have kids.
