Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Lies To The Police

Do you know why Martha Stewart went to jail? It had nothing to do with her business or fudging numbers or anything like that. She went to jail because she lied to the FBI. They asked her a couple of questions and she was not truthful. The same thing applies to local police. The Santa Monica Police Department went to the hospital last week and asked Lindsay who was driving. Lindsay said her assistant was driving. The assistant said Lindsay was driving. Witnesses said Lindsay was driving. Now, Lindsay's probation could be revoked. It won't be though because she will say that she was rattled because of the accident. It is the same thing she tried when they found coke in her pants. "These are not my pants." I would love it if this was Indiana and Lindsay could spend the next five years bunking with Amber Portwood, but nothing will happen.


  1. Do you have a macro for that headline, Enty?

  2. Lindsay really does overestimate her acting skills.

  3. And in other news, the sky is blue.

  4. Oh no, another 24 minutes in jail!

    1. Maybe this could be a series? Lindsey gets the Kiefer role. "24 - Minutes, Not Hours."

  5. First thing I thought when I heard this is... she'll say she was shaken up by the accident, and it was a "misunderstanding" (her favorite excuse).
    I seriously hate this piece of trash.

  6. Lock her up and throw the key away. She is of no use to society.

  7. I really need to remember this basic criminal strategy. This is why so many first offenders get in so much trouble, they don't lie, either because they think being truthful is the best approach at that point or because they think telling a ridiculously, obvious lie would be well, obvious and probably insulting to authorities. So if I am ever in trouble for something I have, something I did, someplace I was, or someone I was with, my answer needs to be that I simply did not, was not. It's not mine. That wasn't me.

    In fact, I didn't even post this just now.

  8. Water is wet...Next!

  9. Here is the kicker in all this. One-She is not supposed to be driving as part of the agreement to make this movie and getting insured. Two-The car following was the car the studio made available, to prevent her from driving. Not only does she not abide by her agreement, but there are witnesses behind her! I can't imagine anyone being more successful then her in destroying their life and career, if that is what they set out to do. I suspect that her portrayal of Liz will be the last movie of her career, unless she moves onto porn.

  10. I just want her to fucking die already.

  11. 1. Lying will get you every time. It is the Feds' favorite way to nail people (realize this isn't a federal offense, but still). Look at the idiotic waste of tax dollars that is the Roger Clemens trial, just for a current example.

    2. Crackheads and other dumbasses love love love the "these aren't my pants" excuse. Hubs heard it nightly as a street cop in the '90's. We still joke about it until this day. Seriously, crack whores say that all the time - infer what you will about LL.

  12. I don't wish her ill, but I really wish that she would "retire" already. I would love for her to move to like the middle of Montana and just stay there, out of the spotlight forever.

    I am beyond tired of her antics, and I am just anxious for her to finish burning all her bridges, so she can finally go away. I think everyone, including herself, would be the better for it. Maybe she might actually learn about responsibility......

  13. It seems to me that if I am going to pretend that my assistant was driving a car, I ought to inform that assistant of my scam and pay him or her whatever they want to back up my lie. Lindsay Lohan is disappointing in many ways -- her inability to troubleshoot is just one of them. Her whole life is another.

  14. And the Pope is Catholic.

  15. I see that captain obvious is writing the post titles again.

    And I doubt the lying will get her any jail time. They couldn't/wouldn't/didn't lock her up for more serious offenses.

    Dictionaries all around the world are not updating their entry for "loser" and putting LiLo's picture next to it.

    I hope this makes her dunzo in the biz. There are so many people out their with talent struggling to make a break and this piece of trash wastes opportunity after opportunity. Next please! Make room for someone will to work and grateful for the opportunity.

  16. ^now updating, not "not"

  17. Gotta say that a Vicki Cupper or Barton Fink comment typically crack me up. I'd love to have a few drinks with you guys. Well, y'all any so many more that I could name here <3.

  18. Seriously, I'll never tire of her nonsense. It's so entertaining because you know there's always more to every story, she's always going to do something stupider than the last thing she did and we get to mock the shit out of it.

    I'm bummed that the truck driver got a lawyer and now has "injuries." Makes him less credible since LL's defence is always that someone is trying to make a buck off her name.

    A million bucks says the assistant will suddenly come forward saying she was wrong, she was actually driving and she'll be paid off.

  19. Morning, anita! Thought of you yesterday while dear old mom gave me a detailed report about her latest aches and pains, and a full blow-by-blow account of the book she's reading. She doesn't really like it, but still recounted the plot to me for a good ten minutes :-).

  20. Oh God! Mine got her windows done yesterday. I know that phone call is coming, especially because I expressed interest in hiring that person myself.

  21. Thanks, Frufra. Hey anytime you're in Boston. :D

  22. Sick of this piece of trash. It's not a matter of "if" she's going to kill someone, it's a matter of "when". She's a waste of humanity and she's a waste of good oxygen.

  23. Holy Hell we have an excellent reality show in the making! It could be called Time with Lindsey and Amber and would feature their passionate jailhouse relationships with other prisoners and each other. Samantha Ronson will make guest appearances and there will be emotional scenes of her and Lindsey placing their palms against each other on each side of the glass while whispering "I can't quit you" into the phone.
    On second thought, I would rather not be privy to any Lindsey/Amber jailhouse romance. That is almost as bad as the boofa lady from yesteraday.

  24. California justice.. the model for anarchists around the world.

  25. SEE! You are all obsessed. Seriously, it's scary.

  26. How shaken up do you have to be to not remember who was driving?

  27. Please don't ever wish this parasite resided in the state I live in ever again, please and thank you.

  28. I'm glad the assistant told the truth, LL isn't worth getting in trouble over. She prolly doesn't have any money to pay the assistant off anyway.

  29. Lock the bitch up and spare the rest of us...PLEASE

  30. It was an example, not a travel itinerary.

  31. And the ghost's of Liz Taylor and Richard Burton are somewhere saying "See! We told you NOT to do a movie!"
    For her to blame Porsche-PORSCHE-for the brakes failing. Wonder who is going to be eating the cost of the car, because this one, it would not surprise me if she tried to sue Porsche, her assistant, her cell phone company, etc etc....
    Please Hollywood-STOP HIRING HER!

  32. Amusingly enough, Martha was convicted of lying...lying about a crime she didn't commit. How weird is that?

    Also that was a federal case, and the prosecutors wanted her head. In this case the police probably wouldn't even take her head if it was given to them.

  33. I realized I've finally reached the point I've wanted to reach- I just don't care about her. I used to get mad/angry about her and her shenanigans. But now I don't care what happens to her. Apathy is worse than hate because when folks lose interest there's nothing you can do. Look at Paris Hilton. No one cares. An eventually the public will get there.

    But I do enjoy reading your comments so I'll always read what y'all are saying. She could jump outta a flying saucer and I still would not care. Over.

  34. Can Porsche sue her for lying about the brakes?

    I know California is hard up for money and all but seriously, throw some of the minor, non violent criminals into the streets and lock this trick up for a couple of months. Make a statement California won't put up with this kind of crap!

  35. Well said, Donner. I'm right there with you.

  36. All residents of the state of California should sue the state for negligence by allowing this crack head the privilege of having a drivers license.

    I'm shocked she hasn't killed anyone yet like Brandy or Rebecca Gayhart yet, even Halle had a hit and run that was hushed up.

    She's a freaking menace to society and should not be allowed to have a license, the DMV also needs to take away Amanda Bynes license too.

  37. Lindsay Lohan lies to the police.

    And in other news, the sky is blue.

  38. The - great minds think alike!

  39. Who knows, the legal system takes crimes of any kind against their own far more seriously than just about any other crime.

    As an aside, the real story is in the fallout over her driving without insurance. TMZ won't cover this aspect (other than to trash the individual truck driver, who likely will also sue). The Porsche car rental agency is going to sue the Liz & Dick production for the car, and the trucking company is going to sue the Liz & Dick production company for damages too. Lindsay is going to tank the production with this one accident -- which really is basically why Lifetime was the only one to bother taking a risk on her in the first place.

  40. NEVER lie to the cops...you're just asking for trouble when you do that. *sigh*

    OK, just how many of us are in the greater Boston area? And when are we all going to get together somewhere, damn it? I'm serious!

  41. Amanda Bynes is LOVING this right now.

  42. Vicki, I agree. I am so sick of the shit she gets away with, and I'd just like her to OD already before she takes someone ELSE'S life.

    Because it WILL happen.

  43. What?? Lindsey lied?? When?

  44. Anonymous9:52 AM

    If I were the assistant, I'd demand a ton of money to lie for her, get it, and then tell the cops the truth. What's she going to do about it? Call the cops on me? I figure bitch owes me for putting my life in danger.

  45. Amanda Bynes is planning her next move.

  46. Now, if the headline had read Lindsay Lohan Tells Truth to the Police, half of us would probably still be unconscious from the shock.

  47. Ah, Lindsay, you never fail to disappoint.

  48. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She's just like her father and mother. Seriously messed up immature substance abusing lying mentally and physically abusive wackos. She's a product of her environment. And being a child star she grew up in Hollywood, why are any of us surprised???? I've lost interest in her, don't put anything past her, just remember, this is Michael Lohan's child.

  49. Anonymous10:53 AM

    But you guys - she's destined to win an Oscar! She can't stop acting until she achieves that Academy Award. Wrecked Porsches and other people's coke-filled pants and bad plastic surgery will not stop her on her quest for the highest acting honor in the world! You all just don't see her true, daily struggle toward greatness.

  50. i know i stand alone atop my soapbox, but i'm really rooting for this girl to pull it together...and at this point, i'm thinking that having her probation revoked and doing some jail time might actually be good. i'm sick of all the enabling, i'd have thought that at least the courts would do their job, but come on, it's california, i know that system well. i suppose i shouldn't be surprised. #pansypantwussies.

  51. Even this would've been better, LOL!


  52. The cucking funt expected her assistant to take the hit to his driving record...eating the 'point' he would've rec'd from the DMV. She needs to die now i'm tired of waiting.

  53. I wonder how much trouble the poor driver who went to pick her up got into when SHE wouldn't get in the car. The collateral damage that Lindsay inflicts is why I hope she goes away. Jail would be a start, a regular job even better.

  54. I dont blame the truck driver for suing. I would sue the shit out of lindsay is she hit my car.

  55. LiLo lie lies to the po-po.
