Lindsay Lohan Is Awful On The Set Of Liz & Dick
I think the folks over at Lifetime were hoping that if they bit the bullet and paid Lindsay Lohan the money she wanted and impaled themselves on insurance companies to cover them in case of a Lohaccident that somehow they would be rewarded with spectacular ratings and lots of Emmy Awards. Yeah, what they are getting is what everyone expected. Someone who shows up late, whines and doesn't know her lines. According to Star (via Celebitchy), Lindsay is probably the world's worst employee. If I had asked any of you, whether you would pay Lindsay Lohan $1M to be in your made for tv movie. Most of you would say no and go with someone else. I have decided that Lindsay wants the benefits of being an actress and a star, but is not willing to actually put in the time or the effort. She thinks what she did when she was 14 was putting in her dues. She likes being fawned over on the set and wearing everything Elizabeth Taylor did, but that does not make her Elizabeth Taylor and doesn't make her a good actress either.