Kelsey Grammer Gets Married Again - Again
Kelsey Grammer and Kayte Grammer got married for the second time over the weekend in Vegas. This is kind of like when Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock kept getting married. Once they ran out of ways and places to marry, the marriage ended. Kelsey said he always wanted shotgun wedding photos. This would make the fifth time Kelsey has got married, but two of those were to Kayte so I guess that makes four wives total. I still think he has three or four more in him. Wives. At some point all of his ex-wives could make their own Real Housewives show. Oh, that would be good. Sitting around the dinner table while they all talked smack about him. Having Kelsey Grammer look-a-like contests. Watching marathons of Frasier while they guessed which guests he had sex with.