John Mayer Wants Jennifer Lawrence
John Mayer had a new album come out this month so he emerged from his hiding place under the rocks of the earth and has decided that it is time for him to start hitting on everything that moves again. First on his list was Zooey Deschanel. He pretends he is interested in her music and hopes that she will make music for him if you know what I mean. According to Radar though, he also has one other person he is trying to score with and that is Jennifer Lawrence. Despite Jennifer being in a relationship the past two years with Nicholas Hoult, John hits on her every chance he can get and hopes she will break down and be with him. Not to date of course. Well, he would date her for a month maybe just to pretend he was not interested in just sex. Anything beyond that though, not a chance. Maybe all of the women who have "dated" John Mayer could get together and write a note that gets passed down immediately to any woman he hits on so she would know to say no. Oh, and to run.