Monday, June 18, 2012

John Edwards Really Is A Tool

Not only did John Edwards cheat on his cancer stricken wife with Rielle Hunter, he also found the time to have two other mistresses too. In an interview scheduled to air on ABC this Friday, Rielle says that John Edwards told her he had lots and lots of affairs but in reality there were just two other women besides Rielle. I wonder who they are and if they will come forward. Were they paid? Did they also have babies? How did this guy have time to do anything but have sex with random women, let alone run for President of the United States.


  1. Way to make the kids proud.

  2. Are we taking her as a credible source now? When did she get so respectable?

  3. John Edwards may be an absolute tool, but Rielle Hunter is a soulless bottom feeder.

  4. I thought this was a prerequisite for being a politician.

  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    John Edwards. Could have been great, he could have been a great Democratic leader. His heart was in the wrong place, it's the rest of him that I'm worried about. Do you want a president that is in bed with women, or a president in bed with big business? Not that Democrats don't make back room deals, but they at least try to say that they believe in what's best for the people. Not just what's best for the bottom line. It was really slimy for him to cheat so much on his wife, especially while she was sick. But am I surprised? I fear that for the most part there's only two main reasons why people go in to politics, to make money for their friends and family (Bush/Bush/Cheney), or to seduce the minds and bodies of as many women (or men)as possible. (Clinton/Edwards)Think about it.

    1. You do know how Johnny made his millions, right? He exploited the tragedies of poor people -- he's the worst kind of parasitic ambulance chaser. "Great democratic leader..." (snicker). I don't think so.

    2. Pretty much only because "no blood was shed" by American soldiers during his administration. Did we even have a military then? Or was it stripped to minimum like with Clinton?
      And the Airplane crisis was only resolved because nobody would negotiate with Carter. Why is that?

  6. I can see why rock stars have groupies, but how do all of these politicians get women to have sex with them? Some of them (talking to you Bill C.) are just so nasty. I suppose it could be the assumption that they all have loads o'cash, but that's not always the case.

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Wait, his heart was in the right place is what I meant to say

  8. @nola - it's the power. Power turns a lot of people on. Just a fact. I personally find it revolting, but it's a fact nonetheless.

  9. I think he deluded himself becuase of his youthful good looks that he was the next Kennedy and that he could do what he did and get away with it.

    Mr. Edwards you are no John Kennedy.

    I can't even imagine the horror show their daughter is going to grow up in. At least the younger sons have their older sister taking care of them.

  10. I loved Edward's anti-poverty platform, etc. when he was running, but sensed he was a little too smooth - sleazy to be honest. I wish my suspicions hadn't been confirmed, but when The Enquirer story came out, I knew it was true. :( He sure got off easy and should be grateful every day for that. And to add insult to injury, he could've had MUCH better taste in women - maybe Elizabeth was just too awesome so he went for the opposite.

  11. Republicans have mistresses, too, but they aren't hounded like the Dems are by the GOP. Bush the First has/had (dunno if it's still going on) a mistress, too, the whole time he was in office, but she wasn't glamorous and nobody made a deal of it. It was widely known among the DC press corps.

  12. I wish I could say I was shocked, but if he's willing to knock someone up while his wife's life is ticking away at home, then it's not surprising he'd have a bevy of women.

  13. Can't agree with u @ Carmelite lady. Edwards is and always has been a scumbag. He has no heart and is a lying sociopath. Bill Clinton is a tool, but to even to begin to compare those two is a grave mistake.

  14. John Edwards serioiusly creeps me out with his Ken doll looks and that hair. Yikes. The man does not look real. I don't find him good looking at all, with that pinched face and those ferret eyes. He strikes me as a total sleaze.

  15. Wow, are there mistresses not coming forward? Are there people out there that won't spill all their secrets because a microphone is placed in front of them? Maybe there is hope for humanity.

  16. I read the book written by his former aide and for what it's worth, according that guy anyway, Edwards started out okay but became corrupted by money and moreso, power. It's a story as old as the Greek tragedies.

  17. ms snarky, I heart your little bunny picture so much. I want to leave cookies out and watch him steal them.

  18. and that Rielle Hunter chick. Wowza. She has quite a history herself. Her real name is Lisa Jo, I think? She made up the Rielle thing. Seriously, google her. The whole thing - her life, hooking up with John Edwardes, who is a pretty big creep on his own, just sounds seriously not normal.

  19. @Anita_mark -
    He is the absolute greatest. Almost makes me want a cookie-stealing bunny of my very own. : )

  20. Money and power are two things that a lot of women respond to regardless of the marital status of the holder of these two things. It doesn't speak well for the man or the women.

    Old rule of mine when I was single, never date a man that is prettier, or requires higher maintenance than you do.

  21. Wait - two other women besides her? Like before her or at the same time? Surely not at the same time...

  22. By most accounts of people close to them his wife was a queen bitch who would constantly belittle him. Doesn't make cheating the way to go, but it's not like she was some paragon.

    When is this country going to get over politician's personal lives. I could care less what they want to do, or if they're married or not, or have 2.5 kids. Just govern wisely.

  23. I was literally run off a progressive political website in 2008 by Edwards supporters because I supported Hillary. I instinctively knew he was a phoney and manipulative opportunist, but even I never realized to what extent. smh

  24. @alabrava, I hear what you're saying, but his cheating and dishonest efforts to cover it up don't equate to an ability to govern wisely in my book.

  25. alabrava, I think people care, because they're the ones who dictate how we get to live. They often throw morals in our faces, yet fail to live up to them. No one is perfect, but it would be nice if the people who are telling me what I can and can't do on a daily basis weren't totally corrupt POSs.

  26. I've never read any of the tell-alls or anything (maybe I should?) but I always wondered how much the death of his first son affected him, as well as Elizabeth. Like, was he a normal, happy guy before that experience and this altered him so drastically that he could no longer connect to normal reality despite his other children? Or was it really all about money and power corrupting him?

  27. Politics is not a moral game. The business of real governance involves tough, sometimes gut wrenching decisions about what is best for the country. Or at least it should be.

    Believe me I am no John Edwards defender, I think he's a classic example of a guy who compromised himself and his family because he thought he was above it all.

    However, I get awfully tired of the idea in this country that you can't even run for president unless you are married, married with kids, and go to church every sunday. I want the people I elect to do their jobs we elected them to do and not have to constantly manage their public image.

    1. Yes, true, but if the elected is juggling 2 or 3 women at one time, eventually it will affect his time on the job. You want someone whose personal life is in good order so he/she can concentrate on their office duties. That wld be my only concern.

  28. He has a giant sense of entitlement no different from most powerful people the difference is we don't hear about all of their misdeeds..

  29. I'm not sure what the point of an interview is. She is a nobody who has done nothing but have a baby with a married man. The only question is why he didn't find somebody good looking. Also, a dim bulb if she thinks the news he slept with other women is news. Is she older than him or just look older?

  30. Most politicians have already compromised themselves or their beliefs in many ways before they even get elected. Those campaigns aren't going to pay for themselves you know.

    Then, when you get into office you will have to deal with messes left by the person or usually persons before you, while at the same time being beholden to the people that elected/lobbied/contributed to you.

    You are going to start lying to one part of them and disappointing another part almost immediately.

  31. "Politics is not a moral game. "

    I beg to differ. He totally misrepresented himself and lied to the country about it. Someone without morals is not someone you can trust. Character totally matters.

    1. Word!! Just once, cant we hv someone of good moral and ethical values? By which i mean, u dont lie, cheat or steal.

  32. nunaurbiz is correct ...Bush 41 had a long-time mistress who always traveled with him up til after he was VP. When he was President, she couldn't come along EVERY time anymore.
    Yes, the press willfully ignored those things 'back then'.

    Seriously the only two Presidents who probably didn't cheat were Truman (he and his wife BROKE THE BED in the White House---and wrote letters to each other every day, a real love story), and Nixon, because he was so damned awkward, not just publicly.

    Call me naive, but I don't think President Obama COULD or WOULD risk it. The GOP began investigating Clinton as soon as he won, to impeach him. Just think what they'd do if Obama had a mistress. I think he's WAY smart enough to be able to keep it zipped. I also don't think President Obama is as needy for admiration as Bill was. Every Pres likes admiration, but Bill had an uncontrollable NEED to pitch woo and have it returned.

    (Just reciting historical facts& speculation, not trying to excuse cheating.)

  33. What I always like to remind myself with these kinds of scandals, is that we are not in the marriage, meaning we have no clue what goes on behind closed doors. Glass houses and all that.

    I was disappointed in him, and was one of those who liked him as a presidential candidate.

    What many people forget is that a politician, any politician, has to possess a certain character trait or traits. Think Car Salesman on steroids. That is the nature of the beast, and I think part of it is being a bit of an egomaniac, and with that comes the temptation of power.

    Rielle is cashing on her 15 minutes. Which is only making her look worse then many all ready perceive her.

    What really bothers me is that when a Democrat gets caught and apologizes he still is strung up. When a Republican does it and apologizes, he is still a man of god and just had a momentary lapse in judgement. Hello Newt.

  34. What a disappointment as a human.

  35. Both as far as I see it are disgusting!!!

  36. I'm embarassed he's from my home state. Just shows how stupid men can be. He lost his entire political career for this worthless piece of ass. If he had gone to jail I wouldn't have been surprised to see her latch onto some other famous person. Her motives are quite transparent.

  37. Excellent point, Redheat. I think that toe-tapping burgermeister from Idaho, Larry Craig (?) is still married even! All is forgiven with the magic word 'god.'

    It made me sick when John Edwards said 'god isn't done with me yet', because it made me wonder if he was 'fishing' to be welcomed back.
    If Edwards really believes in his anti-poverty platform, and is a real Christian, can't he just go work for charities, and work his way back to trust through GOOD WORKS?
    If he tries anything else NOW, he's in for a rude awakening!

  38. @angel

    Let me expand a bit. Politicians are not moral. It's inherent in the job, you will compromise your beliefs almost every day in the interest of good government. A major problem is people in power these days think that standing on their personal morals = good government. In fact it does not help one iota. Running a government in a 2 party system is about compromise, because it has to be in order to govern.

    If you think there's some great white knight out there who is completely infallible and an icon of personal integrity AND he/she is running for political office you're living in a fantasy.

    I agree character does matter. However, we should stop fooling ourselves in the first place.

    1. Agree...

      I really don't care if a politician cheats on his wife as long as he performs his duties.

      I don't care what happens outside of work.

      Also, I love how people go crazy about morals. There are so many married people having affairs in my office...hahaha

  39. @alabrava - agree 100%. Well put.

  40. @libby - did he really say that (god isn't done with me yet)? We had that on a plaque in our room as small children. Get over it dude - you're beyond being a grown man - hell, you have grown children. Take responsibility for your actions, you delusional ass!

  41. Also must add, if you enjoy reading history, there are some great books about American politicians and their scandals through the years. Nothing is new under the sun - private behavior just wasn't considered germane when considering who would be a good elected official.

  42. Should say wasn't considered germane until the second half of the 20th century - post-Watergate.

    1. It was and is germane. The press just turned a blind eye for years. And tYes, if mr/ mrs candidate is going vote or lecture me on moral issues, they better be above reproach. Otherwise keep big mouth shut.

  43. He also made a crapload of money off the housing bubble. To think I actually donated money to this pig turd's campaign.

    1. This is why i never donate to any candidate. Dont tryst my money will get where its supposed to.

  44. He was ahead of the curve with his "Two Americas" platform. That's what the Occupy and 99 percent movements are all about. I really liked him, even though he was on the slick side. If he was seeing other women even other than Rickets (or whatever her name is), then he's probably been doing that for a long time. He's a liar and I'm glad he didn't make it to the White House.

  45. Yes, Frufra, he said that. I am a staunch Democrat, and Johnny should trust ME---We don't want you back. Go work in a soup kitchen, PLEASE.

    It's not so much marital issues, as it is the LYING afterward. Making his friend accept paternity of Edwards' baby, though he was married too!
    The LEAST John could have done, for his family, his career, would have been to get a damned vasectomy before screwing around. He wasn't just a liar, he was dumb and irresponsible.

  46. I'm kind of torn on the morality aspect. Part of me doesn't care and the other part of me questions this person's judgement. Does it mean they can be bribed? Blackmailed? Spill secrets to enemy governments?

  47. Ok so seriously, Clinton was way hot in his day. Oh, he was.

  48. "ibby said...
    nunaurbiz is correct ...

    Bill had an uncontrollable NEED to pitch woo and have it returned."

    Not always have it returned, I'm afraid. I'm a Dem and I believe Paula Jones's and Juanita Broddrick's stories. (And yes, Bush 1 def had a long-term mistress.)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. It's pointless to make things like this into a partisan issue. Politicians, no matter what side of the fence you are on, are all a part of that great big narcissist circus that we call our government. The stunts that they try to get away with only get bigger and more elaborate.
