Friday, June 29, 2012

Jessica Simpson & Weight Watchers

Jessica Simpson tweeted that Weight Watchers has put no pressure on her to lose weight. I believe that. They don't want anything to happen to Jessica. I do think they would love love love if she lose all her weight as fast as possible because it would sell more plans, but as long as she ultimately loses the weight, that is all they really care about. I think the problem here is that Jessica is probably putting a whole lot of pressure on herself to lose weight. She should lose weight because she wants to or doesn't want to. It's tough to have to lose weight because someone is paying you to lose weight. Can you imagine if the the whole world was watching you everyday to see if you lost weight? Since the beginning of this year I have been on a diet and I have gained and lost 30 pounds. Twice. And I don't have anyone watching me. Apparently Jessica weighed 210 pounds at her heaviest and needs to get down to 130 for her big Weight Watchers payoff. I think she should just forget about it and do what she wants and get there when she can.


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