Jessica Simpson & Nicole Richie Hate Each Other
Last year even before they started taping Fashion Star I told you that Jessica Simpson almost quit the show when she heard that Nicole Richie was going to be on the show. The pair made a very very very very slight effort to pretend they get along and like each other when they were asked about their relationship. Well, that pretense of getting along is over now and only one of them will return to the show. Well, I take that back. If the producers offered Nicole Richie a bazillion dollars and told her she could stand over Jessica Simpson and plant a flag next to her and claim Jessica as her own then she could be back. The two don't get along and as The Enquirer says, Nicole only did it because she thought it would lead to bigger things. It only leads to bigger things if people actually watch the show. It is one big commercial though and pays for itself plus some and the companies involved like it. Jessica likes the easy money and wants to return, but if Nicole comes back, then for Jessica to come back she would require that Nicole be put in a cone of silence for each show so only the television audience can hear her.