Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jenelle Evans Arrested For Drug Possession

You know you are having a bad day when you get beat by your on again off again boyfriend and you also end up in jail. That is apparently what happened to Janelle Evans. For some reason, only known to her she was back with the guy she got engaged to but then broke up with and he started beating her. The police were called and they discovered Janelle had drugs on her so arrested her for drug possession. This was not the first time Janelle was beaten by the guy. It for sure happened in April and probably happened again in May, but she kept taking him back.


  1. Well, at least she has the new boobs going for her!

  2. Why do we glamorize people like this??? It's mind-boggling.

  3. Those boots should be a crime.

  4. I have no idea who this person is and typing that fact is all the effort I'm willing to muster on this subject.

  5. Those harlequin pattern sweaters are so played.

  6. If all she had on her was marijuana, maybe she just needs to call up Miley Cyrus and find out what her angle was to get that medical marijuana card.

  7. For some reason she looks abnormally short? Must be those fugly boots. And her new boobs made her look fat. Or maybe it was another one of those teen moms, they all look the same to me.

  8. In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.

  9. Well, I know what should happen next. People should definitely keep watching this garbage and throwing money at these stupid, stupid people! I do feel bad for anyone in an abusive relationship - the first time. Get out. There's always another option, even if it will be a hard road. A shelter is better than being beaten and putting your child at risk. And this girl has some resources. They pay her to be on the show, do they not? Ugh. Disgusting all around.

  10. Every 5 years we should have a purge of "reality stars". Round them up, give them a choice of going away quietly or we drop them off in North Korea.

  11. So she called the cops because she was being beaten and they arrested her for having weed?

    Gimme a freaking break.

    Legalize it already. That is ridiculous.

  12. This dumb bitch needs to go away

  13. HOW did that child get so cute? He came from the WORST gene pool in the world.

  14. i feel sorry for Jenelle, but more so for her son and mother. she clearly is attracted to abusers and she already has dependency issues. she needs to be kicked off the show, and really seek HELP. Jace and Barbara deserve better, and if Jenelle doesn't clean up her act she's gonna continue to be a jailbird or die a tragic death. grow the hell up and take care of your child!

  15. HA! Barbara doesn't deserve shit. You think Jenelle just materialized one day? Barb is freaking ridiculous.

  16. I feel bad for Jace for being mixed up with BOTH of them.

  17. Her feet remind me of a Clydesdale horse.
    The poor kid is cute, tho'.

  18. Nice boots, whoever you are.

    Seriously, who is she?

  19. The boots comment was sarcasm, btw, and don't bother posting who she is. I have a feeling she's one of those pregnant teen moms who got paid waaaaaay too much money for her stupidity.

  20. isnt she still on probation or something?

  21. @Barton Fink - Thank you for rescuing this post for me. :)
