Saturday, June 23, 2012

James Marsden's Girlfriend Is Already Pregnant

So, James Marsden was married for 11 years. He left his wife in October for 24 year old Brazilian model, Rose Costa. Now the couple has announced that Rose is expecting a baby. That didn't take long did it? This is where things get really interesting. Rose split with her boyfriend to date Marsden. Then she and her boyfriend got back together; rented an apartment together; and moved in. Great, things are perfect with Rose and her now ex. Enter a layover in Miami for Rose and James Marsden just happened to be in town. Uh huh. The next thing you know they are having sex and Rose gets pregnant. My question is, if she was living with her boyfriend and also had sex with James at the same time, how does she know the baby belongs to James? Because he is more famous. Just kidding. Relax.


  1. So are they still together, him and the pregnant gf? I thought I read on Dlisted that they are split again?

  2. For a moment I thought this was James Marsters, aka Spike from Buffy. I saw the picture and thought "damn, he looks different." Then the penny dropped.

    1. Ha! Gotta high-five e for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference. One of my favorite shows ever, I still miss it.

      I'm always misreading "Marsters" for "Marsden." Years ago when the X-Men movies started coming out, I got excited for about 5 minutes, thinking, "Oh, good for Spike, he's scored a good movie role." Then I saw the photo and realized it was James Marsden who got cast as Cyclops.

  3. Ohhh boy, bet he's bummed.

  4. they way i read it they aren't together it was just a booty call. A booty call that is going to cost him the next 18 years. So girlfriend is putting it nicely. If he is so fertile maybe Matthew Vaughn isn't January's baby daddy maybe James is.

    I do hope he doesn't go the Jude Law route and forget to mention the child in interviews.

  5. Does anyone know what happened to Jude Law's baby mama? She was cringe-worthy but oh so delicious and I miss her.

  6. What happened to birth control? Seriously, is it so hard to use condoms? When I was younger, I knew how NOT to get pregnant.

  7. I really really like James Marsden and I hope I'm wrong, but there's something off to me. I keep thinking maybe he isn't as nice as I want to believe he is, like there are things about him we'd be surprised about. Hopefully not, I just get a weird vibe from him.

  8. Stupid...stupid...all she saw was money.

  9. Wrap it and tap it.

  10. Absolutely Misch. I really think there must be a Gold Diggers manual out there that lists thst as #1 for getting a celebrity's money. But you know what they say. "A fool and his money...Is my kinda guy!"

  11. James Marsden likes girls???

    Those flipflops are really girlie...

  12. Why did I think he was one of the good ones? Ugh i guesa James is just another dumb ass ex-model who either doesn't like condoms or chooses his partners quite poorly.

  13. @nola - hey, watch it - Mr. Frufra wears flip flops, ( only with shorts, but still. Men can enjoy cool feet too, ya know :-).

    Well, it appears James is a dumbass, but God love him, he's a dumbass with an awfully nice smile.

  14. Hey James: I'm available for layover sex whenever you are in town. Just sayin'

  15. My friend and her 2 year old sat next to him on a flight and he was SUPER sweet, holding the baby's toys when my friend needed to get things out of the diaper bag, chatting away with her son, and he even read him a story. So lostathome, there's a nice story about him for you. :)

  16. Nah, he's known as a nice guy, but that doesn't mean he also doesn't think with his johnson. He is a man and probably not above booty calls. However, if I were him I'd insist on a DNA test on that kid ASAP.

  17. Well if there is someone who I'm OK with spreading his seed around, it's James Marsden. You don't hear about him cracking out or anything.

    How can this not be an answer to a blind, folks??? :-D

  18. No don't need to kid, because it's probably true.

  19. I sent Enty a link about him getting divorced many moons ago and asked if it was the answer to a blind item.

    I had seen him on Chelsea Lately talking about the courtship/engagement w/ his (then) wife and then a few weeks later, the divorce news came out.
