Thursday, June 07, 2012

Jada Pinkett Smith Doesn't Like Food

Jada Pinkett Smith gave an interview to Essence Magazine this month. In it, she says that she does not really enjoy food at all and simply eats to eat. She says that at a young age she was taught that food is not about eating for pleasure but just about eating to stay alive. How can you get no joy from food? No pleasure? I understand needing to stay slim or something but to say you don't eat for pleasure ever? At all? It makes her seem really cold and emotionless. That is probably not too big of a stretch for her.


  1. I envy that way of thinking and wish I was at that level.

  2. I cannot stand this woman.


  3. Not even sushi?

    (Okay, that was bad)

  4. Hm, that sounds weird compared to what I heard about her. A friend who works at a world-renowned health spa said JP and WS go there a lot and the staff LOVES Will but hates Jada. My friend said she saw one day when they arrived and the dining room had closed between lunch and dinner. Will was gracious about it, but Jada threw a FIT and DEMANDED that they reopen just for her, which they reluctantly did. Not like they couldn't have gone somewhere else, but she wanted them to go out of their way for her. She said that was typical of them.

  5. Well, we know what she eats for pleasure.

    I knew this girl who was a vegan and a lesbian. One day she announced "I never eat anything that has a face". I was like, really???

  6. I feel bad for people who feel this way about food. Food is meant to be enjoyed while nourishing our body, mind and soul.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @ nolachickee , oh please stop it! LOL

  9. she's so pulled and tucked, I can't hear anything she's saying.

  10. p.s. she also jogs 6 miles a day. I'm pretty sure you need a high protein diet then. I do that but I LOVE to eat. If you eat a high protein diet and run, you don't need to watch what you eat.

    Like I said, she's so pulled and tucked........

  11. OMG nolachickee! HA!

    This may explain a bit why she is such a bitch.

  12. I dont trust anybody who doesnt enjoy food. You dont enjoy food, you dont enjoy life. And u dont have to overeat to enjoy food.
    I also dont trust anyone who says they like animals better than people. They mean it.

  13. Well I do so I'll take her portion. Food is love to me. Cooking is relaxing. The kitchen is the heart of our home. There is nothing better than the whole family cooking together-enjoying some fine wine and excellent dish (the gossip and food variety). I think Jada might be an alein from MIB3 or something.

  14. I cannot even imagine not liking food!!! I am only 5'2" and I have to watch what I eat but some days I just go for it and then eat better the next few days to balance!! I believe her because she looks horrible! I bet if she ate a cookie it would show up as a baby bump in her belly:)

  15. @Cathy: I just snickered.

  16. I actually kind of know what she means. I'm a foodie, but in the last year or so, I've been too busy to eat much and when I do, I can't even think of what sounds good. My default tends to be peanuts and protein shakes. Of course, I haven't lost any weight this way, sadly.

  17. @auntliddy: I always said that. Then I had my son. Sort of changed my views on the human race. ;)

  18. I just think there needs to be a follow-up sentence like "I don't enjoy food but every once in a while I like a nice cocktail" or "I don't enjoy food because I sacrifice bunnies to keep getting work" Because okay. . .you don't enjoy food. . what do you enjoy?

  19. I don't know. I don't want to defend JPS because I can't stand her, but I understand if she grew up in a home where they were taught to eat everything on their plates and to not complain about it.

    As a supertaster, there are so many foods that I dislike that I often don't enjoy eating or going to restaurants when I don't know that I can find something I like on the menu. I enjoy lots of foods, but I don't love anything. I'm the opposite of a foodie.

    So...not as extreme as JPS, but I get it.

    1. I'm the same way, Karen. I took Jada's statement to mean that she doesn't enjoy food on the same level as a foodie does. I could be wrong though.

  20. I really wish I had a little bit of that thought process in me as I have quite the opposite feeling about eating. Food is such a struggle for me.

  21. I don't know auntliddy given some of the people I've had to deal with in the past, I have a certain appreciation for my furbabies. Color me shady I guess ;>.

    1. Lol, i prefer my fur children over some humans too, but as a rule I enjoy people!!

  22. The greatest thing in my life to date is the Hot Stone Sundae at Cold Stone Creamery, with the cookie dough heated up on a warm cookie, covered in ice cream and caramel. Ohhhhh... So much pleasure in one bowl!

  23. Your food habits represent your sexual habits. People that will try any new weird food will try any weird thing in bed. If you don't like messy food you wont like... you know. So this goes along with her bearding for Will I think.

    1. You really nailed it! And thanks for enlightening me. I can't wait to put your theory to the test!

  24. I always got annoyed by those people who said they didn't like eating and only ate when their eyes got cloudy. Food is delicious!
    Maybe this is just a ruse to explain how scarily skinny and wiry she is. Her body reminds me of a really muscular 11 year old boy. SO her son Jaden.

  25. I can kind of understand because every once in a while I will go through a phase where I am hungry, but nothing sounds good or I just don't want to eat. But then that phase passes and I can eat an entire horse. There is some food out there though that I can always eat no matter how I am feeling.

  26. What a fucking LIAR. Now I know why she's uptight. That bitch is hungry.

  27. I recall Lisa Rinna said the same thing a while back in an interview (that was posted and discussed on CDAN)and that is the message she is instilling in her daughters. Anyone else remember that?

  28. I keep trying to convince myself of that same thing!

  29. What a weirdo. I understand being picky about certain textures, but to not enjoy food at all? *eyeroll*

    @Cathy, that made me chuckle! :)

  30. I knew a woman who was like that. Food was just something she took in to exist. And she was an avid exerciser so she was quite thin. When she got pregnant, she ate to maintain a healthy weight, etc. She just doesn't care about food. It's definitely not the same as being hungry but not really craving anything. That's just indecision ;)

    A group of us would go out every Thursday for Chinese and she would just eat congi. Ew.

    Me, I love food. It's the only thing that gets me through the day. I hate exercising so I have to watch what I eat, which sucks. I'm going for Vietnamese soup tonight!

  31. Wasn't Michael Jackson quoted as saying the same thing? He just ate enough to survive? I never liked "Woo" but not enjoying food is impossible. Wonder if she ever salts anything. I wonder if she eats a piece of toast, not caring if its burned or not because its just for survival purposes...

  32. Funny, I remember Johnny Carson saying exactly the same thing (eating to survive), but for the life of me can't remember who the guest was/who he was interviewing at the time. Maybe my brain will come up with it later.

    Man, I loved Johnny Carson. And Doc and Ed.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This woman strikes me as so fake so I kind of suspect anything she says as being concocted to support her fake image.

    I have always thought Will was very charming and funny but she's damn near ruined him. I try not to let those feelings trickle down to their kids but even THEY feel fake to me--like they've absorbed it from her.

  35. As a child my mother died, our "housekeepers" were I think dad's lover of the moment.
    My brother and I were tortured with food, he couldn't stand stewed tomatoes, he got them nearly every night. I can't stand fat on meat, I sat before a cold congealed mess of gristle filled meat until an hour of my dad coming home from work.

    Today, I like what I like, but I am very picky, and I have no imagination about food. I won't eat mystery meat, that is anything covered in sauce or gravy that I didn't prepare.

    It seems to me the only way she could not enjoy food at all is if there is something wrong with her tastebuds. Or if she has some freak thing going on with the texture of food in her mouth.

    Anyway, too bad for her,more for us.

  36. Anonymous12:31 PM

    She needs to taste chocolate mousse. Or my mom's fried chicken. Or bacon-wrapped filet mignon. Those will change her mind.

    Sorry, nola, guess I'm shady. I like animals MUCH more than most people.

    Katsm, I don't buy into your theory. I am not an adventurous eater. I don't eat anything I can't readily identify, etc. But that doesn't make me boring in certain *other* aspects, if you know what I mean.

  37. I can't stand her and she has messed up her face more than before.

    Zombie anyone LOL

  38. WHenever my family travels back to NYC we plan our entire trip around food! We once had 3 big meals in one day just in order to squeeze in a favorite restaurant.

    I wonder if some people just don't have a lot of taste buds? I do know that cilantro tastes like soap to a lot of people, whereas I grow some in my yard because even if I'm not cooking with it, ah the smell.

    So instead of talking about sex, now she's talking about food, or lack of.

  39. @Frufra - YES! Carson! I JUST remembered the very same thing. I think I heard that wherever he'd go in Hollywood for dinner -- Chasen's, Brown Derby, whatever -- he would ALWAYS get -- I THINK -- a steak, mashed potatoes, and maybe a vegetable. Always.

    I don't completely buy Katsm's theory, either, based on much personal research. I think there CAN be a correlation, but not always. Trust me.

  40. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I would never be able to be friends with her. I love food so much...that's why I'm fat and never lose weight. Maybe I should just eat because I have to, not because it smells good.

  41. I can sort of understand. I'm a supertaster as well, so a lot of foods are just too intense for me. Add a delicate stomach to that and you learn to be really, really cautious. Small amounts of simple, wholesome foods are the only choice for me, unless I want to be ill.

  42. There are some things that you either love or hate, there's no in between. For example, mushrooms and cilantro. That's just my great and amazing theory (that I haven't yet named but it's mine!).

    I have weak tastebuds. I used to know someone who could pinpoint everything, I was always impressed. I sometimes can't tell the difference between pork and chicken.

  43. I definitely understand. I have been known to say "I wish eating wasn't a necessity. It is such a time waster." Growing up, we had little money for more extravagant meals than bologna sandwiches everyday for lunch, hot dogs, and hamburger helper. Plus, I was one of those small children that parents have a difficult time getting them to eat. I can remember having the microwave timer set. Every time it went off and there was still food on my plate, I would get a spanking - with the belt. So yes, I most defintely developed the idea of eating as unpleasurable and a source of eat to survive. As an adult, I have learned food can be delicious and enjoyable. And I love to bake. The point is, you never know where someone is coming from.

    1. Jesus, thats awful!!!! Im sorry that happened to you, and wish u well now.

  44. I used to say this when I was anorexic...

  45. I understand what she means eating for fuel...more people should understand and adapt that concept, but that being CAN eat for fuel and pleasure at the same time. And heck, I guarantee she has the money to hire an excellent chef who can prepare her meals healthy and delicious 24/7. I envy THAT!

    Like other posters though, what is life without some of the amazing pleasures of food?! I eat as healthy as I can on a daily basis (all things I enjoy in truth) and then when I have my glasses of wine, cheese, pizza, potato salad, chocolate, Doritos (ahh Sweet Chili!!) I don't have to feel guilty because I know I work out and eat good 95% of the time!

  46. I'm married to a chef and I exercise to eat. I do not understand or relate to this mentality whatsoever!

  47. I agree with you, anita_mark, and I would add black licorice, green olives, and blue cheese to the list. Love 'em or hate ' in-between that I've ever heard of.

  48. @anita, AKM - I agree with your theory, but wonder what it says about me - I like every one of the things you both mentioned :-).

  49. I'm not a confirmed 'supertaster', but I might be one. I can especially taste the non-food parts of food, like the can or bag it came from, or preservatives and chemicals. Certain plastics and/or aluminum pans give food a weird flavor, too.

    I stopped being able to drink milk, because all I can taste is the barn. I'm not kidding.
    Needless to say, what I like is limited and very, very dull.

    1. I know what you mean about the milk - I've aleays said I can't drink milk because it tastes too much like cow.

  50. @AKM, agreed. I wish I liked blue cheese because I like the idea of it (ugh). Although my taste bugs are weak, I hate cilantro so much that I can tell when it's in a dish and I just can't finish it.

    @Frufra, it means we'll fight over the last olive ;)

  51. I wish i could get a handle on the eat to survive mentality. I knew someone that didnt like food. She didnt even like cake but she was also a miserable bitch. Anyway i love food but im also very picky. I cant stand certain foods like beets mushrooms and liver! Also hate carrots. But give me a bag of skittles and i will fuck them up!

  52. @libby: you could definitely be one. I've tested as one, and packaging is a big thing for me. I do enjoy many vegetables and fruits however, but I think that is because I was raised with a garden. Believe me, there is a VAST difference between our broccoli and Safeway's! (I still can't eat it raw though, and small portions are sufficient.)

  53. LetLoveRule---Interesting! I've never talked about it much, so I've never met anyone else who can taste packaging & additives like I can.

    The worst though is when smells/flavors from the fridge 'invade' other foods. Like when the OJ tastes like mac & cheese. I rarely can eat anything that's been open more than a day or two.

    And my mother thought I hated her food because I was just a little bitch! I was a bitch, but I had my reasons for hating her food, lol.

    btw, My dad grew up with his parents HUGE 'Victory Garden', and he can't stand modern produce..."No flavor at all," he claims. He's been growing his own for decades now, too.

  54. I feel the same way. I've always been very picky, and I eat to stay alive.

    I hate sandwiches and pizza.

  55. Hannah, no pizza? Send your portion to my house. I grew up in the "pizza capital of the world" as they call it-for real google it. I could eat it at least 2x a week forever!

  56. Aunt Liddy..You nailed it! And Susan has it right. You can love food and have a healthy relationship with it too. Nothing better than sharing a good meal with friends and knowing you've been instumental in bringing them that joy and nutritiouness.
    I'm not a super taster but I can discern ingredients in complex dishes. I used to hate cilantro and now I like it. My tastes still change and (aside from meats/poultry/foul) I am pretty open to anything. Getting in the kitchen and banging some pots and pans is heaven on earth for me.

  57. who dosen't like food? actually, most actors/actresses prob. hate food as it is too tempting....

  58. @*Karen* said "As a supertaster, there are so many foods that I dislike that I often don't enjoy eating or going to restaurants when I don't know that I can find something I like on the menu"

    I have never heard of a supertaster before, so when I read this I thought it said, "As a superstar . . . " I was at the gym and I thought, I just love this broad's confidence! I learned something today - thanks :)

  59. Sometimes I'd rather have an IV drip....but not usually...she says polishing off a bag of Ritz peanut butter crackers...

  60. I can't imagine eating soup that is not topped with fresh chopped cilantro! I had nO idea so many people didn't like it!

  61. I understand not enjoying eating. So many friends relish eating until they literally cannot fit in one more bite, but if I eat beyond when I start to feel full I feel sick and miserable.
    My issues with food have to do with my childhood too, when I would vomit up everything I ate for a few years.

    That said, I LOVE to cook and watch other people enjoy my food, and there are some foods that I really do adore, though not many.

  62. @DelRiser @DaveForPresident, hugs to you heart breaks for children dealing with situations like that.

    Supertasters, I had NO idea such a thing existed! Off to Google more...

    I love nearly all food; have always been adventurous, and have almost always been pleasantly surprised when trying new things. Also agree with the poster who said the kitchen is the heart of the home. Good food, good wine, chopping away with the, that's SO much fun in my book. I just think that someone who "hates" food in such a cold way, with no explanation, must be a cold, emotionless person.

  63. I'm a supertaster and a cook! I love to cook, but have other people taste my meals. I cook so many things that I don't eat.

    Supertasters are very sensitive to bitter and salty tastes. I don't put salt into anything and prefer sweets. I can't stand dark chocolate unless it is Dutch processed. Can't stand jams or jellies either.

    Also, hot foods are particularly hard on supertasters.

    My mother and hubby HATE taking me to restaurants because it is so hard for me to find anything to eat.

  64. Very interesting. I share Jada's view 100%- I eat out of necessity, because I know I need to and because if I don't it will eventually make me sick, I need fuel in the form of food to power my body. If I had a choice, I would probably rather a quick IV or shot, or a food pill once a day like in 1984. And while I won't say that food has never given me pleasure or joy, it's pretty rare--like a once in 5 years, or I'm in Italy type of thing. I just don't really think about food, I HATE cooking, and have to remind myself/ others have to remind me to eat out of necessity on a regular basis, but I rarely enjoy it. It's not like I'm swallowing down something terrible every time I take a bite but it's all usually kind of... blah... no matter whether it's my mom's or my husband's (both are really good cooks apparently and into food) or the newest facy restaurant. None of this comes from a concern about my weight- I've just always been this way, as long as I can remember-- even as a kid. Food agnostic? Not really caring/also rarely hungry/definitely no appetite when stressed? I dunno. But I think I actually do get what I think she is saying here so I guess that makes me wierd too.

  65. If everyone thought this way, we wouldn't have the obesity epidemic we do. I see no problem with her way of eating - food IS really just energy. It's us humans that make such a big deal about it in so many ways.
