Jackie Warner chimed in on the whole Jessica Simpson losing her pregnancy weight battle by saying that Jessica would not have had any issues if she had worked out during the pregnancy. This may very well be true, but I think that every few pounds she gained during pregnancy made that check from Weight Watchers that much larger. If you had a check for over $4M coming for losing your pregnancy weight, would you be working out every day during your pregnancy?
“If you’re working out during your pregnancy, the pregnancy not only goes better, the baby is healthier, and the weight falls off much quicker. It’s really really important to work out during pregnancy. I have trained many clients at nearly seven months along, so there really is a lot that you can do.”
Yeah, but again, that is a really big check.
Who the hell are you?
ReplyDeleteJesus, leave the woman alone!
I think she looks like a man.
ReplyDeleteBut if Jessica had worked out, then this bitch wouldn't be able to exploit her for publicity now. So does she really think Jessica should have worked out? Probably not.
ReplyDeleteSome women cannot work out. I thought JS mentioned she had increased swelling or something. Maybe this person should just mind her own business.
ReplyDeleteJessica wasn't exactly a worker outer before she was pregnant.
ReplyDeleteWhy does she need to shill for weight watchers?
ReplyDeleteWhy is Jackie Warner trying to be up in our faces? Her show hasn't been on for years now. She needs to zip it right quick. Nobody gives a fuck about you, Jackie. And keep out of people's Kool Aid when you obviously don't know what the hell the flavor is.
ReplyDeleteOh, snap!!
Deletei agree, this woman needs to mind her own business. Not every woman is cleared to exercise during pregnancy, this chick has no clue what Jessica's doctor did or didn't clear her for.
ReplyDelete@Nola, hahahaha haven't heard that in years!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, who is this overly-toned harpy?
Lol lol lol "overly toned harpy". Love it!
DeleteHey, this woman and Dr. Drew should team up to release these buttinsky, self-serving statements. For instance, Dr. Drew can say, "Lindsay wouldn't have been in that car accident if she'd been in rehab," and then this woman can say, "Lindsay could have climbed out of the wreckage faster if she'd been doing squat thrusts every day." The Asshole Brigade.
ReplyDeleteActually she's right....but the problem seems to be who said it and not that what she said is correct.
ReplyDeleteI've seen it first hand....and Jessica still would have been plenty large she just would be feeling a lot better..
In Jackie's defense, her comment sounded like someone else brought it up to her first . I don't think she was trying to be cruel, just stating what was to her an obvious thing. She hasn't had kids, she makes her living off of having little to no body fat and while doubtless her show will never return due to her outrageous behavior, she is still considered to be an excellent trainer. I myself could not have worked out, nor was I motivated. Some people have the inclination, others don't. In short, its just Jackie being Jackie
ReplyDeleteBut let's also point out no DOCTOR will tell you it's fine to gain 60 pounds during a single (meaning not multiples) pregnancy either. My guess is she does what she want when she wants to. And it's unhealthy either way.
ReplyDeleteConsidering Jackie Warner has never been pregnant, nor knows anything regarding the medical details of Jessica Simpson's pregnancy she has no right commenting.
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to assume every single pregnant woman can and should exercise, but the fact of the matter is a decent percentage actually cannot for a variety of medical reasons.
Why oh why do people in this country find it their business to worry about and comment on women's bodies so much? To fat, too thin, not toned enough... I would hate to be a female celebrity with my body constantly being scrutinzed by idiots like Jackie Warner.
ReplyDeleteWhat Jessica did or didn't do, how much weight she gained, etc. is her business. If it isn't personally effecting idiots like Jackie, why harp about it? She wasn't hurting anyone, and it's so disgusting that others want to capitalize off of her pregnancy by feeling that their stupid comments simply must be made public.
It never ceases to amaze me when people who have never been pregnant feel they can climb up on a soap box and spout pregnancy advice. So what if she gained some weight. BFD. The weight will come off eventually. I nearly starved myself todeath trying to drop the weight after my first child and watched what I ate. With the following 2 pregnancies I said bump it I'm gonna enjoy myself and eat whatever the hell I want.
ReplyDeleteShut up, Jackie. You look like a monster.
ReplyDeleteOn the one hand, yeah, staying active and working out within reason is typically helpful during pregnancy. On the other hand, aren't you not supposed to begin a new exercise regimen during pregnancy? Only halfway through my first preg over here, but from what I've read and been told, you're supposed to stay active and continue doing what you're doing so long as it poses no obvious risk and it's within reason (ie, you might not swim in the Olympics at 8 months but you can certainly keep up an active schedule that's more comfortable for your body). If JS wasn't doing anything beforehand, would it have been safe to start a regimen during the pregnancy?
ReplyDeleteI have never had children either, but I swear nothing has pissed me off more than all the other cunt bags out there attacking Simpson for not being a size 2 while pregnant. It's already hard enough (according to every pregnant woman I know) with all the changes and physical discomfort and people's own self consciousness making things harder, Jessica Simpson had to see this on every single blog, every single shitty mag about her being so huge. Yeah, she was big but good lord the last thing she needs is a DList piece of trash like Jackie Warner chiming in with her two cents and never having a child of her own.
ReplyDeleteIt's like the time Gwyneth Paltrow told moms there was no excuse to not work out even if you don't have 6 nannies, a $4k a month gym bill, and billions of dollars. No you should find time in your 2 or 3 jobs to do sit ups while holding your baby after a hard days work.
Sometimes celebrities need a slap in the face with a huge giant double ended dildo!
Yes Jackie because we should all be She-Hulks like you.
ReplyDeleteShe's my girl crush.
ReplyDeleteJackie, not Jessica.
You know, everyone is jumping all over Jackie, but she is right. Let's be real, Jessica doesn't need 4 million dollars. She may need to increase the boy toy allowance so he can afford to take her on a date, but she has money.
ReplyDeleteShe is lazy and wanted an excuse to pig out. I don't think it's a big deal, but call it what it is.
You knOw the state of Jessica Simpson's health during her pregnancy how exactly? Now every damn pregnant woman actually can workout. She had edema which prevents most pregnant women from working out midway through their pregnancy.
DeleteDon't be ignorant.
Never thought I'd defend Jessica, but mind your business, Jackie! You don't know her or her situation. Maybe she did work out or maybe she had a medical reason to stop. Who knows? Not every celeb gets a tummy tuck right after birth so they can be on the cover of a magazine six weeks later with their "miraculous" transformation.
ReplyDeleteMaybe since Jessica is still youngish she won't have this problem, but if you gain that much weight and are fortunate enough to lose it, I think you'll still have loose skin on the belly (even if she's working out now)
ReplyDeleteRegardless, I do think exercise throughout pregnancy helps with with a heap of issues, but I don't want anyone to criticize a woman publicly after she's given birth. We have enough disgusting stuff we're processing!
@Nola, LOL
ReplyDeleteJessica is another "famous for being famous" celebrity so she is open game for this. What else is there to her persona? Her acting? No. Singing? Anybody know any of her songs?? Didn't think so. She was famous for having a hot body, and she capitalized on that. Now she's in the news for being a fatass. This is the world we live in.
ReplyDelete@Sarah: "She.. wanted an excuse to pig out. call it what it is."
ReplyDeleteExactly what I've thought for months.
You guys are f*cking hilaroius today!!!! I actually laughed out loud!! Jackie is right, but she didnt work out and now gets fat ww paycheck to do it. Thats Jessica's choice. She could power down and myob.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who this Jackie Warner woman is, and I don't want to. I don't aspire to that kind of body type and think she looks over worked out and unattractive.
ReplyDeleteI agree, lay off Jessica Simpson. We have no idea what was really going on with her pregnancy. Yes, she looked absolutely overjoyed most of the time, but she could have had health issues that she never discussed (gasp, some celebrities don't put their entire lives on display). For all we know, she worked out as much as her body and doctor would allow her to and she still gained weight.
I have no real problem with her WW deal. They have a slightly altered plan for nursing mothers, but we all know that she will have a WW counselor and trainer with her almost 24/7 anyway, so her weight loss path is almost nothing like what the rest of us have to deal with.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCase in point to what I said above. Men, do not read this - you will be scarred
I don't see why people are upset by the $4 million payout. She gained weight during pregnancy. Is that really so deplorable? The other spokespeople for WW got paid because they gained weight not necessarily with a reason behind it.
ReplyDeleteEveryone would look better if they worked out. Thanks Einstein.
ReplyDeleteOh, and put a shirt on. (Possibly one by Jessica Simpson)
Really Jackie? I never heard that before.
ReplyDeleteI usually defend the Jessicas of this world, but in taking a 4 million endorsement from WW, I kinda think she has opened the door for scrutiny and comments. And I have no problem with her taking the money! If WW offered me 4 million and I had to gain weight before losing it, I'd say, "Show me the milkshakes!"
ReplyDelete::cough:: HAS-BEEN ::cough::
ReplyDeleteNo doubt it's preferable to stay active during pregnancy. But a LOT of us gain a lot of weight during the process, and nobody outside of People Magazine loses it all within three weeks of giving birth. Lay off Jessica.
ReplyDeleteBitch, please.
ReplyDeleteWhile I think women *should* work out if they can, someone who has never been pregnant herself shouldn't be commenting. Whatever each woman wants to/can do is up to her.
I for one couldn't workout comfortably from about 6 months on since my little guy was HUGE (long baby with Daddy's giant head) and I have a short torso. I could barely walk half the time, let alone workout. And I was one of those lucky bitches who was back to her pre-pregnancy weight a week after giving birth (however, lest you hate me, I totally gained 25 lbs in the 2 months afterwards and I'm STILL trying to get it off 9 months later).
I may not be a jessica s fan but she's motivated me to lose my baby weight cause she's way bigger than me and is working out everyday. My excuse for not losing the weight was laziness but not anymore :-D
ReplyDeleteThat's what Beyonce did and IT WORKED!!! She lost all the weight in Days. She worked out everyday during her "pregnancy" and it PAID OFF
ReplyDeleteI'd go along with comments cutting her slack for various physical inability reasons if it weren't for the fact that she continued to wear sky-high stiletto heals almost up until she gave birth.
ReplyDeleteTotally O/T But Enty's favorite news source, DailyMail says that publicists for Johnny Depp and Vanessa have announced they have split. In news that shocks no one...
ReplyDeleteDoes Bravo make their minions sign contracts saying they must "give their advice" to other celebrities?? First, Patti Stanger, and now, Jackie Warner. Who's next, Teresa Guidice giving investment tips on Suze Orman?
ReplyDeleteJackie Warner has a book out, that's why she is being interviewed all of a sudden.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why you have to have been pregnant in order to comment on pregnancy? The woman is a fitness professional. Her belief is that all pregnant women can exercise. I don't think she means that all pregnant women can do the same amount of exercise or the same kind.
Would have? Should have? Could have? First, it's not Jackie Warner's business (forgive me for never hearing of this woman in my life), nor does that help the here and now.
ReplyDeleteWas she with Jessica Simpson every moment to prove that she was not working out? Maybe she wasn't lifting weights at the gym, but she may have been active in other ways.
Different women's bodies react in different ways. I lost all my baby weight for my first and second babies. Not so much after.
I think Enty's probably right. There was a nasty article in the National Enquirer last week about how out of shape Simpson is, citing stretch marks, sagging body parts, the works. The woman had a C-section, for goodness' sake. IMO Simpson is setting the public up for a "miraculous" change after she does Weight Watchers' for a while, so it pays for her people to paint her as a pathetic mess right now.
ReplyDeleteBlair Warner said to go shopping and have your servants lose the weight for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm unable to exercise during pregnancy. My first pregnancy I ate not very healthy, not horrible, but not great either. I did put on a ton of water weight. I actually gained 80 lbs total, no idea how much was water, but I did lose it all after a year. Second baby and I only gained 45 and I didn't eat super healthy or super great again and only started putting water on the last week or so. I have about 10 lbs left to go. Doctor's always say we should only gain 25-35 lbs, but some women, no matter how much they exercise and how good they eat will always gain more than that. So for some people 60 might be a ton and for others it might just be their normal gain amount. Every body is different and I get so sick of everyone trying to say someone was just a pig or couldn't control themselves. Pregnancy is seriously crazy and makes your body do crazy stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm unable to exercise during pregnancy. My first pregnancy I ate not very healthy, not horrible, but not great either. I did put on a ton of water weight. I actually gained 80 lbs total, no idea how much was water, but I did lose it all after a year. Second baby and I only gained 45 and I didn't eat super healthy or super great again and only started putting water on the last week or so. I have about 10 lbs left to go. Doctor's always say we should only gain 25-35 lbs, but some women, no matter how much they exercise and how good they eat will always gain more than that. So for some people 60 might be a ton and for others it might just be their normal gain amount. Every body is different and I get so sick of everyone trying to say someone was just a pig or couldn't control themselves. Pregnancy is seriously crazy and makes your body do crazy stuff.
ReplyDeleteOnly if she was exercising first. One should never start a foreign exercise during pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a teenager, I saw this gorgeous woman in a two piece at the beach, as she slowly turned it was obvious she was very pregnant. My friend asked her how far along, 8 months, with only her belly showing the fact she was pregnant. She said "Yoga, girls" and I always kept that in mind. I've had friends become pregnant, and some only show with belly and a lil weight, while keeping it healthy, others have gone almost the Jessica Simpson route. I honestly think its about your body type, tho working out wouldn't hurt either. Lets be honest. Just like saying "size 14 is the average size & in the US 165 pounds per 5'4 frame is the average" Its really not healthy, and BMI indicates thats obese. To each their own, I was disgusted by Jessica Simpson tho, a majority of people were, hence the ridicule. She ate really unhealthy things, which to me is selfish when ur eating to feed a little human growing and relying upon you to feed it healthily.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand these overly-muscled, harsh-looking trainers who feel they need to publicly comment about other people's bodies, especially those who have just given birth. Lay off. The woman just grew an entire human inside of her. I think she's allowed to gain some excess weight.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it is only a good idea to work out and exercise vigorously during pregnancy if you were already doing so before you got pregnant AND your doctor clears you to do so. Some women get so large that I don't see how they can be expected to "work out." Other women develop medical conditions -- like high blood pressure -- which make it dangerous to exercise beyond gentle yoga and the like.
I am pretty sure this expert is WRONG. I can't imagine that JS was NOT working out before the pregnancy. Everything I have heard is that you don't want to start working out during pregnancy, but rather before it and then continue it during the pregnancy. You don't want to shock your system.
ReplyDeleteI agree with a comment that Gisselle Bunchen made about SOME women during pregnancy. "Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to eat like a garbage disposal ". U should still watch what u eat. IMO Jess looked like she was just eating any and everything just because she COULD. Not cool. WORKING OUT? I don't know if that is for everyone, but at least watch you consume......JMO
ReplyDeleteGyms are a recent intrusion into society, most people are born with two functional legs, and walking is the easiest, most beneficial pregnancy exercise. No equipment needed.It's much better for the mother and the baby to go into labour fit and healthy.Also, there's far less risk of having a caesarian, which no-one would choose for convenience, would they?
ReplyDeleteJackie Warner has an ugly elf distorted face. She scares me. I would rather look like Jessica with another 50 lbs than look like Jackie Warner.
ReplyDelete@hmmm, couldn't agree more, including your snarky question at the end, lol
ReplyDeleteI'm pregnant right this minute and haven't been exercising because my morning sickness (which is actually all day sickness) is tooooo horrible and gets worse if I move around too much.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not even abnormal in how sick I am, just the shittier end of normal.
Plus, there are only certain things I can eat at a time and I go through phases. I was REALLY into mandarins and orange juice for weeks but now I'm into eggs and banana bread (not together). If I look at salad vegetables or meat I will throw up.
So you never know. I mean, it does seem that she put on an awful amount of weight, but as someone who always thought she'd be super healthy, organic only, and exercise daily while pregnant I can safely say that you never know how your tastes are going to change and how you'll be affected.
I'm glad she got a big ass. It makes me feel better about the fact that I'm already bigger than I would have expected (at 19 weeks) and will probably have a shit-ton to lose.
Plus... You know some people HAVE to get C sections cos that's the call their doctor makes, right? Cos sometimes that's the only way? I don't want one, but I'm not going to say no if I have to have one because someone might accuse me of being lazy.
I gotta agree with Jackie. I'm a big woman, before and after pregnancy, and I still exercised.
ReplyDeleteActually, if you are larger and go toward big (Jessica Simpson), then keeping physical is important. It helps with high blood pressure and diabetes.
You can always do pre-natal yoga, walking, and swimming while pregnant. You don't have to kill yourself on a treadmill. I kept up my belly dancing while pregnant too.
I don't like people harping on Person A re: weight gain (or whatever problem Person A has)...I'm more of a myob. And I have no idea of the context in which this comment was made (was it just a bunch of random questions, and she answered this one...now this is the only one being talked about). But I agree that JS has set herself up for this. It's a little Paula Dean'y.
ReplyDelete1) I'm so tired of celebs getting paid to lose weight and then sell diet programs to people. It's almost always someone who's yo-yo'd (like many of us have), so their schilling and telling us how to do it is SO HYPOCRITICAL. Janet Jackson doing Jenny Craig (when she clearly knows how to get/be fit without Jenny Craig's "help") makes me want to vomit. Then they can put some weight on in a couple years, rinse, repeat.
2) I'm someone who marvels at the absurdity of people like Jessica Simpson being where she is in life. It's one thing for an actor to be an uber trillionaire when they're doing big movies. It's something else entirely for JS (or Snooki...or...) to be one. What in the hell has JS ever done? Her music career? Her acting career? Unless I'm mistaken, she got famous for being an airhead on a show which was popular for about a year (and/or was also famous for being part of a famous couple...although I have no idea why anybody would care about that guy). Out of that she gets press for/money from:
getting in shape to play Daisy Duke
clothing line
haircare products
getting preggers
baby photos
weight loss from the pregnancy
It's just so absurd! Yeah, it's nuts that some people make what they make (when so many people can't pay the bills), but you can wrap your head around it in some cases. Jessica Simpson though??
It's no wonder everyone wants to get famous and be on reality tv. Unless you screw it up and throw it away (Lindsay Lohan), it's a never-ending money train. They'll pay you to:
come to a club
schill for a sh*tty product
walk down the street and let them take your photo
give them your baby pictures
lose weight
At least the Kate Gosselin/Sarah Palin/etc... money trains have dried up. Not sure why this gal gets to keep raking it in. Maybe I should be impressed by her (or someone near her) business savvy. IDK.
And yet you can still name everything she's endorsed. Proof that it's money we'll spent in marketing.
ReplyDeletePot, I'd like you to meet kettle. You both have something in common......
I'm lost. Who is this woman and why is she criticizing a woman that just gave birth?
ReplyDeleteI honestly have no idea who this person is.
Jackie "Who the fuck are you" Warner, shut up. Nobody asked you and it's none of you damn business. Go back to working out excessively and wishing and praying for a penis.
ReplyDeleteI love how all your random anonymous losers are pontificating like you know Jessica Simpson personally. Shut up, mind your own business and stop obsessing over pop stars who you'll never, ever meet. Does Jessica's pregnant ass affect you in ANY way? NO? STFU then.
ReplyDeletePot calling kettle...anonymous loser says.
ReplyDeleteDon't post a comment attacking other posters for daring to air their opinion when you also have the freedom to express your own and have.
Freedom of speech, baby.