In Touch Says Kate Middleton Is Pregnant
The tabloids have finally decided that Jennifer Aniston is not going to give them the baby they want and are a combined 0-65,238 in Jennifer Aniston pregnancy predictions. Faced with those odds they have gone to royalty as their new go to pregnancy story. Although this is only the 23rd time Kate has been declared pregnant, it is the first time since US Weekly put her on the cover nine months ago to say she was 3 months pregnant that a cover story has announced she is pregnant. I would imagine over the next year there will be a nice steady rotation of Kate being pregnant on covers. You and I know it may or may not be true, and you may get tired of them, but they sell really big. Jennifer would not have been pregnant that many times on covers if the issues didn't sell. You don't ever see Christina Aguilera pregnancy baby bump stories. Why? No one cares and won't buy it. I guess with Kate, they will. The tabloids need to find someone.